Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Post Count: How the hell have I never seen this video?

I have developed an unhealthy addiction to the Flaming Hot Cheetos over the past 6-9 months. I urge you to try these tasty treats if you get the chance. In my Trade Association Communications class, I chose the Snack Food Association to monitor for the semester. I like snacks. I was very surprised when a classmate sent me this video yesterday, because it's one of the greatest things ever, and I am amazed no other member of my Chester Cheetah listserve had posted the clip below before. Those were some sentences about things. Enjoy.



  1. dave, is there no swim lane sharing in new jersey?

  2. pretty sure danimal just asked dave a question on gtb about a three day old sentence of dave post. that's meta, or something.
