Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Good Shot, Mate

I've never donned short shorts and strapped tape around my dome, but I've long been a rugby fan. Partly because a number of my best friends played the game in college, and partly because it's a sport, and if it's a sport, I'm constitutionally inclined to enjoy it.

One of the great things about the game is the camaraderie and esprit de corps demonstrated by even the fiercest opponents. Some of my favorite memories of my days in Williamsburg involve sweaty, dirty men in different-colored jerseys locked arm in arm, singing and drinking post match. (Note: that sentence may need a rewrite.)

Via various Twitter sources yesterday, an example of what I mean - Northampton's Salesi Ma'afu smoked Leicester's Tom Youngs with a hard left hand during the Saints' 21-20 victory. Ma'afu was ejected, while Youngs spent time in the sin bin. But after the match, this exchange ensued:

Good on both of you.


  1. Rory and Carol smarted up and are parting ways, just after sending wedding invites out.

  2. I'll return the chafing dish.

  3. sitting at a work event watching a woman at the table in front of me systematically pick individual strands of hair from her head, rub them across her face, and then discard them. people are weird, man.

  4. In public? That's a special level of crazy.

  5. Rob, do you also work with a large Native American guy known as "Chief"?

  6. If you find yourself bored with nothing to do on May 27 and you're hanging out in lower Manhattan, swing by 500 Pearl Street and hit courtroom 1305. The trial in Beastie Boys v. Monster Energy starts that day. It should be dope.

  7. Nice post, Rob. Reminds me of when I used to work in Chicago.

    I'm going to see Primus tonight for the first time since Daytona 1992. Slightly different feel to it, at least going into it.

  8. A couple impressive Spurs stats:

    Tim Duncan is in his 17th season. Pop has coached every one of them. He started coaching the Spurs in 1996. Duncan joined in 1997. Has any Hall of Famer had a longer run with one team and one coach?

    The Spurs' worst winning percentage in any year of the Duncan era is .610.

  9. The Spurs are like the Germany of the NBA

  10. as usual, twitter is wrong and i am right. the spurs are really, really good.

  11. Are you saying the Spurs are a bunch of sexual deviants?

    Is there a "Spurs Sparkle Party"?

    Cuz there's this:

  12. I like to wear hoodies. Is Mark Cuban afraid of me too?

  13. I own many hoodies, am bald AND heavily tattooed. I'm Cuban's worst nightmare.

  14. Anybody else see SOD today? Dave talks about how his kids only bathe every other day and then goes on to say he told his class that white people don't bathe/shower everyday.

    Speak for yourself, hippie. I shower at least twice a day.

  15. When will this whole "walking down the street" scenario ever apply to Mark Cuban?

  16. Mark Cuban, also terrified of Sneakers O'Toole

  17. So maybe I don't "bathe".

  18. Dre Bly made the CFB HOF in the same class as Derrick Thomas. That seems odd.

  19. I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been.

  20. Whitesnake. C'mon man act like you give a shit. Unless she was the girl on the car?

  21. yes. that was the "girl" on the car.

  22. That was one of the first videos that may have gotten me a little hot under the collar.

  23. C'mon, Z, act like you give a shit.

  24. primus sucks!

    have fun clarence.

  25. i shower once a day, but my kids certainly don't. does anyone (who is caucasian) make their kids bathe every single day? if so, you're crazy. my kids soak the bathroom every time they shower, the tub would fall through the floor if i allowed that shit every day.

  26. When they get to a certain age, kids start to reek.

    And Primus was last night.

  27. My boys bathe every other day in the winter. They bathe every day in the summer b/c they are filthy animal when allowed to roam outside.

    One of the few good things about being in KC is that they have beer kiosks by the gates and you're allowed to carry them around. It's like Mardi Gras. But in an airport. In KC. And nobody shows me their boobies.

  28. My kids bathe everyday. We make them because kids are disgusting animals.

    No Landycakes (h/t Jerry) on the USMNT World Cup roster. I knew that was a possibility but I'm still surprised.

  29. Donovan didn't deserve a spot. He almost begged off last week, saying he couldn't train hard every day.

    Our back line is a disaster. We are gonna get torched.

