Friday, February 27, 2015

More Non-Filler! Girl vs. Death Squad

Things are humming along right now at Greasetruck Studios: I've upgraded my DAW software and my operating system-- Sonar Professional and Windows 8, respectively-- and I've replaced some essential equipment . . . both my digital/audio converter and my MIDI drum machine died in the span of a week, but fortunately this tragedy occurred in the general vicinity of my birthday (which gave me license to buy some stuff).

I'm doing something really weird and retro: working on a collection of songs that are vaguely related, both sonically and thematically . . . I think they used to call this an album (or, even worse, a double album . . . which is generally the kiss of death for a band; e.g. Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion and Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness).

My goal is to record ten good songs, and insert a few musical monologues in between the main tracks (I love musical monologues). I've got an awesomely phenomenal new name for my project: Slouching Beast. Sounds cool, conveys the way I feel most days, and contains a literary allusion . . . so it covers all the bases.

If anyone wants to collaborate (Clarence . . . vocals? Rob . . . rubber whale? Teej . . . groupie?) head on up to Jersey. People from Jersey need not "head on up," you can just get on the Turnpike and "head on over."

Here is the first track-- it is inspired by all the Mexican drug cartel stuff I read last summer.

I met a girl, I really liked her.
Thought it was going somewhere.

But she was with the revolution.
I didn't know she cared.

So when the death squads came,
what could I do?

You would have done the same--
step in my shoes.

Call me a coward, call me a snitch--
but when the death squads come,
you'll be their bitch, too, 
yeah you.

I met a girl, I kind of liked her,
but she wasn't all that.

When times are tough
you've got to think quick.
You've got to learn to adapt.

So when the death squads come
what will you do?

Look out for number one, not number two.

Call me a coward, call me a snitch--
but when the death squads come
you'll be their bitch, too, 
yeah you.


  1. this is like immortal technique's 'dance with the devil', only not.

  2. I'm in the middle of Power of The Dog right now Dave.

  3. happy birthday to mr. kq. hope the aarp gift bouquet arrived on time.

  4. and the fucking dress is white and gold.

  5. to sammy's point in the previous thread, i really want another shot at delaware. we play even 30 minutes against those guys, we bury them. our losses this season are the product of one abysmal half in each game.

  6. Does Delaware still have that great big fat guy? You know, the one from last year who looked like he had body odor?

  7. nope, he's gone. they lost a ton of key contributors. they really do suck. inexplicable how they've beaten us twice.

  8. Because we don't play defense and they can shoot the lights out when unguarded?

  9. Dave, digging the song but the drum is just not doing it for me. Can you do a version without the drum or a different back beat?

  10. This 'I'm not a robot' captcha is killing me. I get it every time.

    Now it's presenting me with pictures of sushi to verify I'm not a robot.

  11. Squeaky, I don't think Father John Misty is well-known enough by the masses that you can acronym him without parenthesizing. RJD he is not.

    Ronnie James Dio

  12. Wait he's not as famous as DMB, SPM and ODB?

    Sir Paul McCartney, for those wondering.

  13. He lived long and prospered. Leonard Nimoy has gone off to the Final Fontier.

  14. Is dsf related to dvf or dfw?

  15. tomorrow i begin a three- (hopefully four-) week tour of some of america's great cities. i'll start in philly, where my daughter is competing in a gymnastic meet. then, marls and i will be in baltimore cheering on the tribe in the caa tournament. the next weekend finds me in new orleans with some friends from the neighborhood, and finally, good lord willing and the creek don't rise, lots of us will be in one of jacksonville, columbus, pittsburgh, seattle, portland, louisville, charlotte, or omaha witnessing w&m's first-ever ncaa tournament game.

  16. how are you enjoying the torture, marls?

  17. Boyz II Men, ABC, BBD, the east coast family
    It's unbelievable that no one said EMF

  18. MBV

  19. mayor of simpleton now playing on repeat in my head, thanks to mr kq. excellent.

  20. did you just go c&c music factory?

  21. What ever happened to Sudden Impact from the Motown Philly video?

  22. AC/DC anyone? Hells Bells guys - c'mon!

  23. Out to dinner with the wife and cool modern cuisine restaurant. Wakefield at the table next to us.

  24. Ask him how he feels about Aaron Boone.

  25. ask him if he wants me to kick zman's ass

  26. I passed on both options. I did fill up on some ridiculous food. Wag you short ribs, seared scallops, truffle fries with aged cave cheddar, duck ravioli & kurobuta pork belly. I am full and happy. Time get all the way drunk.

  27. Funny, I had one just about finished when Blogger ate it. So pissed.

  28. Terry Stotts' hair is preposterously chestnut.

  29. Hi, Gheorghies! New post up! F Blogger!
