Sunday, February 22, 2015


Hyperbole is the coin of the sports media realm. Perhaps it's always been so. But 35 years ago today, the greatest upset in the history of international sports took place, and you'll never convince me otherwise.

I watched it in the living room of my family's cramped military-issue apartment. After the second period, the local news cut in and told us that the USA had won (the game itself was tape-delayed). At once incredulous about the result and annoyed that it had been revealed, we nonetheless watched the third period on the edge of our seats. Even as we knew what was coming, we couldn't make ourselves believe it.

Here's the final minute. Without fail, it produces goosebumps when I watch it. Without fail.

And if you've got some time to kill, here's the whole glorious thing.


  1. tribe game is on nbcsn at 4:30

  2. The 30 for 30 doc on the Soviets was pretty good. I remember the Fetisov-to-the-Devils news well.

  3. has had a surprising amount of cricket coverage. Any cricket coverage is a surprise, actually.

  4. espn is hedging its bets - they're clearly becoming more international in their strategy.

    and while i think the tribe is a better team than hofstra, they're coming off an 8-hour bus ride that didn't end until 1:00 am, and they still don't have dixon. hofstra's the right side today.

  5. which one of you is doing the daytona liveblog for us?

  6. Not me, Rob. The only good thing about Daytona is their selection of shake clubs.

    I watched the 30 for 30 on the Soviet team last night. I thought it was tremendous.

    Dante Fowler ran a 4.61 40 at 261 lbs. That's not human.

  7. Also, if you've never seen the hbo doc on the Miracle On Ice you should seek it out. I can't recommend it enough.

  8. zdaughter has every toy a 10 month old could ask for, two cats, a big brother, you name it. But all she wants to play with is the recycling.

  9. Anyone else taking on five refugee chickens whose house burned last night?... Just me? Cool. Could be some epic henfights here soon.

    Also, if you've never checked out Truth and Soul Records podcast, I highly recommend.

  10. Now you can make your own cheesey westerns without having to buy eggs.

  11. Went to my local general store this morning to pick up some big bags of ice melt. There were no bags up front so the owner drove some up to me in his truck from the back lot. When he handed them over, I noted he was wearing a holster complete with some sort of handgun. I thought that was odd, given I don't live in Montana. Or in 1860.

  12. I've been making my own cheesy westerns for years Z. And luckily, the chickens got to go to their summer home instead of ours.

  13. The fact that you have a general store is pretty old timey/bumfucky.

  14. I think it would be cool to have a pet that produced something useful and edible like chickens or bees. Too much effort when I have a supertmarket to feed me but still cool.

  15. very happy to have been wrong about the tribe. they won a game where they were completely out-toughed. lesson there.

  16. My sister & her husband have both chickens & bees. They want a goat too, but need a bigger yard.

  17. tribe has two home games left, against a lousy towson team and a battered drexel squad that just lost its best player for the year with a broken hand. win both and we get the top seed for the first time ever. so there's that.

    and marcus needs 14 points to become w&m's all-time leading scorer.

  18. Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other; they just exist as contradictions. The wisdom of it comes as you get older. Source