  30. Didn't say he deserved a spot. Simply expressed some surprise.

  31. love diskerud and wondo getting spots. also pleased to see goodson left off the roster. surprised about edu and the fact that both youngsters made the 23.

  32. zson bathes daily. As should everyone.

  33. Of interest:

    @SoccerInsider: Klinsmann's son wrote this then deleted: RT @jonklinsmann HHAHAHAHAHAHAH DONAVAN HAHAHAHAA I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE UNTIL PHONE NOTIFIED ME HAHA

  34. Kilnsman's kid tweeted another disparaging comment about Donovan shortly after this. He has since deleted his account.

  35. Horseshit to bash Lando. He may be a flake w/ a bad hairline, but he's carried a heavy burden for the USMNT for almost a dozen years, and done it well.

  36. This Rangers-Habs game ain't boring.

  37. if you ever find yourself in the twin cities with a hankering for pork, head to the corner table. just gorged myself on pig parts. jowls (holy fuck were they good), feijoada with linguica, pork loin, and ground sausage. strong effort by the chef and the pig.

  38. wow. so some white folks bathe their kids daily. i will report his back to my period 2 class. my kids did not shower tonight. maybe tomorrow . . .

    hey gheorghies.

  39. Hi Gheorghies. Southwest Airlines sucks.

    Rob - next time you're in the KC airport, pick up a "I Like Pig Butts and I Can Not Lie" shirt. It looks like something Teej would wear with pride.

  40. I'm glad we could save the good name of (some) white people with Dave's class.

  41. full disclosure - we don't bathe our kids everyday if we don't have to. if the outside play has been limited to rain or something else, we skip it. our 5 year old is and has been self sufficient for a solid year now in that dept. the day the last one is will be a good day - as will the day she stops pooping in a diaper, using a child seat, screaming when mommy walks out of sight, sleeping in a crib, jumping out of her crib, having to be right next to her dad in the pool, wearing the floatie thing, trying to drink her cereal milk out of a bowl which ends up everywhere, putting syrup in her hair, having to drive that fucking battery operated jeep that was given to us by a neighbor requiring me to walk next to and steer for seemingly miles at a time which hurts my back and gets boring and hot, and I think that's about all for now.

  42. Johnny Manziel is amazing

  43. So is this USMNT roster decision basically saying we don't think we have a chance to compete/win in Brazil? I'm no soccer expert, but it seems like we don't have many guys who've been thru something at this level before, and that kind of matters

  44. Agreed. The marriage of Manziel and Twitter makes our lives much more enjoyable.

  45. You gotta trust the suave Swabian.

  46. What did Manziel do? I'm too lazy to look.

  47. NYC Gheorghies get yourselves over to this exhibit before it closes on the 31st.

    Kid showers every other day. Thank god for showers. Those baths were getting way too long.

  48. Off to Miami sans wife and kids to hang out with a couple of my college roommates. Enjoy your weekend, bros.

  49. the face tattoo is kind of a cry for help, no?

  50. Who got a face tattoo? Not me. Tattoos are stupid.

  51. dude in the security line at the airport.

  52. If you want to believe Miami is a gorgeous paradise I'd suggest not driving in. At my friends apartment over looking the Bay in Miami Beach. Drove straight thru Little Haiti to get here. Lovely place.

  53. So my CEO was abruptly canned today. His son, the COO, was also canned, and dozens of employes were suspended.

    Sounds like no big deal, right?

  54. we're gonna have to clean up our act a bit if we've got a ceo in our midst. we can work around a couple of jackass vice-presidents, but a ceo is a donkey of a different color.

  55. This should make you happy, Mark (and make you sad, Rob). The booted CEO was the super-booster of all Bama super-boosters. I'm pretty sure the Bama AD spent his fair share of time on our corporate jet. Not sure if he can lavish the Elephants with those kinds of gifts going forward.

  56. we got lots of rich rednecks ready to replace his cash, tr

  57. mike wise just went all cranbrook on wale in a twitter rant.

  58. That's good news. Less for me, more for Auburn. I'm more concerned with Florida ceasing to be a dumpster fire.

    Miami is fun. Thank god I never lived here. A little early for that comment. Which, in my mind, really drives the point home.
