Thursday, January 02, 2014

Want More Picks? Of Course You Do!

The Holidays are officially over. Some of you schlubs even went back to work today, but College Football season isn't over. Which means Danimal and me aren't done making picks. We've got two more BCS Bowls before the final BCS Championship Game and we're here to tackle them for you. It really is for you. And post count. Duh.

Alabama (-17) over Oklahoma: I've gone back and forth on this game a few times. Not because I buy Rob's theory that Bama will mail this game in ala the 2008 Sugar Bowl. This is different. 2008 was the the second year of Nick Saban's tenure in Tuscaloosa. Five years later, the Alabama program is more experienced and far more talented top to bottom than it was in 2008. Furthermore, I don't see AJ McCarron or CJ Mosely laying down in their final games in Crimson.  Still, 17 points is a pretty hefty price to pay for backing the Tide. On top of that, I don't buy Oklahoma. Neither of their QBs are very good and there is also plenty of history to suggest that the Sooners won't exactly come out guns blazing in a BCS Bowl. To be honest, the only player who's truly impactful on the Oklahoma offense is Jalen Saunders and he's a tiny slot guy. Bama wins by three TDS.

Clemson (+3) over Ohio State: I don't feel strongly about this. Neither team wows me offensively and they're both below average on defense. I'll go with Clemson for the following reasons:

1. Ohio State doesn't pass it well.
2. Ohio State might be hungover after being upset in the Big Ten Title Game.
3. Clemson has a good senior QB who is also the best QB the Buckeyes have played all season.
4. Clemson might be extra motivated for redemption after being eviscerated by West Virginia two years ago in the Orange Bowl.

That's it. That's all I've got.


Over the course of many a week, Danimal has scratched and clawed his way back into this. Just behind 1 game, or would it technically be 1.5 games since I have a tie? That’s for the judges to decide. I’ll just call it 1. Do you all feel the tension? This is what you’ve been waiting for isn’t it? Admit it. To me, this is better than the games themselves.
Can someone put my 1-year old to bed please???!!!!!

The records:
D: 27 – 21 – 1
M: 28 – 21

Sugar Bowl
Alabama -17 vs Oklahoma
Seventeen points. It’s a tough one, by design.  ‘Bama could, and probably will, come in there extremely pissed off. And Oklahoma will enter with wanting to prove something. Oklahoma had a nice 10-2 season with some impressive wins. Annnnd they lost to Baylor 41-12. I’ve sat over this for some time now. Rooting for Alabama this evening is not something I prefer to do, but will.

Orange Bowl
Ohio State -3 vs Clemson
This is another one. Day-umm. It seems every radio douche nozzle is saying Clemson. “OSU cannot stop Clemson’s passing game…” is the recurring line. I can’t stand Urban Meyer, but reserve the right to change that attitude should he ever become the coach at ND. Until then though, meh.  OSU scores a lot too, 24 against Michigan State and about 5-6 touchdowns per for every other game. Urban’s coached a few big bowl games and this is where I think the difference will lay.


  1. danimal, you're down half a game, you damn dummy.

  2. Lou Holtz looks worse under stadium lights than studio lights.

  3. You say tomato, baseball dweeb.
    Teej - thanks buddy!
    I definitely win on analysis this go-around.

  4. he sounds the same though, and it's glorious.

    did anyone see the ucf qb's girl?

  5. Madmen guy singing National Anthem!

  6. Bama's gonna crush the Sooners. I think they win by 24 or more.

  7. That was before Cooper's big catch and run.

  8. Oklahoma looks as composed as Michael Spinks did when he was stepping into the ring against Tyson.

  9. Northwestern has a kid in a yarmulke. Don't see that very often.

  10. Lot easier to wipe with that bum thumb I bet.

  11. Pretty robust TR, thanks for asking!

  12. I really like Jalen Saunders. Solid, productive slot receiver. Great on special teams.

  13. deandrew white's having himself an evening

  14. It's a wonderful night for an evening.
    How bout that grab?

  15. saban might rip kirby smart's still-beating heart from his chest at halftime

  16. Well, since I can't lose any ground here and bama is not going to cover, Let's go Sooners!

  17. don't like to say 'i told you so ', but...who am i kidding? i love to say that. and i did.

  18. Saban is on a cell phone w/ folks in Austin right now. And Lou Holtz is smiling with his new Depends on.

  19. Not feeling the queso blanco dip.

  20. Nets leading Thunder w/ a minute left. Knicks up on Spurs in 4th. Unexpected.

  21. Derrick Henry is a full grown man at 18. Not bad when your third string running back is the all time leading rusher in HS football history.

  22. Yeah I can't believe that kid was playing HS football a year ago. He's a grown-ass man ... and he has Jerry Rice's hairline.

  23. Trevor Knight is balling. Good lord.

  24. I noticed that hair line too. The dreads/braids mix doesn't help. Might want to just go for a nice fade young fella.

  25. If this was basketball, Derrick Henry would go pro tomorrow.

  26. So Bob Stoops is gonna talk some shit, huh?

    Not so good tonight, AJ.

  27. Love wakin up to a bama loss. Hahahaha.

  28. ha ha ha ha haaa hahhha haha ha
