Saturday, December 28, 2013

Photo of the Year

There are lots of great year-end lists - we'll have our own at some point later this week. National Geographic's list of the year's best photos is well worth your time, as is Reuters' (warning: some of the latter's photos of the year are graphic depictions of violence). Largehearted Boy offers an exhaustive compendium of lists of the best books of the year - a list of lists, if you will. I assume Dave has read all of them. Every radio station worth it's salt has offered its take on the year in music. My favorites include the SiriusXMU Top 41 and the Top 90.3 albums, but your results will vary.

With all that effort expended by others, who are we to try to pile on? No, we'll keep it short and amazing. The G:TB Photo of the Year was taken in 2013's first month by Portugese surf photographer To Mane at Nazare, Portugal. The shot captures Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara's ride of what is allegedly the largest wave ever surfed. I was captivated by it the first time I saw it, and I have the same reaction every time I come across it again. It's stunning, and not done justice in any way at this size:

Here's video of McNamara talking about the ride:

I imagine both McNamara and Mane will be both pleasantly surprised and more than a little confused when the commemorative chocolate statues of Gheorghe arrive at their homes.


  1. Danimal- I don't know much about Rutgers but I don't like laying 14.5 with ND. I'm staying away but would take the points if I had to place a bet.

  2. Important to note that Rutgers is pretty much psyched to play in NYC against a huge program, while ND is still dealing w/ a huge overhang. I'd grab them points like JYD grabbed them cakes.

  3. that's an interesting autocorrect

  4. Was wailing on my quads and sweating like a pig on a spin bike while typing. Proofread fail.

  5. As I typed in the last post...Rutgers blows. Lay the wood.

  6. I just noticed this game is at the half. Fucking time zone confusion.

  7. I now have the flu to go with my torn wrist ligaments. I'm an effing mess and I'll have to miss a holiday party tonight. I guess I'll be like clarence and stream British period dramas.

  8. UNC had a cool punt return. Their uniforms aren't quite right though.

  9. i was on this photo in september.

    just saying.

    also, drinking cigar city brown ale and it is delicious. awesome day today in florida -- my dad's friend took us fishing on his boat -- and we caught many species of fish, and fed the fish to the dolphins -- perfect day until we returned back to the condo and my son immediately stopped up the toilet and flooded the bathroom, putting us in emergency clean-up mode for a while. blue water to gross water in a matter of hours.

  10. Gotta teach him to courtesy flush.

  11. I will take the points and Rutgers.
    I took Louisville and Kstate in tonight's action, so come on teams!

  12. Weather has been good in Florida for Dave and the family. Pretty warm since Christmas Day. Glad he's enjoying the Cigar City rec.

  13. The UNC punt return was cool, and ballsy.

  14. so teddy bridgewater might've had something for the hometown team, then?

  15. Indeed, Rob. That was very, very personal. And he made sure everyone knew it in his post game interview.

  16. oooh, missed it. what'd he say?

  17. Something along the lines of 'its a great feeling to see the fans of your hometown school leaving the stadium early'.

  18. My love for Teddy has been well documented around here. That competitive fire makes me love him even more.

  19. that's fantastic. he's gonna look good in texan red and blue.

    and speaking of the texans, w&m's own jonathan grimes gets the start at tailback for houston in tomorrow's season finale.

  20. I was really hoping the Bucs would suck enough to have a shot at Teddy. Now I'm worried that Schiano isn't going to be fired. Fucking cheap ass Glazer family.

  21. By the way, my kid puked EVERYWHERE tonight just as we were putting her to bed. Good times. Good times.

  22. The best MMA fight I've seen in some time is between two girls.

  23. Anderson Silva's leg. Don't watch the replay if you haven't seen it.

  24. A rare Jest/Jints simulcast!

  25. 11.5 mile run in 42 degree temps with pouring rain. i've had more pleasant sunday mornings.

  26. Skins-Jints in the pouring rain in Jersey. No idea who would go to that.

  27. Santana Moss, it has been a good time, but now we must part ways. Stat.

  28. I don't understand how I can generate so much phlegm. I've coughed up at least five pounds so far today.

  29. In Orlando for tonight's Magic game with Greg, his brother, Vitas and another friend. Might have a few refreshments beforehand.

  30. that's a fairly awful gack by the dolphins

  31. The dolphins just aren't that good. I have no faith in tannehill.

  32. And the BiLOLs meme continues.

  33. Orlando as a city sucks. But the basketball arena is great and its in a great location.

  34. The Dolphins suck. It brings me great joy.

  35. Only an a-hole would skip the 4 PM and night games on the last w/ e of the regular season for a date night w/ the wife.

    We are seeing Wolf of Wall Street at 7.

  36. Why didn't the packers go for two?

  37. It will be an embarrassment to the whole AFC if the Steelers end up in the playoffs w/ the same record as the Jets. Can't believe the Chargers are losing to the Chiefs' scout team.

  38. As a Steelers fan, this Chargers/Chiefs game is killing me. Especially b/c I can't see it, I just have to follow the action on my phone

  39. Describing the attendance at this Magic game as sparse would be a stretch.

  40. Aaron Rodgers is good at football. NOW they go for two?!?

  41. Saw Wolf of Wall St yesterday. Lots of t and a. LOTS. And even some beav. I was offended. The movie was ok. I'd give it 2.5 quaaludes out of 4.

  42. It's long as heck too. With previews it's way over 3 hrs. I'd go see American Hustle if I could do it over especially considering we get to the THEE-ater about once every 24 months or so.

    At least tr didn't miss any good fball finishes.

  43. the tribe got comprehensively asswhipped by huggybear's squad today. marcus thornton's ncaa-leading double figure scoring streak comes to an end.

  44. also, saw saving mr. banks with the family today. surprisingly moving, and quite good. not at all what i expected.

  45. zson dropped his first f bomb tonight. I welled up with pride. zwoman did not.

  46. i recall my elder daughter's first curse word vividly. it's a fond memory.

  47. Michael Schumacher is in a coma?!

  48. 126 total yards and a touchdown for jonathan grimes for the texans today

  49. Is my yahoo fantasy nba app fucking with me, or did Mark see Oladipo go for 34 points, 11 boards and 20(!) assists tonight?

  50. It was the total for the week for him. Me dumb.

  51. Oladipo was good tonight. Not that good though. This bar is selling gingerbread moonshine.

  52. texas vs Oregon tonight. should be interesting. for about 3 minutes.

  53. shanahan, dead. frazier, dead. niedermeyer, dead. chudzinski, dead.
