Friday, November 21, 2014

I Procastinate Even While I'm Procrastinating

Still working on my top 10(ish) songs opus, but it's turning into a serious project. I might release it in chapters.

Until then, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Old 97's (a band that will certainly factor into my list) debut album, Hitchhike to Rhome, a pair of versions of my favorite tune from that album.

First, the original studio recording, which has since morphed from a bluegrass head-nodder into a straight-ahead rocker:

And, for Shlara and KQ, a sweaty Rhett version that rocks, though the sound quality is brutal:


  1. that uva rape story made me angrier and more disgusted than anything i've read in a long, long time. not usually an eye for an eye kinda guy, but i can't disagree with the sentiment dan expressed in the previous comments.

  2. you all need to listen to all nine episodes of "serial" and then listen to the slate podcast ABOUT the podcast. best media thing in a while. don't google it until you listen . . .

    i actually starting teaching it in class today, it's so good.

  3. What happened to my scheduled dipshittery?

    To that end, I will be treated to two weeks in a row with prime-time Bills games! Bills/Jest was moved to Monday night ... in Detroit. I expect the stadium to be completely empty. It will be like watching a scrimmage.

  4. if you were a real fan, you'd find a way to get to detroit.

  5. I can think of multiple ways to get to Detroit.

  6. tickets are free, z. it's your density. pick up tr, turn up the radio, and head west.

  7. I see what you did there roberto you sly dog.

  8. Strong second to Dave's Serial podcast thumbs up. I had some flights this week and it was crack for my ears. Did not know Slate was covering it. Kills me to have to wait two weeks for episode 10 after chugging through nine episodes in three days.

    I could not get through the UVA article. It's inconceivable to think that group rape is an organized, pledge-oriented event. But I guess W&M is no stranger to similar stories.

    As Zman will attest to, our town is like a UVA starter town. Privileged white kids abound backed by entitlement coming from parental wealth.

  9. The vineyards vines fixation perplexes me.

  10. "But I guess W&M is no stranger to similar stories."

    no school is a stranger, sadly, to sexual violence. but can you explain this a bit more? i'm not aware of something like the uva thing happening at w&m. did it? and if so, were the perpetrators identified and prosecuted?

  11. mark, i saw that law/schilling thing, too. smells a lot like schilling got his panties in a bunch and bigfooted law. i got dumber reading schilling's tweets that evening.

  12. No one ever explained punctuated equillibrium to Schilling.

  13. i'll always have a soft spot for that guy after 2004, but every time he opens his mouth he comes across as more of a meathead wingnut.

  14. Rob - I just meant W&M had the famous rape case. I'm gonna whiff on the name. Katie Koestner? Certainly not similar specifics, but a national story.

  15. I think that's fine. No one ever asked Stephen Jay Gould to pitch a World Series game nor would they want to watch him pitch. But he would've loved to pitch just one inning for the Sox. Unfortunately twitter makes it easy for Schilling to pretend to be a deep thinker. We need an athletic equivalent to twitter so that Stephen Hawking can play soccer.

  16. oh, sure. definitely remember that.

  17. i don't remember hawking playing tweet-soccer. i do remember the koestner story.

  18. my kids are telling yo momma jokes to each other. my wife finds it less amusing than i do.

  19. john wall just dropped 17 third quarter points on the cavs. lebron's boys are strugg-a-ling.

  20. this cavs team has some issues.

  21. I had no idea there was another post up last night. Might've had something to do with Florida going to OT with Louisiana-Monroe.

  22. The Swedish crew team is officially in town for the winter which means my gym will be impossibly overcrowded for the next few months. Yay.

  23. it feels too early in the year for usc/ucla, doesn't it?

  24. I'm addicted to Serial too!!
    Who do you think is lying??
    I love This Amerfan Life--they are amazing storytellers
    Will have to look up the Slate podcast now

    Also, the Bullets look GOOD
    I love Beal--he's rivaling KD on my list of fav players
    Still can't believe he was a Gator...

    I haven't read that UVA story--hearing about it is bad enough. Everyone should be outraged--that's the only way things will change

  25. Agreed, Rob. Way too early for USC-UCLA. I'm good with it this year though as it (somewhat) saves a mediocre CFB Saturday.

    I like USC+4, fwiw.

  26. at my daughter's first gymnastics meet of the season. headed directly from here to a soccer tournament. won't see a minute of football before 8:00. hope to catch the second half of tribe/spidey.
