Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Apparently, people don't much like seeing their cartoon heroes bathed in blood. My bad.

In an effort to cleanse this space and restore some beauty to it, today we discuss art, poetry, and history, all in one of my favorite places in the world.

Here's a video preview of the Twenty Summers program, an arts education effort initiated just a few weeks ago in the renovated Hawthorn Barn in Provincetown, MA. The barn has been a place of congregation and learning for such luminaries as Stanley Kunitz, Norman Rockwell, Jackson Pollack, and Norman Mailer. Seven years ago, it was at risk, as the development of that unique Cape Cod town threatened it. Today, it's been revived and restored.


  1. did everyone see fiddy cent's first pitch from last night? it's really, really bad.

  2. it was bad, but he's no mark mallory

  3. It made Bob Darnell look like Randy Hodges.

  4. The Mayor of Cincinnati's epically bad first pitch was featured here on GTB, in one of the few posts that garnered us some link love from Deadspin.

  5. Yes rob. Excellent clarification.

  6. The ESPN NBS studio team needs work: 1) Simmons talks WAY too much; 2) Doug clearly can't stand Simmons; 3) I love Sage as a person, but she can't manage this crew--Beadle was better.

    Jalen and Doug need new sidekicks

  7. I agree Shlara. Chemistry is lacking. I think nobody respects Simmons b/c he never played and b/c he has some bizarro theories he adheres to.

    And Doug Collins is morphing into James Woods.

  8. And, can we set it up so that both the Heat and Pacers lose the series and it could be a OKC vs Spurs NBA finals?

    I don't like either of the ECF teams.
    It should be Wizards vs Heat.

  9. After having been to OKC a few times and knowing some good people in that town, I am pulling for that town and that team. Hard not yo root for KD.

  10. room for more on the gtbokc bandwagon. welcome, tr.

  11. Rashard Lewis' corpse is impressive tonight.

  12. he's at the top of my shit list, TR.
    totally wasted our time & money in DC a few years ago. jerk.

  13. Sharapova/Pironkova is an aesthetically pleasing matchup.

  14. Enjoying the Pacers' heart. Just not its impact on my sleep tonight.

  15. Lance blowing in LeBron's ear. Lance be crazy

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
