Friday, July 04, 2014

Hey Baby

John Doe wishes you a Happy Independence Day.


  1. Encore Channel is apparently recognizing Independence Day by showing a day-long marathon of Independence Day (the alien movie with Will Smith).

  2. X is playing August 20 at the Black Cat in DC.

  3. We're all rooting for Federer, right? I want to see the old lion get his eighth Wimbledon title.

    Great sports day amid the rain here in NJ: Wimbledon semis start at eight, World Cup at noon and four, and Yanks-Twins at 3.

  4. Judd Hirsch is splendid in Independence Day.

  5. Hannah Storm continues to get it done.

  6. Not sure Yanks/Twinkies adds much to the sports day.

    I second TR's white of Hannah Storm.

  7. oooh Marls, we'll join you for that show! Happy 4th everyone. Go Federer!

  8. Boris Becker's face has morphed into a combination of old Boris, Anthony Michael Hall and a balloon.

  9. Novak hit his first 19 first serves. Hard to break the guy when he's doing that.

  10. Def in for X. Was at Black Cat last Thurs for "Battle of Law Firm Bands" Perhaps a different vibe.

  11. Sounds good KQ's. August 20 is a wed. so it may be tough to get Clarence but maybe Robert will join too.

  12. I'd like to see Raonic or Dimitrov win it all. I'm tired of the same three guys winning all the time and it would make for some interesting story lines going into the US Open. Plus I'll vomit if I have to watch Federer cry after another major win.

  13. Marls beat me to the punch on Yanks-Twins. Doesn't quite measure up to today's other sporting events.

  14. Happy 4th, everyone. Take it easy and drink up. I know you will.

    We're waiting for the storm to hit here so time to hit the beach.

  15. Dimitrov might have more sneakers in his bag than mark and I have in our combined closets.

  16. I predict that Wimbledon will outlaw cleated sneakers next year. No one ever leaves the baseline so the back of the courts are torn to shit.

  17. Brad Gilbert looks like hell. Use sunscreen y'all.

  18. Thirding the Hannah Storm call.

  19. And if anyone has a spare sledge hammer or wrecking bar and a pair of safety glasses, come on over to my house for some light demo work.

  20. I'd like a count on the combined sneakers between Z & myself. Would probably be an absurd/offensive number.

  21. Is Raonic wearing the sleeve for some tennis elbow type malady or is he just a big Iverson fan?

  22. Is Valbuena Rob's long lost French cousin?

    I'm full of questions today.

  23. Golden Corral is a perfect advertiser for the Wimbledon demographic.

  24. just drive 3 hours. now i'm in...delaware.

  25. It's not a time piece. It's a conversation piece.

  26. And don't forget the Chesapeake Bayhawks - Ohio Machine MLL match. No love lost b/w those two.

  27. The MLL...they'll sell you the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge.

  28. lahm and valbuena are my kind of players

  29. Will Muschamp tweeted a picture of him and his family in matching USA shirts. Explains a lot, sadly.

  30. Macca is so much better than Taylor Twellman. He and Ian Darke are fantastic.

  31. Agreed. I'd pay extra money to have them get educated about football or basketball and announce games.

  32. Cristian Zapata is a beast for Colombia.

  33. I would be curious to know if Hulk could pass a PED test. No pun intended. Rare to see a guy that big.

  34. You still have time w/ your daughter. Certificates can be amended. Or you could change her first name to Rezme.

  35. in retrospect, choosing a stone assortment may have been a bad session drinking decision

  36. Big time goal by Sideshow Bob.

  37. sobered up pretty quickly when i walked down to the beach after the match to find my wife in tears because my daughter had to be pulled out of the ocean after the current took her. one of my worst parental fears. everyone is safe, if a little scared.

  38. Yeesh.

    I'm so full of ribs and smoked wings right now. Gonna need some whiskey to make me hungry again.

  39. Glad everyone is okay Rob.

    ESPN has a graphic up showing that the average American eats 70 hot dogs a year. Um, I'm a man of large carriage and I might eat 3 or 4 a year, and that might be overestimating. Who the hell is taking up the slack here?

  40. i used to eat a lot of hot dogs. love 'em. but once my gall bladder was removed, i generally stay away from them. i probably knocked down 69 to 71 a year, though.

  41. On Stone IPA here. And all in on Hannah Storm.

  42. Probably relayed my bumping into John Doe story here before, but I like it. He was opening up for Wilco on a Tuesday night at Tipitina's in 2008, we had backstage passes. I hadn't used the access until the show was completely over, so once it was done I was running up the stairs to hang with the band. I rounded a corner and nearly knocked John Doe completely over. I said, cool as a cucumber... "I'm so sorry... whoa... hey, it's John Doe!" To John Doe. With nobody else around. What a dork. He smiled and I said sorry, great show, killer rendition of "Gimme Shelter," etc. but I was such a moony-eyed rock fan in that initial moment that we both laughed. He is fantastic.

    And was awesome in Road House.

  43. hey gheorghies!

    this time change is killing me. it's 7 PM here in South Dakota and i feel like it's midnight.

    hotdogs are gross and i will always choose a burger over a dog.

  44. zson eats about 16-19 turkey hotdogs a week.

  45. neymar out for the rest of the world cup with a fractured vertebrae. ouch.

  46. The knee Neymar took was brutal. I was surprised to learn he fractured a vertebra though. Bummer.

    I'm not picking up the hot dog slack. Maybe 10 a year. All from Mustard's Last Stand.

  47. Big thanks to my daughter thinking fireworks are too loud. Got me out of a thoroughly annoying party with the Bizzarro clan and back home on my couch.

  48. hey, gheorghies, it's the fifth of july

  49. Glad to hear that the Robette is ok.

    I'm not helping on the hot dog front either. Went to the roof of 1700 Pennsylvania ave to watch the fireworks (BO did not stop by, rather in neighborly if you ask me). It was fully catered with the all american options of pulled pork, burgers, and dogs. Not one dog consumed by me or Mrs. Marls.

  50. I also now have a completely irrational dislike of the Bizzaro family and their restaurant based on this blog.

  51. We are all genie Bouchard fans today.

  52. asswhippery and breakfast at wimbledon

  53. Sad to see Barely Legal Bouchard get her arse handed to her. I would care more if I wasn't parked on the beach with some Abitas in a cooler.

  54. Marls- your irrational dislike of the family Bizzaro is wise. Nice enough people. Best consumed in extremely small doses.

  55. My return to the HarTru was ugly but not as ugly as it could've been. Ice and Advil are my friends.

  56. I thought the Bizzaros made good foods and on a good party, no?

  57. They do make good pizza. They like to booze it up too. They're so damn loud though. I'd describe them as caricatures of Italian-Americans.

    Which is somewhat odd because the older generation are Italian immigrants. They've embraced the cheesy American habits of their Italian-American brethren with vigor.

  58. Me and 40k Nats fans just won free McNuggets. Viva pink slime.

  59. Do any of the Bizzaro clan drive IROC's?

  60. Not currently. I'm sure some did in the past. They do heavily support the gold rope necklace industry.

  61. But not the herringbone necklace cartel?

  62. No. My wife is keeping the gold bracelet consortium alive though.
