Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jay, Where's the Beat?

Sucker MC's who did not learn, if you don't this time, they shall return.

For all you old school and older school fans, last Sunday DJ Run and the Devastating Mic Controller got onstage for the first time in over a decade in London.  There it is.

Run wore an Adidas sweatsuit.  Natch.

DMC wore . . . a Grateful Dead Steal Your Face t-shirt.  Of course.

The show was a tribute to their fallen mate and big beat blaster, king of the crossfader Jam-Master Jay.  Jay's 2002 murder is still unsolved, and Rex Kramer's not coming through that door to remedy that any time soon.

Today would have been Jay's 50th birthday.  Get a little of the best DJ in the US of A.

So when asked who's the best, y'all should say: Run-D.M.C. and Jam Master Jay.

And like all fairy tales end, you'll see Jay again, my friend.


  1. Drummer from the War on Drugs was in Zman's class at W&M. Who knew?

  2. just got the tribe at 7.5 - teased it down to 7 for a couple of bucks. you better have this right ROB!

  3. Down low for OKC tonight. Such a bigger tilt for Wiz than Thunder. Time to take care of the big boys on home court. #kd2dc

  4. mr kq on the down low. not that there's anything wrong with that.

  5. Wiz getting points at home. Jump on board Danimal!

  6. first shot of the game: three-pointer for marcus. glad we didn't jinx him. hope we didn't jinx danimal.

  7. tribe had a 16-point lead, all was good for danimal. it's down to 2.

  8. I didnt realize there was a new post up so I put the following comment in the previous post's comment section just after lunch today. It's somewhat appropriate though.

    I just found a new vinyl spot. Bought three records (Ghostface, Brother Ali & Witchdoctor). Paid a grand total of $3.20 for all 3 records. Pretty damn excited. And I'll be going back on Friday.

  9. I enjoy War On Drugs. Who knew there was a Tribe tie in?

  10. and now we're losing to these shitbirds. neat.

  11. my bad, danimal. that's just a terrible loss.

  12. Hopefully he took my advice and got on the Wiztrain.

  13. so I'm on the road at the annual sausage hang that is the pga show in Orlando. just get back to my room, checkin emails and what not. remembered I bet on the tribe. started to go to espn when I thought I could just come here. as I was doing so, was thinking, those guys effing lost. sure ''s okay rob - you still have a winning record. my fault for not betting the 6 prior.

  14. kq - I did not see your Wiz rec until just now.

  15. I wonder if I could have teased it to +2. they were up 16??? mark & I and 3 of you chumps could have held that lead. what the fuck?

  16. kq, Mr kq, whatever it takes. It's Pat. 220 221.

    Hi Clarence.

  17. Thx for ignoring my graduation year, Clarence.


  18. TR, even worse, I thought you were the year before Z. I had you pegged for class of '95.

  19. that whole multiple senior year thing has really thrown clarence's sense of timing off

  20. Amid the hysterical outrage and condescending rebuttals regarding deflated footballs, there is this. Nobody thinks that this form of cheating turned the game for the Pats. In fact, they would've won easily without doing it. Unfortunately, that's the same argument the Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds camps use, and the court of public opinion (the BBWAA, in their case) clearly registers its disapproval. Belichick is a football genius, but he also seems prone to dirty pool.

    The substitutions in the Ravens game were legal, and I agree with the analogy that it was like finding loopholes in tax code to save a few bucks. The Spygate crap and now this are different, they are violating the regulations, which is equivalent to tax evasion/fraud. Bill Belichick, Al Capone, and Wesley Snipes. Three peas in a pod.

  21. I'm sure it didn't please Shlara but as a neutral observer last nights Wiz-Thunder game was highly entertaining.

  22. Mark--the game was very fun. Both teams were off for Q1, but we knew Russ & KD were going to shake that off. The building had a playoff vibe, which was awesome and there were A LOT of KD4DC2016 gear and signs. We knew either Russ or KD were going to take that last shot--I think everyone was relieved that it wasn't KD b/c that would have really broken our hearts.

  23. I read that the refs check the balls (heehee) 2 hours before the game, then the balls go to a ball handler (guffaw) who presumably prevents ball-related shenanigans. So the Patriots have to fiddle with their balls (snort) in-game in order to deflate them. I guess they could do that clandestinely with a needle from an air pump.

    Has anyone checked the air pressure gauge that was used to test the balls at issue 2 hours before the game? If the original gauge was off/miscalibrated, then that could explain the Pats' tender balls (ha).


  24. I watched the game last night from mid 2nd Q on after I got home from pickup ball. Even the 2nd Q was sloppy. The rest of the game was great. I thought the Wiz had it won when Pierce knocked in that 3 late in the 4th. He'll help the Wiz a ton in the playoffs.

    KD and Russ were terrific late. I wish they had a better coach. Brooks is so bad at scheming offense.

  25. The show Empire is kind of cheesy, but Terrence Howard & Taraji P have some great chemistry

  26. Big night at the blog bar. Hi, Gheorghies.

  27. Teej, no comment on Run-DMC? You and DMC at the Irish Times, there is none higher.

  28. And hey, Danimal. I was telling someone, maybe myself, that I have seen you one time in over a decade, and that was for a sad occasion.

  29. A staple of any Clarence/Teej Times happy hour. that and Super Bon Bon

  30. Speaking of, Mike Doughty of Soul Coughing leads off 20 from 2014 Disc 1.

  31. true Clarence. a sad occasion that we managed to turn into a good time. I miss you too little buddy.

  32. Proflowers has your valentine's flowers covered this year, fellas. They partnered with Foreigner for, I can't believe this, the Hot Blooded Bouquet.

    Check it and see ...

  33. My advice would be to follow your dream. Most of my life, I was in second place before I came in first place. I hope that inspired people to never give up... And Cara menghilangkan benjolan di ketiak
