Monday, June 16, 2014

We Ghana Do It

Futbol. Tonight. Los Estados Unidos vs. Ghana. 6pm ET kickoff. Get thee to a television and enjoy the match. This is not a preview post, because hell if I know much about the USMNT. But it can serve as live blog central, and since we're here, why not some clips and vids:

You know Lee Greenwood is fired up for tonight...

As are these marionettes...

The Hulkster knows what's up...

According to the interwebz, this young lady rooted on the good guys the last time Ghana and the U.S. face off...

Which I imagine is where these two fellas met...

For the Shlara set...(sure, he didn't make the team, but the request was made)

And one more fan foto for good measure...



  1. Nice of Portugal to take the day off.

  2. They want to show the Spaniards what a REAL vacation looks like.

  3. a rout here is good for us. we need all the goal differential help we can get.

  4. would also increase the likelihood that germany would have nothing to play for against us in the group finale.

  5. so, some donk named Pepe headbutted a dude and will be suspended for the game against the U.S., and now some other guy named Coentrao appears to be injured. I imagine you soccer folks will tell me this bodes well in USMNT's second match

  6. Seven years ago we had a music and dance troupe from Ghana living a down the street from us. I befriended one of them, even though the boss didn't like them associating with the neighbors.
    I sent him back to Ghana with an Sony Discman and a stack of assorted CDs. He flipped out over Buddy Holly. 'I like dees very very much!'

    Only a few hours until we see the impact this cultural exchange has on today's match.

  7. getting myself a birthday gift because my kids failed me. do i go with the usmnt home jersey, road jersey, or training shirt?

  8. The Giants of New York beat the Packers of Green Bay. It was a most ripping victory.

  9. I would get a TMNT jersey.

  10. apparently Portugal's goalkeeper is also hurt

  11. So, of the 10 or so girls that were remaining on the hit reality show "I Wanna Marry Harry", one of them was skeptical about "Harry's" true identity. She is no longer on the show, leaving us with the believers. If currently disappointed with today's youth, don't watch this. It's really something. I'll be sure to keep you guys updated. You're welcome.

    Yes, we watch this trash tv after the kiddos have gone to bed. Tonight, soccer.

  12. After the show premiered to absolutely abysmal numbers [2 million viewers for the premiere, and less than 1 million for the following episodes] and horrible reviews, it’s been pulled from the air.

  13. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I watched about 169 seconds of "Marry Harry" at Dan's suggestion and I was stunned by the contestants' stupidity. So stunned that I fell off the couch and when I awoke my TV was tuned to a bunch of foreign guys playing soccer.

  15. Looks like I'll be sending a lot more time in New Brunswick, NJ due to work. Aren't there a few G:TBers in that neck of the woods?

  16. That's the beauty of the show - the stupidity. The girls are horrific. I was anticipating a great last episode when the dame who falls madly in love with him for his charm, kindness, and humor finds out he's not a Prince with his own security detail, helicopters, yachts, and mansions. I'm guessing, just guessing, she has a change of heart - and to see that play out...Yes please.

  17. Sorry Squeeks, it's just Dave.

  18. Hopefully you weren't expecting your peers on a reality show titled "I Wanna Marry Harry"

  19. The ladies of W&M don't usually reach the level of reality show attractiveness. Of course, neither do the guys other than Whitney.

  20. So just Dave and Fat Cats? That'll have to do.

  21. Squeaker, I remember taking you down to New Brunswick one night for some Corner Tavern/cheesesteak & egg rockin good fun.

  22. And by "taking you down to New Brunswick" you mean ...

  23. Point of order Marls, you're completely overlooking Wheel of Jordan.

  24. Clarence was that the same trip we saw Wilco in the swimming pool in Williamsburg Park?

    Damn it, Altidore.

  25. beasley looks like he's never played the game before. and this is as bad as i've seen bradley play. lucky to be on top.

  26. We've been awful in terms of possession and generating any sort of offensive build up. As Rob said, we're lucky to be winning. Though that luck is offset by the awful injury luck we're experiencing.

  27. I can't remember Bradley playing so poorly.

    We're teetering.

  28. Bradley was shit but Beckerman and Jones were terrific.

    And Klinsman deserves some credit for John Brooks.

  29. How awkward are the Landon Donovan interviews?

  30. Really awkward. That last 10 minutes was torture.

  31. Pretty amazing result considering the pace of play. It must be brutally humid there.

  32. our defensive shape was pretty good, but our possession was abysmal. fully expect bradley to be terrific against portugal.

  33. hang on!

    that's a good soccer strategy.

    second time in two days i am pleasantly drunk after an excellent world cup party and win. life is pretty excellent.

  34. Dave, you are a teacher. Life is always excellent.

  35. Wilco played in Williamsburg??

  36. That Brooks kid was born in 1993???
    Shit, I'm old...

  37. I didn't know that aggregating celebrity tweets on a certain topic constituted news. ESPN thinks it does.

    And I love that ESPN buried Rick Reilly's last article. Dude hasn't been relevant in forever.

  38. Not sure what TR is talking about. I think it may be the Johnny Walker talking.

    Hi Gheorghies.

  39. Is anyone else watching J-Lo on Fallon? That's some dress she has on
