Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This is just too perfect...

Internet, you are the best.


  1. flattery will not get you extra acorns, tiny

  2. "I am a chipmunk and you're gonna hear me roar."


  3. was hoping to make the point that the return of the teej = the return of filler. the glue that binds gtb, if you will.

    also, speaking of rawr!, the wrens face high point at home this evening, looking to get to .500 on the year. brandon britt' suspension was announced as 9 games, so he'll be back for the big clash with goucher on 12/20.

  4. I hope all of you noticed Florida stepping up for America and having a politician arrested for cocaine. Yeah! Take that, Canadia.

  5. Return of the Teej = The Return of the Product.

  6. Return of the Teej vs. Return of the Mack

  7. Trey Radel (R-Fla.), the freshman member of Congress arrested for cocaine possession late last month, backed a GOP plan to make food-stamp recipients pee in cups to prove they were drug-free and hence worthy of eating.

  8. Return of the Teej vs Return of the McRib

  9. ahmad brooks was fined for that hit on brees. that is outfuckingrageous. i can see calling the penalty (though i can see the niners' argument), but if that's a fineable offense, take off their pads and give them flags.

  10. also, pretty obvious a-rod realizes his appeal is going nowhere, isn't it?

  11. Trey Radel is a good dude...who made a very dumb decision. Let's all just pretend this never happened, ok? Thanks.

  12. Also...a post about a guy who can play a fucking guitar with his toes gets three comments in 5 hours and a picture of a chipmunk gets 14 comments in 20 minutes. Shame on us.

  13. Return of the Teej = Return of the King (featuring rob as Pippin Took)

  14. I didn't want to gum up the guitar post with my stupidity. It deserves better than G:TB.

  15. everybody loves our resident sciuridae, Geoff

  16. You realize that most of the comments have little to nothing to do with the posts, right?

    And how does Geoff know Trey Radel is "a good dude"? Spent a little time hanging out with Radel during the RNC in Tampa last year? Hmmm?

  17. With this crowd, I'm actually more surprised that a post about fake poop garnered but 12 comments.

  18. I wanted to say what Geoff said but didn't. I think Zman's comment explains it.

  19. great. you dicks hurt clarence's feelings. now he won't post again until next year some time.

    way to go, dicks.

  20. but trey radel seems like a pretty good dude. in a tucker max sort of way.

  21. Um, Whitney posted that. But yes. He'll see you in a year.

  22. whitney is a he? get the fuck out of here.

  23. Is the Tribe getting run by High Point? Sweet.....

  24. My grandfather was fom High Point. Furniture capital of America.

  25. we might suck. at least until britt gets back. we're doing an excellent job of lowering expectations.

  26. could be worse, i guess. we could root for nc state.

  27. Since you guys are licking your High Point wounds, some High Point facts:

    The exit sign off the Highway for High Point lists two towns, High Point & Apex.

    My college coach recommended Tubby Smith for his first ever assistant coaching gig in college. He knew Tubby because he coached against him at High Point.

    High Point's best player this year is Allan Chaney. He started his career at Florida before transferring to Va. Tech. He left Va. Tech after being diagnosed with a heart condition. He had surgery and took a year off before transferring to High Point.

    If you don't know, now you know.

  28. High Point's coach is Scott Cherry. Cherry was a high school star for Saratoga High. I saw Cherry play in the NY State Section 2 championships at Glens Falls Civic Center when I was younger. He went to UNC, eschewing other scholarship offers, to ride the pine for four years under Dean Smith.

    I guess something rubbed off.

  29. I remember Scott Cherry! He NEVER played at UNC. I doubt he regrets going there though.

  30. I remember articles about him in the local papers, basically saying why would you do could be a star at all these other places. He was always adamant that going to UNC was what he wanted to do and he didn't regret his decision in the least.

    I also saw Greg Koubek absolutely destroy teams in Glens Falls, which is a weird thing to type.

  31. teej, don't know if you recall this, but we saw scott cherry give a pregame briefing to mason fans in advance of a w&m/mason game at the patriot center. we snuck into the mason alumni meet and greet - cherry was an assistant to larranaga at the time.

  32. I believe i was drunj/other during that

  33. My grandfather is from High Point as well. He kicked Zman's granddad's ass. (If only because he was much older, having been born in 1894.)

    My dad grew up down there. They lived in a suburb of High Point (that's like being called "smaller than Rob") called Asheboro for many years end eventually lived in High Point proper. Good people down there, and good eats.

    TJ should be from High Point.

  34. tribe/mason men's soccer first-round ncaa tournament match streaming live on tonight at 7. get some.

  35. lived near there for 8 years - pinehurst. rode through the town often. i even got my drunk on once while attending a wedding reception held in the town fire hall. pronounced, FARR-hawl

  36. Well, you had more to drink in Asheboro during that one reception than my grandfather did in 97 years there.

    Yes, the apple falls fairly fall from the tree. Then rolls down a hill, into the road, gets run over by a Buick, and gets flung into the gutter.

  37. I'm ready for Ron Burgundy to go away for good.

  38. Or you can watch the soccer action at

    Bring it, Griffins.

  39. Stars may align for me to have a drink or six with Clarence tonight. Any advice?

  40. Mason won the A-10 soccer championship. Don't eff with the Patriots.

  41. this is an entertaining soccer contest. 2-2, late. tribe just scored on a rocket from outside the 18 to tie it.

  42. mason wins in penalty kicks. good luck to you in albuquerque, kquerque.

  43. Well, got a little intense there at the end, but I'd say it turned out alright. Good game.

  44. Messages to wives via GTB comments... Actually, I dig it.

  45. SeƱor KQ and I will be breaking bread tomorrow. The terms "hooker," "loose head," and "inside center" will be used liberally. Deal with it.

  46. Also, hi, Gheorgies. I doubt any of you are up. See I don't think that I need to sit here with you fuckin' dildos anymore.

    -- Bender
