Friday, November 07, 2014

Conceivable: Elwes Speaks

This favorite songs thing has turned into an albatross for yours truly. I keep starting a post, then crumpling up my work because I don't like it. It's made worse by the excellent efforts of the Gheorghies who've submitted their lists. Daunting stuff to live up to, for sure. Clarence was so passionate about the project that he persevered through Blogger's complete deletion of his entire finished post. And Clarence generally doesn't do perseverance, unless the bottom of the bottle is in sight. If nothing else, I've learned how to motivate (some of) you: engage in long email harangues.

While I work on my musical musings, a (very) little something to tide you over. It seems the Dread Pirate Roberts has released a memoir. And for a great many of us, that's something worth celebrating.

Cary Elwes, the British actor who played Westley, the "swoony farmboy turned pirate" in 1987's The Princess Bride, has written a book about his experience.

Entitled 'As You Wish', Elwes' book tells the story of the making of the film, its subsequent middling box office performance (it was released the same week as Fatal Attraction), and emergence as a cult classic after its release on VHS. It's both a personal memoir, and a compilation of his fellow cast and crew-members' recollections.

The holiday season is upon us, and I know several people who would twuly wuv this book in their stocking. I mean it.


  1. with a little bit of luck, i'll have a most excellent worlds colliding story from an event i'm attending this evening. stay tuned.

  2. the 2nd Friday of world-class work-golf with beers commences shortly. wish it was warmer and less windy though. kinda sucks. low 60's is borderline unbearable.

  3. 2nd Friday in a row is what I meant to say. Apologies.

  4. not sure i like danimal very much

  5. I hear you Danimal. I was in FL for 4 days, it never got above 75 degrees (the locals were wearing jackets basically every day, including a breezy 60 degree evening) and when I got home it was 48 and it took me two days to get used to it.

    Mark - thoughts on Kovalev-Hopkins?

  6. I don't particularly enjoy watching the current Florida Football team play so it only makes sense that I'm paying money to fly out of town to watch them play.

  7. Mayhugh- I'm sorry I'll miss it live. I think Kovalev should win but Hopkins isn't human so I expect him to somehow guile his way to a win.

  8. I am going back and forth - I think this is Hopkins' Roy Jones in Decline moment. If Kovalev wins, it will be by knockout. Don't seem him outpointing. Also don't see B-hop getting caught with a hook. Knockout punch will be a straight right, body shot, or perhaps an uppercut. B-hop's head movement is great to avoid most of those, but I think he's vulnerable to the uppercut precisely because he ducks so much.

  9. mayhugh, write some more words and send them to the teej and we'll put them into a post.

  10. Agreed. I love reading Mayhugh nerd out on boxing.

  11. Thanks. Would love to do a guestie - will effort something later today.

  12. Currently sitting at One Flew South. Best airport bar around.

  13. I would generally seek to avoid Mayhew's guesties, but this is a logical exception to my best practice.

  14. I just went for a ride in the Ghibli. I won't make the predictable Ferris Bueller reference. But it gets my thumbs up. Definitely an excellent compromise between the practicality of a sedan and the fun of a sports car.

  15. Cracker and Camper van at the 9:30 on Jan 14. Anyone join me there?

  16. Sort of a warmup for Marlsfest?
