Thursday, November 06, 2014

I Forgot One!

I wanted to put this song on my top ten (top 13?) list, but I forgot about it.

13. Gigantic (Pixies)

I am totally done with my list now. I promise.


  1. Pixies--yes!
    On the fantasy league--I like the idea of the loser winning the league.

    Doug Collins is sitting in first class on my flight from DCA to LAX. I didn't have time to tell him to stop picking on the Wizards as I passed by to my coach seat.

    And, did everyone see the July 4th RFK line up that Dave Grohl put together: Foo Fighters, Heart, Trouble Funk, Joan Jett, Buddy Guy, Gary Clark Jr. LL Cool J and Trombone Shorty


  2. The next round of this project should be "top 10 songs we forgot to include in our previous top 10 list".

  3. Wiz on pace for 65.6 wins. Home court throughout the playoffs, here we come...

  4. Gigantic is great. I play it often shit the gym and then laugh to myself a bit as I'm quite sure none of the meatheads are playing The Pixies. Shit, I doubt they've even heard of them.

  5. Simmons is ethering Mike&Mike on Twitter right now.
