Monday, March 24, 2014

Oderus Not Among Us

Sad news from the metal world, as GWAR frontman Dave Brockie, aka Oderus Urungus, was found dead in his Richmond home last night.

I'm not a huge metal fan, but I know well of GWAR's reputation for humor, fun, and doing things the way they wanted to do them. Judging from the comments from Brockie's colleagues, the metal world has lost a one-of-a-kind voice.


  1. So we can basically pencil Florida into the Final Four at this point, right?

  2. Thanks to Rob and kidlet for their hospitality last night. Unfortunately we could not rock da pahtay like sig eps last night in downtown L-burg with my 4:45 wake up call.

  3. the kidlet was nervous about that all day - she's a bit of a shy one. glad she at least said a few words to you guys. always good to see team marls, though.

  4. i really didn't believe much in uva - kinda wrote them off after tennessee dumptrucked them earlier in the season. but i've seen large portions of 3 of uva's last 4 games. that's as good a defensive team (emphasis on team - arizona's defense is awesome, and enabled by sick, long athletes) as i've seen in a while. their matchup with michigan state has the potential to be terrific.

  5. Funny article:

  6. So I saw these guys live opening for Okkervil River. He was a trip live. He dances around all crazy and two songs into their set, he jumped up and when he landed split his pants. Then began the conversation with the crowd for an extra pair of size 36 pants or shorts. And asking about the indecency laws in Boston. The venue has a stage that is two stories with windows looking down onto the stage. Okkervil River and the second band spent most of their set looking down and laughing at him. He eventually gave them the old brown eye at the end but not the crowd.

    Unrelated, like the Old 97's? Check out this comedy bang bang podcast with a few songs off the new album. Does sound a little like the Replacements. Bonus Matt Berninger is also on the podcast.

  7. wait, gwar opened for okkervil river?

  8. from a new yorker interview with rhett miller about the old 97s new record:

    In my life and career, I’ve worked hard and tried to do the right thing. I may not be perfect, but I deserve to be able to walk up to the mic and say “fuck” every once in a while.

    it's been a long, long time since i anticipated a record as much as i'm anticipating this one.

    full interview here:

  9. when you have the notion that you can drive through Orlando during the month of march, because it's a sunday and thus there shouldn't be traffic, beat that notion down. that's what I learned this weekend. avoid Orlando. and then avoid 95.

  10. Come on Rob ... follow TR's link.

  11. Here are some great reviews of the Ted Cruz coloring book:

  12. That coloring book will be an awesome bad gift for liberal friends.

    That dude is such a dildo.

  13. The comments in the Reviews are quite good.

  14. Mud wrestling scene from Stripes always delivers.

  15. I wish I could cut a steak.

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