Saturday, January 17, 2015

Caption This

Apparently there are some overserved G:TB'ers in NOLA. 


  1. "Marls,it's called a selfie. Smile and act natural" ~ Clarence

  2. "It was all smiles until the debate about who was going to be the bottom began..."

  3. 'true story, clarence. i had your hairline once.'

  4. tribe on the teevee at noon on the road at towson. good guys are 6-point favorites against a mediocre opponent. gut check win on wednesday, coming from 22 down to beat uncw. wrens are just better. give the points.

  5. 'can you believe what greg anthony wanted us to do?'

  6. What did he want us to do? Give him a hummer?

  7. "It's Biily Corgan and Patterson Hood!"

  8. You can design your own Huaraches on NikeID now so we shouldn't expect to hear from Mark for a month or so.

  9. 'hey, look! it's professor honeydew and sweetums!'

  10. i know we're supposed to dismiss fall out boy as pop pablum, but this is a pretty cool cover of 'uptown funk'. which is, itself, a pretty damn catchy tune.

  11. "Caillou and Shaggy could hide their love no longer."

  12. People outside of NJ realize Christie is wildly under-qualified and has no shot, right? It's like a inside joke that only NJ folks know right now.

    No idea how people can talk about him and Rick Perry w/ a straight face. And Santorum too, for that matter.

  13. I guess Greg Anthony got some advice from Andray Blatche on "things to do" in DC

  14. Why is it still illegal to take a whore? That should go the way of puffing weed, giving millions to political campaigns, or flying to Cuba.

  15. I spent a good hour on NikeID last night, Z. It's only a matter of time before I pull the trigger and actually order a pair of Huaraches that I designed. I hope my kids don't actually think they're going to college.

  16. And hey, TR, you know what a lot of people said about GWB in Texas in 1999, right? It's America. Our next president might be Chris Christie, George Clooney, or a sock puppet named Cumsty. And I defend each of their Constitution-given rights to swindle the American public into voting them into office. Freedom!!

  17. nice win, nice cover for the tribe.

  18. Marls & Clarence- make a trip to Butcher for lunch while you're in NOLA. Trust me.

  19. I think Christie has at least as much gubernatorial experience as Romney, Walker, Carter, and W. I also think Rand Paul and Obama had less time in the Senate than Christie's had in Trenton. He also was a US Attorney for six years and that's a pretty big deal.

    I'm not saying he should be the leader of the free world, but we can and have had less experienced Presidents. His shtick is doomed to fail south of Delaware and west of Philly.

    I'm ashamed and terrified that Santorum and Huckabee have any support.

  20. If you're on The Facebook you can see pics of my kid tripping the Wu at the Zoo today.

  21. I'm excited to see the new partner for Ian Eagle at the 4 PM tip-off for Maryland-MSU. It sure ain't Greg Anthony.

  22. There was a shooting at our local mall today. Some guy shot his wife and another person and then was killed by police. His wife survived. Nuts.

  23. Any of you GTB parents ever put your kid on a leash at an amusement park? This baffles me.
    - nonparent currently at Disney

  24. No. It baffles me as well.

    My kid is a beast but I just figure it's my responsibility to chase/corral her.

  25. Just saw autocorrect changed repping to tripping. My kid was not tripping at the zoo today.

  26. The only reason I don't put zson on a belt/leash is because people like you guys would judge me. zson is a whirling dervish. He's a hazard to those around him and their property. He has a habit of running to daylight as if Vince Lombardi is coaching him. zwoman let him take a 3 hour nap today because she's sick and wanted to take a nap herself. He hasn't napped in over a year and he is more charged up than I've ever seen him. He is literally vibrating around zhome.

  27. I would totally judge you. But you put me on to the Ten Crack Commandments mug so I'd overlook it.

  28. in fairness, z, we all judge you already. but you're doing pretty well, on balance.

  29. 405.5 hours sober. I'm pretending the post-dinner Decaf Green Tea filled some need that brown liquor used to.

    What hasn't sucked is waking up w/ only sleep deprivation, and not a hangover as well.

  30. i appreciate what you're trying to do, tr, but you're out of your fucking mind. i'm eating a lot of vegetables, drinking a smoothie for breakfast every day, exercising, eschewing processed foods, but i'll be damned if i'm giving up my booze.

  31. I haven't had a drink since I helped TR polish off a bottle of blantons in December. To be fair I was sick for about two weeks but I haven't found sobriety to be that difficult. Of course I've eaten like shit and exercised once since climbing on the wagon, so there's probably no noticeable benefit.

  32. I generally don't drink Sunday thru Thursday save for an occasional beer on a Thursday night or Sunday afternoon. I also eat really healthy Sunday through Thursday and exercise every day. That's my trade off for Fridays & Saturdays.

    To TR's point, I don't even really care to have a drink during the week as waking up is so much easier.

  33. "Inability to eschew anything food-related" is the issue.

  34. i have at least one drink almost every day. sunday through thursday it's often only one. but it's rarely none.

  35. that made me laugh out loud. an actual lol, not an internet one.

  36. langhorne slim at jammin java on 3/2, rhett miller on 3/4. anyone wanna do the double?

  37. In the spirit of total honesty, while I don't drink during the week I do partake in a different intoxicant.

  38. i would if i had access to any.

  39. and my kids weren't both deep believers in what d.a.r.e. is selling.

  40. I saw langhorne slim once. It was worth the trip. He's a dumpy little dude but very high energy show.

  41. My wife is doing a 30 day cleanse thing this month. No booze, sugar, processed food and a bunch of other shit. I'm eating whatever she eats when she cooks at home this month. I don't mind that but I'm not going to not drink around her.

  42. zwoman got me to do a cleanse once involving some crazy supplements that made me shit a lot. First day off the cleanse we got Chinese food and I honestly shit my pants in the car on the way home. So keep that in mind.

  43. I'm sure you could find access if you tried hard enough, Rob.

    The kids are a different story.

  44. i've done a cleanse that kq gave me the last few years. basically, it's 'don't eat shit you know is terrible for you'. lots of fruits and veggies. limit your complex carbs. lean protein and such. not rocket surgery, but it works.

  45. You pretty much described my Monday-Thursday diet. It's not that hard.

    Today is Saturday so I ate fried oysters for lunch.

  46. What makes a carb complex? It's an honest question.

  47. I don't know the science of it. I just know potatoes, pasta, rice & bread (among others) have them.

  48. I'm buying Showtime for the month so I can watch this fight. It's only $14. Better value than any PPV.

    You out there, Mayhugh?

  49. I'd like to know Clarence's weekly drink patterns.

  50. Looks like I like complex carbs. And they're bad? Or at least not helpful?

  51. Adam Sandler is a genius. He picks cool locatins, writes a goofy script and invites his friends to be in the movie, so they all spend three months on a paid vacation

    And then he makes millions on the movie.
    It's brillliant

  52. You nailed it, Shlara. And he's smart enough to make "family comedies" that kids in the pre teen range love.

    I love complex cards too, Z. Moderation son,

  53. Carbs. I'm sure complex cards are cool too.

  54. My pattern is complex, Señor KQ.

    I'm drunk in New Orleans. Cleanse this, bitches.

  55. Never give up, which is the lesson I learned from boxing. As soon as you learn to never give up, you have to learn the power and wisdom of unconditional surrender, and that one doesn't cancel out the other.
