Tuesday, June 03, 2014

The Muppets and Marley?

Yeah, it took me all of 69 seconds to copy the embed code and get this thing posted here. The very definition of "GTB Wheelhouse".



  1. Awesome.

    Sometimes the Onion still writes some good shit: http://goo.gl/zb2DCD

    Warning, it's a slide show of tweets.

  2. Rob - aren't your kids too old for you to have to be tortured by Caillou? That litte pansy was brutal.

    You all will be proud. I just submitted a slide deck for a presentation I'm making in Pitt in front of a large (gulp) audience on Thursday, where Panetta is also a speaker. My slide deck features a WKRP in Cincinnati picture. I'm guessing Leon's does not.

  3. "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."

  4. the caillou quote was from john oliver's net neutrality takedown. it's both hilarious and spot on. (the quote and the segment.)

    you should use the quote in your presentation. leon would be impressed.

  5. goodell got to marino, huh? how long until the announcement of dan's new league-related gig?

  6. had a cleaning crew in today in advance of my mom's visit tomorrow. we don't often get the house cleaned, so we don't have a regular crew. today's crew, which consisted of one young woman, obviously wasn't briefed on the mission. our house can generously be described as 'lived in', so just the normal cleaning duties are plenty for one person. this poor kid not only did a terrific job with the main areas in the house, she went downstairs to our unfinished (and extremely cluttered) basement and cleaned and organized the entire thing, throwing away 10 bags of trash and neatly stacking the clutter. then, she unclogged the drain in my sink. this woman is a saint walking the earth.

  7. So you're a slob? I could see that.

  8. yeah, that's one way to put it

  9. Did she check your oil? I totally expected a Costanzaesque end to this story.

  10. Florida beats Bama for the college softball national title. Suck it, Rob.

  11. Sup.
    An early us open prediction....micheltitties misses the cut.
