Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fashion is Dumb: Reader Submission

KQ found this on Pinterest. I have no earthly idea what the hell it is supposed to be. A Dutch penis walking sleeping bag model? Ya got me.


  1. Looks like someone could use a little Xiaflex to straighten out that dogleg.

  2. snow day! my kids have been out sledding on the hill by my house for three hours and still show no sign of tiring, and my wife had a half day of school, so i am home alone listening to herbie hancock (no one else likes jazz in my family).

    rob, when you say just started, do you mean season 1? because the first episode is one of the best pilots ever made.

  3. yes, season one. we watched the first two episodes last night. i particularly enjoyed the bathtub/acid incident. among a great many other things.

  4. That's a Japanese Mountain Jack Sack

  5. Actually, it's a Korean Hilltop Groove Tube.

  6. Breaking Bad had me after that very first scene in the pilot.

  7. Sounding like Mack Brown is done at Texas. I hope Saban goes there. Both because it gets him out of the SEC and because I want to see Bama fans lose their shit.

  8. Not saying he won't go, but why would he leave Bama for a rebuilding project in Austin?

    Saban makes $5.5M right now. What would Texas have to pay him? $10M?

  9. don't know what the number is, marls, but that's exactly why he would go. and then alabama would go after urban meyer. and the cycle of life would repeat.

    but i'll go on record that saban's not going anywhere. jimmy sexton will use this to get more from alabama, though.

  10. Maybe he would leave Bama so he doesn't have to live in Alabama?

  11. What do we get if you are wrong about Saban?

  12. Says the guy from New Jersey....

  13. how are you just starting the best tv show in the history of television now? did you need to finish up "vampire diaries" first?

  14. C'mon, where are you going to get a decent slice in Alabama, let alone a fresh ganool.

    I have never seen a second of Breaking Bad but that will change when my Apple TV arrives.

  15. Yes I do, but I'm not the one crapping on Bama.

  16. I don't buy Texas as a rebuilding job. They were a win against Baylor away from the Big 12 Title last weekend. Still plenty if talent on that roster. QB has been the issue since the Young/McCoy 8 year stretch.

    Texas is a great job. I also think there's some Larry Brown in Saban. That said, I don't think he goes.

    Here's the beginning of the Texas list: Saban, Jimbo Fisher, Art Briles, David Shaw, Mike Gundy, James Franklin.

  17. what have you received to date when i've been wrong, marls? i assume it's added up to riches beyond your belief at this point.

  18. and dave, i haven't watched a single episode of a serial drama since 'the wire' went off the air. i've seen none of mad men, sons of anarchy, orange is the new black, house of cards, game of thrones, post, or anything else.

  19. Detroit Rock City! I need one of those things to sleep in tonight. How do people live like this?

  20. Maybe now that Saban is in play, Little Danny can pay him $25M a year to coach the Native Americans.

  21. I thought that finding a 40-something educated east coast liberal elite who hadn't seen Mad Men would be as hard as finding a hermaphroditic unicorn. But there's one right here at GTB! You need to brush up on your cultural literacy.

  22. Zman,
    Educated east coast liberal elites don't watch television. It's too plebeian.

  23. i watch sports and read g:tb, z. that's all the culture i need.

  24. speaking of culture, just found out that i'm headed to vegas for the first time in january. for work, but still.

  25. shit, you are missing out. golden age of tv. sons of anarchy is stupid, and mad men can be obtuse, but game of thrones, orange is the new black, the shield, always sunny in philadelphia, the killing, sherlock . . . these shows are really good, and you'll never catch up. what have you been doing with your time?

  26. portlandia? homeland? i am even thinking of watching another season of 24 . .

  27. When you get a chance, flip on to the Kentucky game on ESPN. You need to see Willie Cauley-Stein's hair.

  28. breaking bad episode 3. damn. acting *that* scene must've been insanely intense.

  29. I bet right before he did that to his hair he said "yo I got a crazy idea how to do clarks now."

  30. I see it, Mark. It looks like a video game character I can't place. Wow.

  31. Hey, guys, on Lifetime Movie Network there's a film starring Maggie Seaver and Emily Valentine. I mean, um, never mind.

  32. Check it out, boom. This is how you freak em, boom.

  33. I am staunchly anti basketball themed tattoos but Kentucky freshman James Young has among the best I've ever seen. Still not as cool as Cauley-Stein's hair though.

  34. mark, nice win for the gators. thought wiggins going ham might change the outcome.

  35. He did go nuts at the end. Florida should be very good by Feb/March. Just getting healthy and most of their regular rotation is playing together for the first time all year. They'll also be adding 5 star PF Chris Walker this weekend as a second semester freshman enrollee.
