Friday, October 17, 2014

Real-Getting Reminder

While November's elections seem increasingly likely to herald at least two years of donkey dismay due to demographic destiny and dragging Democratic disapproval (bygones - started rolling with the alliteration and couldn't stop), there remains a bright spot in our Nation's Capital.

As we told you in August, ballot initiative 71 asks D.C. residents to decide whether to essentially legalize possession of marijuana for personal consumption. The measure is expected to pass by a large margin, and while it may well get hung up in Congress, it'll be yet another blow for the friends of common sense. Oregon's also likely to move closer to legalization in this election cycle. (See how I left that 'common sense' weed joke alone. Showed a lot of restraint there, no?)

In honor of what will likely be the only election result that folks like me will be smiling about on November 4, I've purchased Mark one of these shirts for his birthday. Here's the link for those of you that want your own.

Looking forward to a Williamsburg mini-summit with several Gheorghies this weekend. Just keep the lights on here, will you?


  1. Medical Marijuana is on the ballot in Florida next month.

    A welcome distraction from our god awful gubernatorial race.

  2. That's when you spell it goobernatorial.

    Although that is an insult to George "Goober" Lindsey, star of Andy Griffith and Hee Haw, who also raised over a million bucks for the Special Olympics.

    Maybe it should be Hans Grubernatorial.

  3. Truthfully I wanna rhyme like Common Sense
    But I did 5 mill, I ain't been rhyming like Common since

  4. Speaking of tshirts for good causes, UNDRCRWN has a series of "Protect the Rack" shirts playing off their basketball-centricity and breast cancer awareness month. They're kinda tacky but all profits go to breast cancer research.

  5. And here's the link.

  6. Barely relevant, but the shirt always makes me smile:

  7. Undrcrwn has the best tshirts. I've purchased 5 in the past 6 months.

  8. Strong Die Hard & Jay-Z references by Clarence and Z, respectively.

  9. KQ and I once observed a Harley guy bellied up at bar with his gal next to him. Both in all the gear, chaps and whatnot.

    Back of the guy's tee says "If you can read this the bitch fell off."

  10. I can't say enough good things about the socially accepted proliferation of yoga pants. Where was this 20 years ago?

  11. you do look good in them, z.

  12. Not really connected to post at all but...

    Those of you going to W&M for homecoming, have fun! Can't believe only live 25 min. away now and still not year maybe! about the World Series? Aren't ya excited? Don't really watch during regular season, but we LOVE October baseball round here!!

    And...some football game last night...Jets almost pulled that off. My kid woulda been pissed. So, all were happy to see the Pats pulled it out.

  13. Mr. KQ, our buddy Evan used to have that T-shirt and his woman had a T-shirt that read, "I'm the bitch that fell off."

  14. Hey, Donna, a friend told me that the class of '89 reunion has them all returning to their freshman halls to have a few drinks on the hall. I really enjoyed the band of oddballs on Monroe 3rd and would enjoy that if they ever did that.

  15. Hey Whit, I would return for that!! And I would've showed this year, but I have to attend a dinner ....since we just moved here, I have some must-do things as "pastor's wife"....yes, laugh long and hard, I know!!!!!

    I've actually never returned for homecoming! How pathetic is that?!

    Somewhat related to your other note mentioning Evan....I just was looking thru some old photo albums b/c I'm still unpacking crap, and I have a few pics with him, Lud, and even Mike Edwards. Have a beer for me and toast those guys!! Cheers

  16. Will do, Donna. I will have a beer for each of them every hour or two.

  17. Did Evan and his lady ever hang at Foxchase Pub in Sterling? Or "Lowes Island" as it were?

  18. percy harvin traded to the jets. i assume this is terrible news for my fantasy team, which is all that i really care about. i'll hang up and listen.

  19. He'll get a lot of touches receiving and rushing. They have no one else close to his talent level.

  20. Wow. Didn't see that one coming.
    I'm getting ready to meet out a couole of buddies for some pre outing drinks at the Elks Club. Loads of eye candy there at the Elks. >> index fingers atop the head <. One of these guys, let's call him "Ronnie", is known to black out and get in the occasional scuffle. This is not a good decision and yet, I go. The o/u for the blackout is 1030. Will keep you posted.

  21. Harvin must really be an a-hole for a Super Bowl contender to trade him for a conditional pick.

  22. He's from Virginia Beach, dude.

    So probably yes.

  23. "band of oddballs."

    that's quite a euphemism for the fuck-ups we were.

    if only there were yoga pants . . .

  24. You all need to check out St. Paul and the broken bones. Immediately.

  25. Based on what I heard about Harvin during his time at Florida he's pretty high maintenance. That's being kind.

  26. holy shit, z. you ain't kidding. that's mind blowing stuff there.

    go to this link:

    listen without watching. then watch. your head will explode. most incredible thing i've seen/heard in months.

  27. I hear you, Rob. I had NO idea Drew Carey had pipes like that.

  28. On my way home from a DBT show surrounded by people on their way home from an Eric Church show. My smug music superiority is splendiferous.

  29. Cool sounding band. Maybe someday they'll make it big enough that the singer can have a periodontist on tour with them.

    He does resemble Swint more than a little.

  30. Hi Gheorghies! NJ transit blows.

  31. FYI, DBT destroyed the Beacon Theater tonight. It's just a smoldering pile of rubble.

  32. Oddly no one in cowboy hats or boots got off on chatham.

  33. Gheorghies. Hi.
    I lost the o/u bet which means tomorrow's o/u is safely 930 pm.

  34. Someone gonna need to post those picks

  35. For those of you counting at home, my 5 y/o just broke another bone y/day - his wrist. That makes 7 ER trips and 2 broken bones for a kid that's 63 months old. He couldn't stand his Dad getting all the attention w/ his sling.

    In other post-surgery news, I found out I can't drink alcohol when taking Percos that have acetaminophen in them. Bummer.

  36. Sorry about the kid. You can drink but your liver will fall out.

  37. I think Patton Oswalt is a reader...
