Sunday, June 08, 2014

Silver Linings Playbook

There are a lot of reasons why crossing another number off of life's tally sheet might be considered a negative. I'm noticeably more gray at the temples now than I was at this time last year, for example. The hangovers hurt more than they used to. My God, do they. And let's not kid ourself - every additional numeral represents that much additional sand that's fallen through the aperture into the wrong half of the hourglass.

But in my case, at least this year, there's one substantial advantage to tacking on one more number.

As I assume most of you do, I associate each year of my life with the uniform number worn by an athlete, famous or just important to me. 33 was awesome, because Larry Bird. (I had a daughter that year, too, which was pretty cool, too, I guess.) I'm really looking forward to 77, for obvious reasons.

But 44 is so much better than 43. Dennis Eckersley's not bad, and he played for the Red Sox. And Richard Petty is The King. Brad Daugherty wore the digits in his honor. My man Darren Sproles carried 43, too. The pickings are slim for that prime number, though.

44, on the other hand, represents royalty. Hank Aaron, Reggie Jackson, Jim Brown, and George Gervin wore double fours. So did Willie McCovey, Chris Pronger, and Dan Issel. Mr. NBA himself, Jerry Brown, wore 44. Pistol Pete, too. Nolan Ryan threw a no-hitter when he was 44.

Intermission: Here's an awesome video of Gervin and Maravich playing a televised game of H-O-R-S-E. Ignore Pete's number 7 - he wished he were wearing his favorite digits:

Closer to home for me, Orlando Cabrera donned 44 when the Red Sox broke the curse in 2004. It was Danny Ainge's number when I was a huge Celtics fan as a kid - he won a pair of championships in that jersey. POTUS 44, too, suits me just fine.

There's a guy, though, that ends this discussion, even given the greats that have worn number 44. Clarence, I'm quite certain, grasped this punch line about five paragraphs ago, Sandy baby.

44 is the baddest ass of all years, because of this guy:

May my 44th year be filled with a fraction of the spirit, camaraderie, and joie de vivre that characterizes Riggo's time on Earth. And in those too-often moments when you catch me worrying about shit that's far too petty, may you call me on it, Riggo-style.


  1. Happy birthday Robert.

    My FC NYC offer still stands.

  2. Happy birthday. It's a shame you weren't born a day later.

  3. Happy birthday Robert.

    Group run this a.m. started at host hotel for usmnt. Bus there prior and post but no sightings. Security was like real security otherwise I would have stalked some.

    My 44th was last month. Thanks for all the well wishes btw. Forty four. Beyond middle aged.

  4. happy birthday, tiny

    and that video is awesome

  5. Is that Dick Stockton on the play-by-play?

  6. rob, you share a birthday with Kanye?

  7. Happy birthday Rob. I am celebrating your birthday by watching True Romance. My wife let it drop yesterday in a social setting that she had never seen it, so we are taking corrective action during hungover Sunday.

  8. This is a classic nadal/Djokovic game. It could decide the match.

  9. Becker is unrecognizable. He looks like Ricky gervais.

  10. Djokovic puked. I feel awful for him right now.

  11. He's spent. Terrible body language.

  12. Happy Birthday Rob!
    We need a Riggo-like guy on the Skins again, mostly for our entertainment.

  13. Happy birthday Rob.

    Wait, Marls is moving to the old dominion? Where?

  14. Reston until we find a house.

  15. bTW, Rootsy, we discussed this the night of your jam session with Clarence.

  16. I was afraid you would tell me that. My memories of that night are a bit foggy.

  17. Happy 44 to my little buddy.

  18. celebrated by watching soccer, daydrinking and then mowing the lawn while drunk. that's a new experience.

  19. sorry for the weak-ass sentence product on your b-day.

    i have espn now!

  20. This series is fantastic. I'd watch a best of 21 game series between these two teams.

  21. ain't that the truth. this is some next level shit.

  22. every interview with Pop is high comedy

  23. doris has to ask a better question than that, though, especially to pop. she got what she asked for there.

  24. I think they are all in on the joke. Even Pop.

  25. Do people buy cars because muppets endorse them?

  26. Ginoblli's bald spot just jumps out at you for the TVscreen

  27. I also like the title of this post being an Eagles-themed movie reference with Riggo's mug all over it.

  28. I just noticed that Rob meant to list Jerry West as one of his notable 44s but instead listed Jerry Brown. I don't believe the former governor was a pro athlete. Maybe he wore 44 in a coed softball league or something.

  29. I am Governor Jerry Brown
    My aura smiles
    And never frowns
    Soon I will be president...

  30. I like Rob's post better, but here's an SI piece on 44.

  31. in my defense, i was pretty hammered when this post was written

  32. Old wacky beach lady at lunch today was singing, "Eyes Without a Face," asks me, "when is the last time you heard The Police on the radio. I corrected her, letting her know that the song was from Billy Idol. She was surprised, but happy that I engaged her, so happy that she stuck with me for the next 15 minutes as I tried to eat my Cajun fish burrito. Thankfully her mom called her. For everyone to hear...."Hi Mom!...Yeah....oooh, she is such a .... I can't say that word in here. NO! I'm sober! I'm fine mom. Yes. I'm sober!" Florida beaches man.

  33. so USMNT has under a 1% chance of winning the World Cup, a 2% chance of making it to the Finals, and about a 1 in 3 chance to make it to the 16-team playoff.

    Brazil on the other hand has a 45% chance of winning it all with a 99% chance of making it into the 16-team playoff.

  34. GTBers: as mentioned, it's 6/9. I would like to hear subtle acknowledgments in tomorrow's comments as to which of you savored the flavor of the date and performed accordingly. Or failed trying. Good luck.

    Prediction: 2/15 GTB and FOGTB

  35. Can we guess who the two are?

  36. TR and I are locked in a furious anal 69 right this second.

  37. Whoa. Back it up there, pal.

    YOU sucked MY dick. Get it straight.

  38. Then who was tossing my salad?

  39. I didn't see a denial of salad tossing by TR. In other news I just had my 11 year old's bike and a handsaw stolen from my front porch. I get the bike, but who the fuck steals a handsaw?

  40. that is the most serious game of "horse," i've ever seen. and then the announcer drops the fact that this match is to see who goes to the "semi-finals."

  41. did the thief use the handsaw to cut the bike lock, and then ride off with the evidence?

  42. did the thief use the handsaw to cut the bike lock, and then ride off with the evidence?

  43. did the thief use the handsaw to cut the bike lock, and then ride off with the evidence?

  44. Bike was unlocked, so saw was just a bonus.

  45. Like one of my fucking kids, keep asking the question in that annoying high-pitched voice (you have to know Dave) until you answer.

  46. The Jack White album sounds so cool. I wish I still had a turntable to hear it
