Monday, January 12, 2015

Action Bronson is Actin' Crazy, Ridin' Easy, Mr. Wonderful

It's no secret that I'm an Action Bronson fan. He is the latest in a long line of brilliant emcees who don't take themselves too seriously. Biz Markie, Kool Keith, the Beastie Boys, Del the Funky Homosapien, MF Doom, and Ghostface Killah turn their rapier wit inwards and poke fun of themselves from time to time. Doom and Ghost have long been rumored to have a collaboration album in the works. They recently released a song "Ray Gun" which is not from said hypothetical album, but from the upcoming "Sour Soul" collaboration between GFK and something called BADBADNOTGOOD. It's funky as hell.

Ghostface and Doom's brand of unseriousness is my favorite. The spread a layer of grime over the farcical, the cover the antic in grit, and they do so in a stream of consciousness fashion that often blows my mind.

Action Bronson has been called a Ghostface knockoff because their voices are remarkably alike, and because Bronsoline uses similar preposterous wordplay. While Ghostdini's recent sonic experiments turned songs into chapters of a book (similar to how episodes of "prestige" TV are used to tell a fragment of the series' story), Action Bronson delves into the psychodelic. Here's the artwork for his new single, "Actin Crazy," from his upcoming album "Mr. Wonderful":

For the record, that's a 300+ pound Albanian redhead wearing 3D goggles, a brown track suit, and weightlifting gloves, shooting a laser gun in outer space while riding a shark that shoots laser beams out of its head and missiles from its gills, and is held aloft by clouds in its fins/armpits while being supported by a flotilla of missile-laden fish that appear to have nasty dispositions. And the song sounds as crazy as that picture looks.

This trippy lunacy is not limited to "Actin Crazy." Check out the video for "Easy Rider," another song from "Mr. Wonderful."

If you're not excited for this album then we probably shouldn't talk music. But if you want talk about this album you're going to have to wait until March 24.


  1. I watched one episode of Fuck That's Delicious. He is gross as hell. No me gusta to look at his bloated, sweaty carcass.

  2. No rapper has ever made more 80s wrestling references. Bronsolino is great. I'm psyched for Mr. Wonderful.

  3. I took the buckeyes +6, Oregon Moneyline, and the over. Last one of the year.

  4. Unit M mini summit about to go down in NYC. Enter the Johnny G.

  5. ZedMan, Rex Ryan or John Fox? Who would you rather have?

  6. The Broncos have a higher threshold of expectation for the head coach than some teams do, like, say the Washington football team.

  7. i'd rather have zedman. what are we talking about?

  8. I'm all in in Rex. He has good players to work with on D. He hates the Pats and now the Jets and he knows the division well. The past two coaches were offensive guys (pun!) and they got nothing out of this offense so it won't be much worse under Rex. I expect the D to be heroic. Pettine ran Rex's system with these players two years ago so they should know it well. I have no idea what they will do at QB. Not even Don Coryell could fix this offense.

  9. Awful anthem arrangement. Shouldn't the mascot take his hat/head off?

  10. Why is Oregon wearing white and silver? No bright/dark green?!
    The anthem was horrible! The guitarist played one chord and it was the wrong one.
    Do you think Fox will coach somewhere else? We are surprised by that one.

  11. Oregon's cheerleaders are remarkably underrated, at least they were in zhome.

  12. Oregon looks like they're going to their first communion.

  13. That almost TO notwithstanding, Oregon looks set to steamroll.

  14. My ten crack commandments mugs came today!

  15. okay, i know there's a game going on, but i just learned one of the most incredibly mind-blowing family secrets i could possibly imagine. my uncle, widowed a number of years ago when my father's youngest sister passed away from cancer, is aunt. jeffrey tambor's character in 'transparent', only non-fiction. head, asplode.

  16. On a scale of 1 to 69, how sexy is Uncle Aunt? Was there official inversion of the undercarriage? Cup size?

    We need to know these things.

  17. I still like Brent over Herbie.

  18. Speaking of men's cup size, the ref in this game has some hefty manboobs.

  19. uncle aunt was not an attractive man. very nice, socially awkward, devout christian, but not attractive. i can't imagine she's an attractive woman. i haven't seen him/her in a decade or so. it's a fascinatingly odd thing.

  20. I'm probably alone here but I dig Oregon's uniforms. And Ive always been a fan of their cheerleaders.

    Cardale Jones is fucking enormous. Oregon can't get him on the ground.

    Big stop by Ohio State just now. I don't mind Helfrich going for it on 4th and goal there.

  21. Buckeye turnovers keeping Oregon in this game.

  22. Oregons uniforms are clean and crispy but not at all what you expect from them. They just don't look like Oregon. And the cammo socks confuse me.

  23. urban meyer might have a future in the coaching business.

  24. not gonna feel so bad about going to bed at halftime after this asswhipping.

  25. I'm a sucker for camo.

    I don't understand why Oregon isn't bringing pressure. Jones has all day when he drops back and, um, he's taking advantage.

  26. I'm a sucker for anyone named Raekwon.

  27. finally read the story about rob konrad's survival swim. holy shit.

  28. Holy shit indeed. So wear a life preserver.

  29. that's one persistent robot.
