Sunday, April 06, 2014

Life Goes On

Like most of Twitter, it seems, I'm wildly unexcited by tomorrow night's NCAA Men's Championship game. It's not terribly fair to the two teams involved - both UCONN and Kentucky have played exceptionally in this tournament, and deserve to be in the final. Kentucky's run to the title game, in particular, is one of the great sustained pressure performances of all time. It's just that I liked the stories of the two other Final Four teams better, and as most who don't have rooting interests, I pull for novelty over royalty.

Our admiration for Bo Ryan is well-documented. And I really fell hard for this Florida team after reading several profiles about its senior class, particularly this one from Sports Illustrated's Andy Staples.

This picture, taken as the Gators waited for a plane to take them home after their loss to Connecticut, won't help ease Mark's pain, but it will make you like Patric Young and Will Yeguete even more.


  1. You are looking live at the infield of Rosecraft Raceway. Huge semifinal in college division. W n M v WVU. Sun shining, beer flowing, life is good. Oh and 15-5 Eers at half.

  2. i've got the tribe -14 in the post-match spelling bee

  3. I don't know Rob... "Predator", the #6 with the flourescent green headband and long dreads (for a white guy) for WVU may be a sleeper in the Bee... cause he sure didn't do too much around the paddock, except for flick his hair and growl.

  4. How 'bout them Irish?! Fired up!!! Goin to the "ship" as they say in twitterville. Yeahzzz. Ok...just kidding.

  5. serious question: if you're the wizards, do you tank for the 7th seed so you can play indiana, who're a dumpster fire right now? i think you'd much rather take your chances with the pacers than with the bulls, who've kicked your ass all over the court every time out this season.
