Sunday, March 30, 2014

Beatles, Basketball, Belief

I'm generally fascinated by the impact  of belief, confidence, and even arrogance on all kinds of outcomes. Just last night, I found myself questioning how the fifth-best team in the Atlantic 10 could go toe to toe with the best team in the nation. That Dayton believed they could was a huge part of the answer.

Andrew Romano explores this idea in the context of the most successful band in history in this long, but compelling piece on The Beatles. In it, he posits the idea that, "Arrogance—a kind of foolish, adolescent self-belief; an ignorant, intuitive certainty that your way is the right way—is the root of all great art. Without it, talent and timing aren't enough."

John Lennon himself would agree. In a 1980 interview, he said, "“We were the best fucking group in the goddamn world … and believing that is what made us what we were.”

It's impossible to measure arrogance, or confidence, or onions. But it's clear to me that those things matter. William & Mary's going to break it's long NCAA Tournament drought because Tony Shaver has begun in the last few years to recruit a different kind of kid than the ones that usually wind up in Williamsburg. Marcus Thornton's an obvious example, but Omar Prewitt's skinny, pale exterior hides an athletic arrogance that'll pay dividends.

(I'm aware, incidentally, that it's a fairly arrogant thing to discuss W&M basketball in the same post as The Beatles. Work with me here.)

This post isn't, it should be noted, an endorsement of arrogance in the normal course of things. Confidence, sure, we're with you there. But a dick's a dick in the workaday world. And nobody likes a dick. On the court, though, or the field, or onstage? Go on with your self-belief. It'll take you far.

Somewhere, Bono and Tom Brady agree with me.


  1. We needed more dicks in the Z circle last night. Tuuuurrible round of Z.

  2. So ... Derrick Ward's twitter rant? I always laugh when someone calls someone else an idiot using the word "your" instead if "you're." Like the nfl, grammar will be dead in 20 years.

  3. And then I have a typo. Bananas calling school busses yellow.

  4. sorry to miss it, i love a good round of z, and i'm the best player in the universe.

    more on the theme of arrogance, i saw something wonderfully arrogant in our travel soccer game yesterday. my younger son ian is a skilled player, but also an idiot at times, and when the other team scored to make it 1-0, i saw him whisper to the striker (he's a center mid) and then he went into the circle for the kick-off, and his buddy rolled the ball to him, and he then proceeded to dribble around the entire team, one after another, up the middle, all the way out to the right, and then back to the left, and then he shot and scored. there was much jubilation for this planned act of arrogance. a few minutes later the other team scored again, and ian-- usually a more defensive player-- was back in the center circle again, to execute his foolproof "plan," except this time they were wise to him and he made it around two kids and then the rest of the opposing team crushed him in a horde. i told him you can only pull a stunt like that once a game, and he should try switching the field once in a while, but there is this part of me that knows that his stupid arrogance is going to make him a better player int he long run.

  5. i'm too arrogant to correct dave's misstatement.

  6. Props to the Zman for a good party and fantastic pig parts. Fuck you to mother nature for the miserable weather. That said, any night where a drunken Johnny G is dancing to "One of These Days" in a suburban family room is a good night in my book.

  7. I just ate a lamb burger and some pork belly poutine. I don't think that was an arrogant meal but it was fucking delicious.

  8. the only good thing about this flu is that i'm watching lots of college basketball.

  9. pork belly poutine is probably really arrogant, because it's so awesome.

  10. Does eating pork belly feel like biting into a big, slimy piece of fat to anyone else? I had pork belly from the finest establishment in town and found it gnarly.

  11. Shabazz Napier is a good example of the type of arrogance Rob's writing about. Always thinks he's the best player on the floor.

    Oh, and both teams Florida lost to (both losses were kind of bullshit by the way) are in the Final Four. Nice.

  12. Sorry about that, Clarence. I love pork belly. The wife makes it from time to time and its great. This was my first time having it at a restaurant and I thoroughly enjoyed it this time too.

  13. that's exactly right, mark. that dude just knows he's gonna beat you. and then he does.

  14. built to spill has released a cover of dylan's 'jokerman'. i'm not that familiar with the original, but the cover is really cool.

  15. I'm rooting for Michigan because playing Kentucky a fourth time horrifies me. Also, if Michigan wins then the Final Four is comprised of Florida and the last three teams to beat Florida.

  16. and i'm rooting for them because beilein > calipari

  17. Nik Stauskas his improved so much as an offensive player since last year. He's become an elite passer and genuinely creative off the dribble. Really fun to watch him play.

    And Vitas' aunt says he's a very nice kid too.

  18. I like Beilein a lot too, Rob. A great offensive basketball coach. And a former D3 guy!

  19. You can distinguish true basketball fans from the guys who just fill out a bracket by which weekend they like/talk about more. Sure, there are a lot more games the first weekend, but the quality is a lot better in the 16/8 rounds.

  20. Absolutely, Mayhugh. The level of play during this weekend is a joy to watch. This game being a prime example.

  21. That shot deserved the Sam Cassell bug balls dance. Wow.

  22. Big balls, not bug balls. Obviously.

  23. A lot of credit has gone (and should go) to Calipari, but the dudes actually have to pull it off on the court.

    I don't want to get ahead of myself, but is Michigan THE preemptive favorite next year? Nary a senior on the roster and McGary presumably back at full strength?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Tesla segment on 60 min tonight.

  26. If Stauskas & Robinson stay then I'd say yes.

    Florida has played all the other Final Four participants already this year. Has that ever happened before?

  27. kq - find palladia. pearl jam doc by cameron crowe. great stuff.

  28. That doc sat on my DVR for a year before I finally got around to watching it a few months ago. Tremendous.

  29. vedder still seems a little bit bewildered by all of it. they were on such a rocket ride - i don't think anyone, even the most grounded person, could handle that terribly well.

  30. That doc is amazing. I loved the Temple of the Dog scene, where Vedder showed his band he could hold his own w/ Cornell. Great vibes from those Seattle bands. They all supported each other.

  31. So this kind of cool but gimmicky.

  32. 4 run top of the 10th for the Nats. Opening day!

  33. Same old Mets. Marls was at the park.

  34. Last to the dance on Requiem for the Big East. Syracuse needs to revisit the uni's from the Manley Field House days...they were the shiznit. I give this 30 for 30 five oranges out of five.

  35. Bobby Parnell out for the season.

    Tiger out of the Masters

    Wojo in a Marquette


    also, new stupid ass filler posted
