Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rob Loves Good Beats

Most of you have probably not heard of Evidence. Evidence is a West Coast MC who first rose to prominence as one of three members of the group Dilated Peoples. Dilated first became a name known in hip hop circles when they dropped the single "Work the Angles" in 1998.

Dilated has since dropped three major label albums and is currently working on a fourth. Since their last album was released, Evidence has struck out on is own releasing two solo albums and multiple collaborative albums while also becoming a prolific producer and owner of one of the better, more artistic Instagram feeds around (his late mother was a photographer). None of that, however, is why we're here today. No. Today we honor the bond between Evidence and our own Tiny Dictator. You see, it seems Rob and his crew are Evidence's collective muse. Don't believe me, just watch.

We promised you dipshittery. And we always deliver. Most of the time.


  1. Later I found that it was rob and his crew.

  2. The Wizards have a chance to clinch a playoff series tonight. The Wizards.

  3. I've never been an optimist about them, but I struggle to imagine the Wiz winning tonight. I have not seen much this season that would suggest this team would relish (and therefore take advantage of) closing a team out early.

  4. the wiz are a few decent bounces away from the conference final. yeah, that's right.

  5. Mayhugh--get over it. The Wiz are going to win this series.

  6. While you're getting into early aughts underground west coast hiphop, check out "Expansion Team" by Dilated Peoples. Evidence is involved.

  7. Sterling banned for life. There you go.

  8. Expansion Team is dope.

    Also, the DJ for Dilated is a guy named Babu. His 'Duck Season' mixtapes are dope too.

  9. Coming soon to the NBA: the Seattle Clippers

  10. I forgot that Babu was involved with Dilate Peoples. Good look Mark. And speaking of mixtapes, DJ Jazzy Jeff should have a new entry in his "Summertime" series very soon. Look out for it.

  11. Shlara - I think (and hope) so too, would not bet on tonight being the deciding game, though. I hope I'm wrong and Nene comes back with a fury and drops 30.

  12. Is Mark Cuban a libertarian?


  13. Real Madrid is soccering rather well at the moment.

  14. I say "big whoop" on the 2.5m fine and life banishment. He still has his asset. They probably net 2.5M or much more for a playoff game, and yeah I realize 2.5 is the max fine that can be levied. But hell, Cuban has probably been fined as much (cumulatively) for bitching about refs. On playing - I go back and forth on that...difficult, considering I'm 1) Not an NBA player, and 2) White. With the announcement, I think I'd lean towards not playing. Fuckim.

  15. And Cristiano Ronaldo actually feigned crying after limping off after a bit of a dive.

    If Atletico Madrid manages to win the Spanish Liga and the Champions League, it would be one of the most incredible Cinderella seasons ever by a Spanish club.

    A Real Madrid-Atletico Madrid final would be fun.

  16. Real Madrid opened a giant can of whoop-ass on the Germans.

  17. I'm really impressed with Adam Silver. I think he's going to end up being a better commish that Stern....and that's a high bar.

  18. Danimal: What would your suggested penalty have been if you were NBA commish?

    They are clearly trying to force him to sell the team and I think this is the most effective way. I would have also liked to see the NBA agree to void all Cipper contracts at the end of the season if a player requested it but that brings CBA issues into the mix which might have made it impossible.

  19. Silver has a great haircut. I like the cut of his jib.

  20. 30 days minimum on the corners of Main and Washington (am guessing there) in Compton, holding a sign stating, "I don't like black people" would have been kind of cool, with the 1st 29 days accompanied with police protection.

    Or, the nuclear option of his franchise being taken away would have been fun to see. I would guess that route was not taken for fear of legal action by Sterling.

    Banned for life...I just don't think a guy like that gives a shit. If his players decided not to make him any more money this year by not playing, followed by the loss of franchise, I think that would hurt a little more. But I can't blame them for wanting to play.

    It's Apple Blossom week by the way.

  21. The Bloom! I still have my lucky shirt somewhere. I think next year marks 20 years.

  22. you'd be really lucky if that shirt fits

  23. espn's reporting that players in every playoff game tonight were planning to boycott if the league didn't ban sterling. whoa.

  24. I actually would liked to see something of that magnitude.

  25. all squirrels are created equal, y'all

  26. I like Danimal's creativity, but I do not support any action that would make people look at Sterling and think John McClane.

  27. Yippee kayay motherfucker.

  28. kayay like kayak? I always thought kiyay. Hmmm.

  29. Back down in lovely Houston. Flew down this afternoon, like a typical Baller in Economy Plus. A woman sat next to me who could best be described as a sluttier Gabrielle Union. I know the Rockets and Blazers are in town tmrw night, but I didn't have the courage to ask her if she was road beef. I know that's shallow and sexist, but she looked she just came from NBA Wives. Certainly wasn't the outfit of a consultant.

  30. I'm rooting for Le Wiz for you clowns, even though Noah is one of my favorite players in the league.

  31. Noah can barely run and now Gibson is down. Not looking good for Chicago.

  32. To know Wiz / Boulez / Washington sports for the last two decades is to have serious angst up 3 with under a minute.

  33. seriously, the wiz are going to the conference finals.

  34. They certainly gave the Bulls some chances. I wonder if Thibs will come back for Chicago.

  35. Kenny Smith is protesting Sterling by not matching his clothes.

  36. And rob, settle down. Let's see who the opponent is first and play a game or two before you go proclaiming ECF for Wiz.

  37. rob is a privileged Red Sox fan. He doesn't understand disappointment. Cut him some slack.

  38. 142.5 miles run in January
    25 total between Feb and today.

    The road back to mediocrity begins tomorrow people. You with me?

  39. Any man who'd steal from Publix is no friend of mine. Crab legs are delicious though.

  40. give the guy a break....it's not like he raped someone.

  41. So, what's next for Donald Sterling? I imagine a lawsuit of course. As despicable as he is, his remarks were recorded without his knowledge/permission or a warrant. Is he going to quietly sell his franchise and fade into a Bolivian? Is he going to try for redemption/forgiveness? (probably not)

  42. he commented yesterday that the team is not for sale. agreed on the redemption/forgiveness route - no chance. he'll battle, unfortunately. but he's no picture of health - I might put him in my 2015 death pool.

  43. He seems like the sort of scumbag that just LOVES going to court. And everybody's giving back any money he's recently donated, making it highly unlikely that anybody would accept charity from him in the near future.

  44. I would take his money for our nonprofit. And then send him a selfie every day with his cardboard cut-out, an African-American person, and me.
