Friday, January 31, 2014

Drug Month: While You Were Electing a New Pope

Yesterday, we brought you a business lesson from an unorthodox source. Today, we continue the theme, and extend our examination of America's evolving relationship with marijuana at least one more day. At this point, we're basically killing time until the 12th Day of Gheorghemas magically appears, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes from a deep, healthy bong hit.

The advent of legalized recreational marijuana in Colorado and Washington has brought with it rapid growth in demand for a broad range of products and services. Obviously weed growers have found markets for their heretofore illicit crops, but the ancillary products and services springing up around the industry are creating significant legitimate investment opportunity.

While conservative money largely waits on the sidelines, as tension between state legalization and continuing Federal prohibition creates a real risk to pot entrepreneurs, there are those stepping into the breach to stake out early positions in the kush rush.

According to Fast Company,

"The poster boy for the above-ground weed entrepreneur movement is Justin Hartfield, the CEO of marijuana review and discussion site WeedMaps. Hartfield makes big money from WeedMaps--the company generates over $25 million per year. He's continuing to expand his empire, co-founding marijuana technology venture capital firm Ghost Group in 2012 (brands include WeedMaps,,, and marketing company Bonfire), and more recently, launching marijuana VC investment fund Emerald Ocean Capital."

Hartfield, in a nod to the risks mentioned above, doesn't invest directly in the production of marijuana. Rather, "He's more interested in software companies that dance around the edges of the marijuana economy, like WeedMaps."

Let's stop to think for a moment. There are Gheorghies involved in the investment and venture capital space. We know attorneys, tax experts, and marketing professionals. Allegedly, we also know people who are familiar with the weed market and its secondary financial opportunities. These three groups (who might overlap) go together like bong hits and Fritos.

I think you see where I'm going here.


  1. Medical Marijuana made it on the November ballot in Florida. A big step in a traditionally conservative voting state that also could be a medicinal marijuana boom state.

  2. i think I'm coming down with a glaucoma.

  3. "Haz-mat teams, bomb squad respond after white powder found at 3 hotels near Super Bowl site, New Jersey officials say."

    There's a chance that may not be a terrorist.

  4. I owe this fine blog a post from my first-hand visit to Colorado.

    Expect it after a Day 12 of Gheorghemas and the finale of the baseball card rankings.

  5. Great read on working for the TSA:

  6. OKC is putting on a clinic in Brooklyn.

    Should I have known that both Morris twins are in Phoenix, and both are averaging double-digit points?

  7. I didn't have cable at the new house on Sunday so I just got around to watching the Kendrick Lamar performance from the Grammys. That was great.

  8. OKC has now doubled up Brooklyn in the second qtr: 56-28. Durante has six assists playing point forward.

  9. Durante now has 19 points on 7-for-8 from the floor. This is a special stretch.

    Make that 22 pts on 8-for-9 shooting now. 82" guys should not be able to shake small forwards at the top of the key with a crossover dribble. Unbelievable.

  10. USA women's soccer player Sydney Leroux seems nice. All inked up.

  11. I love Kevin Durant.
    Did you see the Grantland post that captured some details from his SB party in NYC last night?

  12. 26 pts on 10-for-11 shooting. Only two shots in the first eight minutes of the qtr.

  13. And JVG is on fire tonight
    He's hilarious

  14. So true. He ripped on ESPN for showing highlight of the Bucks-Magic game. They are very loose with the blowout.

    We need Durant to get to 30!

  15. I also loved his tirade about the NBA celebrating Chinese New Year.

  16. First piss in my new back yard. Quality.

  17. mark, the kendrick lamar performance is my favorite thing about 2014 so far. it was awesome.

    second on my list is tr's italification of kevin durant's name.

    and holy fuck is steph curry good. great, even.

  18. hi gheorghies! just rewatched the kendrick lamar/imagine dragons performance. both are terrific. lamar's second verse is a lesson. and imagine dragons are completely invested in the show - it's great. go find it.

  19. Imagine Dragons were really, really into that performance. As was Kendrick. He's killing the drum late in the performance. I love it. Great concept and execution and the use of one of the more underrated songs in Kendrick's album.

  20. Random recommendation: if you're looking for a really underrated rap album then check out Magnificent City. It's probably 7-8 years old but still great. An Aceyalone/RJD2 collabo.

  21. in an airport three hours before my flight leaves. pretty much obligated to get drunk, no?

  22. what are the pacers gonna do with bynum? run 7 footers at the heat for 48 minutes? play him at the 4 with hibbert to go massive? that's an intriguing move.

  23. Have him sit on the bench and rock crazy haircuts?

  24. that possibility didn't escape me

  25. It's two fold. Keeps him away from the Heat and he can spell Hibbert when he's in foul trouble. The Pacers are fucking loaded.

  26. Andre Reed! Tim Brown is pissed.

  27. back in the old dominion, clarence

  28. Walter Jones was flagged for nine holding penalties and gave up 23 his career. Not too shabby.

  29. Manning got 49 of 50 MVP votes. Which WEEI goober voted for Brady?

  30. Lebron James is good at basketball. Sweet Christ.

  31. Good to have you back in the Commonwealth, Rob. I always feel a strange disturbance in the Force when you're out of state.

  32. Amanda Knox....your opinion....guilty or innocent?

  33. Didn't get to see the cuse game due to a date night. Good one heh?
    Rob...running a long one tomorrow? Am on the I.r. Due to a strained calf.

  34. My very valuable opinion on the Amanda Knox matter is . . . that it's a mess. Yep. There you have it.

    My advice is this: don't get into some swapperoo orgy sex game with weirdos in another country. It's safest in your own town.

  35. I was reading Jayson Stark's piece on parity in baseball superseding that of the NFL. (The article is partly enlightening, partly missing the major point about salary cap.) But then I got to this paragraph:

    Over in baseball, on the other hand, 28 of the 30 teams have had a winning season at least once in the last five years. The only exceptions? The Mets and Astros.

    Has it really been 5 years? So bad. Blissful ignorance was a better place to be, Jayson, you Phillie-loving jerk.

  36. More comments to myself: kudos to the Super Bowl committee for landing the Chili Peppers after Frusciante left and years after their heyday. Flea and Kiedis will still entertain, I suppose, but if they are permitted to play anything off their last few albums, Fox should be fined.

    Prop bet odds on which songs, according to me:

    Under the Bridge 1/9
    Scar Tissue 5/9
    Higher Ground 1/3
    Give It Away 2/1
    Snow (Hey Oh) 10/1 because the weather looks too warm
    Anything else: 13/1
    The field: 2/1

    What they should play:

    Around the World
    Knock Me Down
    Taste the Pain
    Fight Like a Brave

    and maybe

    Catholic School Girls Rule

  37. Is it just me or is this year's Duke BB team not only not obnoxious but kind of likeable?

    And who does everybody have tonight? I can imagine more scenarios where the Seahawks win than I can with Denver. I would be pretty surprised if the Broncos pulled it out.

  38. Snow is a great, great song. I urge you to watch the video. Very cool job of a band being aware that they, their crew and their fans are all aging.

    The big question is if they have their shirts off when they play.They did during the R&R HoF show and it was weird, gross and sad (not in that order).

    Bruno Mars is hard to hate. He also has the body of a lesbian. My wife and I couldn't stop laughing about that when he hosted SNL.
