Saturday, July 12, 2014

I Wanna Be Sedated

The final surviving member of the Ramones passed away yesterday. Hope heaven is a lot like Rockaway Beach.


  1. Tommy was an interesting dude. Seems like he was the only one of the originals who had his shit together mentally. Probably not as musically talented as Joey, Johnny or Dee Dee but was a great producer for them even after he left the band.

    Represent Queens

  2. TVLand showing a Who's The Boss marathon. Gotta be honest here. Mona's tits are fantastic.

  3. Agree with Marls. Tommy only played drums on the first album, I think. Then he produced. In fact, Rob's clip appears to be Marky Ramone on drums.

    If you haven't seen it, the Ramones documentary (End of the Century) is one of the best of its kind. See it.

  4. Saw Judith Light in a restaurant a few months back. Overlooking the douchy fact that she requested a small stool for her purse, she looked great.

  5. Which NYC borough is the most musically accomplished? Probably BK but Queens is impressive too.

  6. darryl moray's having a bit of a tough week, huh?

  7. Not Staten Island.

    I'm from downtown from the city of Manhattan
    I got a lot of girlies and not one's cattin'

  8. Staten Island = Wu-Tang and not much else.

  9. from downtown, manhattan, the village/my style is wild and you know that it still is

  10. Queens = Ramones Paul Simon Nas Tribe LL Cool J Run DMC Marley Marl (not Marls)

  11. Don't feel too sorry for Morey (or most people in his tax bracket). He's going to take Ariza from the Wiz.

  12. I'm from manhattan MCA's from Brooklyn

  13. We're kings from Queens from Queens come kings / We're raising hell like a class when the lunch bell rings

  14. A little late on this but I agree with TR on the LeBron letter. I don't buy much of it. It's just really good PR in my opinion. He learned his lesson from The Decision. Smart move. I don't buy he's changed a whole hell of a lot.

    That said, I never understood the anger with LeBron for The Decision. He's not a bad guy. Never was a bad guy.

    Cleveland is a dump. If he wants to live there or near there. Good for him. Better him than me.

  15. The best in men's clothing. Call Paul's Boutique, ask for Janice. The number is 718-498-1043. That's Paul's Boutique, and they're in Brooklyn.

  16. speaking of brooklyn, i've got 8 hours to kill tomorrow at jfk before my flight to zurich. anyone got ideas?

  17. Or sit in the smoking lounge for three hours. Equally appealing.

  18. Char No. 4 in Brooklyn has great food and an enormous bourbon selection.

  19. Speaking of great food. I had some blue crab ravioli and truffle mashed potatoes last night. Strong to quite strong.

  20. I thought JFK was in Queens? If so hit Starlets.

    Mark I think that was me questioning Lebron's letter. He likely had his PR agency write it for him. We'll never know what he really thinks, nor is that important. I just find it silly for people like Simmons to gush about how classy the letter is etc. It could be completely insincere and we'd never know.

  21. could probably set up a few interviews for people looking to replace your travel coordinator. You could do that.

  22. My mistake, Z. I agree with you. Fuck TR.

    Hey TR!

  23. bron didn't write the letter - it was compiled by lee jenkins from sports illy based on several hours of interviews with him. he's certainly learned to package himself better, but i think the sentiment is real.

  24. Wikipedia says JFK is in Queens too. So go to starlets.

  25. sure enough. it's in jamaica. and danimal might be onto something.

  26. my neighbor spends a lot of time on his lawn, and it shows. as the days get hotter, though, it's predictably beginning to brown, especially the front, which gets lots of sun. this morning, as we were both working on our yards, he asked me how i keep mine so green. my answer, which is both true and ironic, is that my lawn has far more crabgrass and clover than it does grass. score one for lazy.

  27. Scott's four step is the truth.

  28. Mini summit going on in reston right now. KQ, Mr. KQ, Mrs. Marls and I are at the World of Beer. Rob or Teej, you are welcome to join.

  29. Thanks for inviting me Marls...

  30. I assumed KQ would do that...

  31. While in the ocean today a pack of 6 or so stingrays swam by my wife and I. Within less than foot of me. Pretty cool. Well, I thought it was. The wife, not so much.

  32. I'm so fucking fat these days every time I down a six-pack it's a mini-summit.

  33. same thing happened to me and my kids in delaware earlier this week, mark. it was really cool.

  34. I understand Orange is kind of the color the Dutch soccer team are known for but their blue kits at the tits.

  35. marls, thanks for the invite. i'm too busy practicing my neutrality to make it, but enjoy.

  36. Clarence I have a bit of bloat going meself but I like to refer to it as "The Sexy"

  37. Mr. KQ, get your sexy ass down to the Banks for the fishing trip. Come down with Marls.

  38. cosign, ken. could also leave with me early thursday morning.

  39. my wife just saw brian windhorst on tv and asked, 'is that jonah hill?' not a great compliment to either man.

  40. No, seriously. They make me leave the state during the Virginia Slims tennis tournament.

  41. I'm street legal now. Just had my 18th beer today.

  42. takes a conditioned athlete to summit three times

  43. I think the NYC borough battle comes down to Queens and the Bronx. As much as it pains me, I think the Bronx wins.

    KRS One
    Stan Getz
    Afrika Bambattta
    Dion & the Belmonts
    Mary J Blige
    Jennifer Lopez
    Luther Vandross
    Grandmaster Flash
    Bobby Darin
    Ace Frehley
    Kid Capri
    Phil Spector
    Slick Rick

  44. 7/24 - 7/27. got a hammock with your name on it, danimal.

  45. Get your buddy Buck to RSVP as well...

  46. pretty sure he's out, unfortunately

  47. Day drinking with Team Marls and it's goodnight Gheorghies for me. Sorry, Shlara - I dropped the ball on your invitation. Silly me, I thought we were getting together to discuss workouts - didn't occur to me it might turn into an all day drinking event. Clearly, I should have known better.

  48. Good times with the KQ's today. Very close to having Mr KQ's make an appearance at OBFT.

  49. Brooklyn has Biggie Jay-Z Mos Def Talib Kweli (in combination Black Star) Gang Starr Jeru Black Moon MCA and that's just hiphop. Pretty formidable. Then there's a metric shit-ton of indie rock bands.

  50. I feel like most GTB member family vacation evenings end like mine tonight. Wife and kids asleep with Dad up and drinking a few alone. Fortunately we're in a suite so I'm on a couch and not sharing a bed while drinking.

    I could go next door and drink with my brother in law and some Bizzarro children but I'm just fine being antisocial over here.

  51. Cheers, Mark. I missed it -- where are you vacationing?

  52. Paul Pierce to the Wiz. Didn't see that coming. Nice move for both parties.

  53. St. Petersburg. Florida, not Russia. Short trip with the in laws, Clarence.

  54. And the fucking Bizzaros.

  55. Good forPierce, but I still can't accept seeing him in anything other than a C's uniform.
