Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 8.5: More Filler, Courtesy of my Favorite Childhood Christmas Tune

I hope you all are full, half-drunk and jolly at this moment, like me. I was meaning to include the clip below in a more formal post, but real life got in the way.

I remember this song and video well, which makes me feel old because it's 30 years old. I think I can see Mr. KQ dancing in overalls at one point in the clip. And I'm pretty sure Bryan Adams gave Nina Blackwood his Canadian wood after this video ended. The video is tremendous in the "I forget how awesome the 80's really were" kinda way. And in the "reggae Christmas tunes are fun" kinda way. And in the "Pee Wee Herman was always a good time in the 80's as long as you didn't see him in a dark theater" kinda way.

Wishing you and yours a happy holiday.


  1. zwoman has filet mignon and scalloped potatoes on the docket. Gifts are wrapped. Twenty minutes until zson goes to bed. Plenty of booze on hand. Everything's coming up zman right now.

  2. I made ribs
    Hamsteak on deck next
    Wife made an apple chocolate maple syrup pie
    Champagne is flowing
    Merry Xmas eve, Gheorghies

  3. Um, that pie sounds preposterously good. You might win dessert.

  4. We do meat fondue, which entails dropping delicious chunks of sirloin into hot oil and chasing the meat w/ copious amounts of wine.

    We have more wrapping than we'd like ahead of us, but we also have a full bottle of Blanton's and a fuckton of cookies. Giddyup.

  5. If I was a blues musician I would call myself Hamsteak.

  6. I don't know how you people put off the majority of your gift wrapping until Xmas eve. I would dread Xmas eve if we did that.

    Just left my parents house after church and a bunch of post church food (pulled pork, chicken wings, pancetta Mac & cheese, cheesy potatoes and fuckton of desserts). Heading home to put the kids to bed and booze it up on the couch a bit. The wife still has some wrapping to do. Sucker.

  7. I also barely avoided a church meltdown by my kid because she wanted to 'pet baby Jesus'. We let her pet baby Jesus after Mass.

  8. I keep asking zwoman to pet baby Jesus but she just rolls over and goes to sleep.

  9. My kid is a weirdo who likes to wear shoes & socks to bed so she was pretty surprised baby Jesus wasn't wearing shoes & socks in the manger.

  10. i just saw an idris elba as james bond rumor, and now nothing will be right in the world until that happens.

  11. I think that rumor is pretty old. Diddy said he wanted to be the first black Bond years ago.

  12. merry christmas, gheorgies. you're not so bad.

  13. Happy xmas to you too, rob-ot

  14. So this is Christmas. Merry, gheorghies.

  15. Merry Christmas.
    For those looking for some sort of retribution against a family member who has a child of 6-9 years old, buy the kid a 3 in 1 ATR, that's All Terrain ROBOT by the famous toy company, "Owi"! Assembly required. With 45 pages of instructions and about 100 parts, I am praying my son stays occupied with his other stuff for at least a year before we have to break this bad boy out.
    Bah humbug.

  16. Merry Christmas Gheorghies. Reggae Christmas was always a fave of mine too, if only as a glimpse of how rediculous a mid 80's MTV Christmas party must have been.

    The Marls clan all made their way to VA this year. After being the DD for a Christmas eve church and open house excursion, Christmas Day will be awash in wine in spirits as I try to navigate the roasting of several ducks.

  17. Duck is my shit. Let me know how it pans out.

    Oh yeah, merry Christmas.

  18. Feliz Navidad, Los Gheorghies

  19. A salaam alaikum, homies.

    I don't have to deal w/ anything as bad as Danimal, but I did have to put together a 69-part Hot Wheels set. Those toys are always the flimsiest pieces of plastic. Will be a miracle if my kid enjoys for half as long as it took me to put it together.

    I had one more bourbon and three less hours of sleep than I needed last night.

  20. I now own a "got gheorghe" tshirt. It is never coming off.

  21. Merry Christmas, Gheorghies.

    We had the whole family to the house this morning. 6:45 came early. I'm probably going to need a nap before some cocktails and food late this afternoon and into the evening.

  22. Eating fried chicken at zin-laws'. Unexpected. Hungarian salami jokes are flying over everyone's head except for zwoman. Expected.

  23. Oh yeah, duck is great. I'm jealous.

  24. Was browsing ticket availability to take the boys to Seton Hall - St John's on 12/31 at noon. "Best Available" offer was section 6, row 9. Sold.

  25. we need a picture of that shirt, teej.

  26. Aren't those always the best available seats? Where else would anyone want to sit?

  27. Rob, it's on tweeter and facebook

  28. yep, just saw it.

    the robots would love that.

  29. zf-i-l is already overserved and regaling me with the story of his hernia surgery at Brooklyn Jewish hospital when he was ten. I'm digging the Wizards' kicks.

  30. Just poured my first Manhattan.

  31. didn't take a sick day this entire year, getting up early and coaching a million hours. winter break starts and i've got a cold. merry christmas!

  32. I don't know what these birds are gonna taste like, but they smell awesome.

  33. I'm with you Dave. Basically the same story for me this week. Minus the coaching a million hours. I'm just peaking my head out from underneath the flu. Was able to have a couple cocktails last night. Gonna have a few tonight.

  34. So full of food. I do not envy my toilet tomorrow morning.

  35. I am a duck eating robot.

    Taters roasted in duck fat = really good

    Gravy made with duck fat = awesome

  36. Z, do you ever envy your toilet?

  37. really poor eating strategy at xmas dinner redeemed somewhat by the awesome hand-crafted bourbon cocktails. though, really, aren't all cocktails hand-crafted. too full to move, but will gamely continue to drink whiskey.

  38. I only drink cocktails crafted by robots. Preferably duck-eating robots.

  39. I'm gonna need some recipes, Marls.

    Finally moderately healthy enough to enjoy some cocktails. Doubling up on bourbon and grand mariner drinks right now.

  40. i just did two days of family parties without alcohol. brutal. but i'm on the upswing, and we are headed to state of beer (vermont) tomorrow morning, so i should be able to make up for it . .. .

  41. The wife got me a bottle of Bowman Brothers Bourbon along with a bottle Woodford Reserve double Oaked today.

  42. Touché TR, well played. I'd verify but can't really recall the parties in Morgantown circa early/mid 80's.

    Merry Merry to all! I'm a winebot at the moment.

  43. Just got back home after much good and frivolity at my in laws that also included my family. Going to sink into this couch courtesy of bourbon. Merry Gheorgemas.

  44. For the first time for Xmas, I am at the inlaws up North and basically all of my brothers in law got sick between 6PM on Xmas eve and 12PM Xmas day. I have avoided it so far but dreading waking up with that sore throat feeling.

    After dinner last night, a cake was wheeled out with one candle on it. We proceeded to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. Afterward, I tried to start a round of "This is My Rifle, This is My Gun" but it didn't go over very well.

  45. ian Ziering on Morning Joe discussing, Sharknado.

  46. A doctor here in town who checked me out during my back struggles that also happens to be good friends and neighbors of friends of mine was driving and in a serious car accident on Christmas Eve that killed his 12-year old daughter. A great guy and family. Fucked. Up.

  47. So this devastating accident has left the young girl dead and the father with a broken neck and the possibility of paralysis. How's that for a Christmas? Kent is a neurosurgeon which just adds sick fuck twisted irony to this.

  48. Dan, I'm really sorry to hear that. The world's not terribly fair a lot of the time, and that's brutal.

  49. seconded, danimal. that's awful beyond words.

  50. Holy shit that is terrible.

    There's a new post up.
