Sunday, February 01, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX G:TB Open Thread

Come, join us in the comments section to discuss your predictions for today's footballing contest between the sea chickens of Seattle and the cheatriots of some Boston suburb. Let us know what absurd prop bets you may be be wagering on as well as your thoughts on the $4.5 million commercials rolled out during the game. And may this game be a helluva lot closer than last year's ass whoopin'.


  1. I read that seattle's defensive scheme is a high school defense. The players are so good that it works. I assume Belichick knows how to game such an elementary system even when it's executed to perfection by supreme athletes. I think the Pats win by 9.

  2. The Seahawks do play a pretty basic scheme. Man on the outside with cover 3 on the back end. They don't bring more than 5 rushers often. I can't see the Pats winning by that much though, Z. But I don't know shit. I'm taking the under and am about to knock out some prop bets. I'll report back soon.

  3. One son is big Pats fan. Other is Seahawks fan. Gonna be loud in our house!! Daughter is hoping for close game and funny commercials :-) Y'all might appreciate this...folks at the church I serve right now know I'm kind of a sports junkie, to the point that one couple had a bet that I'd have an illustration in my sermon today about the game!
    Happy watching!

  4. For the second straight year my bookie (who is one of my best friends) and his associates are renting out a local bar and all food and drink is free. For the second straight year I'm not attending. Because I am old and boring. But I'm not a robot.

  5. I'm watching the golf. Usually a good finish in this one.

  6. Took one kid to Museum of Natural History today. Took other one for new sneakers, then bough food for house, and special sauce for the missus. I threw the football to the kids forever and am now done showering them. Am now getting snacks going. Have a Chimay chilling. I am dadding the shit out of this day.

  7. I'm legit impressed by TR. I have not dadded the shit out of this day. Not even close.

    I did give my kid her second pair of KDs. They were peach. She was super psyched. 3 years old and she's shoe dork like me. Awesome.

  8. Also, while I don't know who'll win, I'll root for Seattle and here are the reasons:

    I played for the Satellite Seahawks growing up.
    Seattle is one of my favorite cities.
    TJ's wife is cool and I want her to be happy.
    Weed is legal in Seattle.
    I like a lot of the Seahawks. Marshawn, Kam, Earl Thomas, Michael Bennett (sigh), Richard Sherman, Bobby Wagner.
    The Seahawks like Adderall. I like Adderall.

  9. Sneaker note: without realizing it, I got my kid the Kyrie Nike high-tops. He got them b/c they were red. They're legitimately cool shoes. Of course, I have no need for red high tops, so I won't get them.

  10. Is Eddie Murphy coming back for SNL's 40th anniversary? That would be sweet.

  11. The Kyrie jawns are quite strong. zdaughter has patent leather (faux) foamposits. zson rocks zx700s.

  12. I'm rooting for sixes and ones.

  13. Sixes and nines are all I root for.

  14. Brady when he knows he's under pressure looks just about the opposite of Manning when he knows he's under pressure.

    Chris Collinsworth is impressively prepared for this matchup.

  15. And obviously i'm behind the live feed.

  16. Nothing makes me think of avacados more than doug Flutie.

  17. Just got there. That commercial fell flat.

  18. thanks for the fucking downer, nationwide

  19. Belichick has perky breasts and looks like he hasn't showered in many days.

  20. Collinsworth is good. He's from around here. Same high school as Wilber Marshall. Flutie is from around here too. I'm sure you all care.

    The Kyries are nice. I've thought about getting them and I've almost exclusively played in low tops for the last 20 years.

  21. I did not know Yo Gabba Gabba was going to produce the first part of the halftime show.

  22. Is missy Elliot still culturally relevant?

  23. Wife and I had same discussion. She was welcome sight for us, but do people under 30 know who she is?

  24. I'm down with girl power but those girls fought like girls.

  25. Do people over 45 know who she is?

  26. that turbin run might've been the most important play of the first half

  27. I was hoping for Kanye. Instead we got Missy. Not a surprise, I guess. One needs that bump more than the other.

  28. I was hoping for Kanye. Instead we got Missy. Not a surprise, I guess. One needs that bump more than the other.

  29. Apparently it showed there's a hole in the middle of the pats D.

  30. I think lynch was been brought down by one man once all game.

  31. Nothing makes me think of Microsoft more than Common.

  32. Nothing makes me want to buy a car more than old people.

  33. Did I just see a commercial for treating toenail fungus? That was just one of those regional commercials right?

  34. No way is Edelman not concussed after that hit. He was woozy as shit at end of play and no one says anything about it. Nfl has the announcers trained.

  35. Hosted the esteemed Ludwig fam tonight for 1st half of game, speaking of Flutie.

  36. I think he was woozy a few hits ago.

  37. I'm on a cross country flight home and can't stream the game, so following along on ESPNs game-cast with the graphic of the field and the PBP sentences. It's getting interesting now.

    I was able to find a video with about six mins of Katy Perry's halftime and totally loved it. I want that beach-ball dress she wore with the shark dance.

  38. You've got to be kidding me.

  39. I could see a safety then a Seattle jail
    Mary for a TD the way this age is going.

  40. Kurt Warner thought he was going to an ugly tie party.

  41. I'm still in mild shock that Seattle lost. How do you not give it to Lynch again? And again?

  42. Carroll made a decent explanation. They went goal line D, he went w/ 3 WRs. A FA from a college nobody ever knew existed made a play beyond his years.

    The Carroll bashing will be excessive. The team got to where it was by being unconventional. I won't crush the call. The blame should really go to Russell the Love Muscle for not reading the coverage.

  43. I agree with you on Carroll's explanation. Still think he over thought things. Give it to the best short yardage back in football,

  44. Was it just me, or did NBC avoid sufficient replays of injuries? We never saw a clear replay of the CB from Seattle who hurt his wrist on the interception of Brady. And we only saw a limited replay (well after the fact) of an obvious, ugly concussion of a Seahawk defender after the second Brady INT.

    If you were watching that second play live, you barely saw two Seattle medical folks rush the field to attend to a lights-out Seahawk. For a second, you thought it was a really bad neck injury. We go to commercial and then come back w/o a word about it. It's only about ten minutes later that they show a partial replay of him getting the head injury and then starting to fall over.

    No way this was accidental. The NFL directed the NBC booth on this for sure. I hope the story gets some legs.

  45. Edelman got rocked too and looked woozy. No replay or mention of it afterward.

  46. When lynch got to the one yard line I was like "holy shit lynch is going to score on the next play the pats have to call timeout." No idea why Belichick didn't stop the clock, no idea why they didn't try Lynch once with a timeout in seattles pocket. As I said earlier, no one man could tackle lynch all game and I don't think he had a run for a loss. Seems like the obvious move is to get to the line quickly, run lynch up the middle and call timeout if he gets stuffed. Then two pass plays to the end zone depending on the time left.

  47. Agree, TR. Ridiculed coverage on head injuries.

    Went to go get our son to leave the neighbors, we said the Pats won, direct quote, "yeah, I've heard five people say they won. Do you know where the Lego city crane is? I have have a bet it doesn't work as we have built the Lego set."

    Can you bet in the local Lego league? Daniaml, in might need a hook up.

  48. Yeah, why pass? Run Lynch.

    I spell conspiracy. NFL scripted the Pats win. Clear the air for deflagate.

    Beer on intended.

  49. I'm sure the Blacklist is on in areas other areas than New England. But you have it a lot better than us. Local NBC sport announcers is awful.

  50. And if you are still up check out ACL. A little punk blue grass hard Rock outfit from Richmond following the Black Keys. Actually they are right now.
