Thursday, October 17, 2013

Technology Makes Life Better

(This post brought to you by extreme fatigue with Washington's political shitshow. Searched long and hard for something completely unrelated, but nearly as stupid, and came up with...zippers.)

There are very few things that aggravate me more than shitty zippers. Fumbling in the cold to get a jacket on, my fingers rapidly losing feeling, or trying to get my kids into their winter coats - these drive me batshit. (Truth in advertising: way too many things drive me batshit. I'm working on it.)

Finally, after generations of Americans faced struggles like mine, technological disruption has come to the zipper industry. Engineer Scott Peters set out to help his uncle, suffering from a degenerative muscular disease, and created a prototype magnetic zipper lock. At the same time, Kevin Plank was driving his Under Armour team to innovate in the apparel space. Peanut butter, meet chocolate.

Simple, elegant, awesome.


  1. For all the one-handed athletes.

  2. The Johnny Cash photo in the post below sums up my views of A-Rod loving Dominicans at this moment.

  3. Maybe they'll go away if you promise to give them some Under Armour with one-handed zippers.

  4. Slightly off topic, but peanut butter and chocolate really is the greatest thing ever. The best candybars all utilize that formula - Peanut Butter Cups (and the 7 derivatives they have at this point), Butter Finger, Snickers Peanut Butter. I miss the strait Twix Peanut Butter (they have it now but the cookie is also chocolate - used to be the same cookie as caramel twix - and that's just too much chocolate). In my opinion nothing else without peanut butter comes close.

    I also recall Rootsminer really enjoyed butterfinger milk when Nesquik made that.

  5. Saying "that's just too much chocolate" gives you zero credibility in the context of snacks and sweets. There is no such thing as too much chocolate.

  6. Going old school and slathering peanut butter on pieces of a Hershey bar is also damn delicious.

  7. i don't care for peanut butter and chocolate in tandem. yeah, that's right.

  8. They go together like lamb and tuna fish.

  9. TR - that tactic definitely makes me feel like more of a glutton, but it is indeed effective.

    Worst candybar? Chunky or anything else with more than three primary ingredients.

  10. best candy bar: heath. also best joker.

  11. Ahhh...Butterfinger Milk. I don't think I ever met anyone else who wasn't revolted by the thought of that stuff.

    Nowadays if I'm being good I'll just put some chocolate chips in a bowl of raw almonds for snacking. If I'm gluttonous I'll have the milkman leave me a quart of chocolate ice cream and I'll eat that with some PB, hopefully over the course of a week.

  12. Rob - I think everyone has one aversion to a universally beloved food. Slightly different, but I never tried a big Mac until last year.

  13. Greg- maybe you prefer spaghetti and meatballs?

  14. Wait- Rootsy has a milk man? For reals?

  15. i came here to point out that i really like the magnetic power cord on my apple computer -- so i have high hopes for the magnetic zipper -- but i'm leaving with the desire for a four pack of reese's peanut butter cups. and is rob a communist?

  16. As someone who enjoys every kind of food available, I am confused by this "pickiness" concept...

  17. What? When did Mr. Ketchup-Only become such a gourmandizer?

  18. We have a milkman. He drops off milk in the middle of the night. Then presumably comes back during the day for the stay-at-home moms.

  19. Like Sam the butcher bringing Alice the meat.

  20. That Squirrel Nut Zippers comment was really good because Squirrel wrote a post about zippers, and mayhuge diverted the comments towards peanut-based candies.

  21. bride of doofus has done wonders expanding the doofus overlord's culinary horizons. and waistline.

  22. Zman, that's too clever by far

  23. I won't even get into the merits of the band.

  24. zman with the rarely seen self-congratulation. what are you, a senator?

  25. Hell yeah I've got a milkman! He doesn't have butterfinger milk, but this week he gave me a gallon of chocolate whole milk for free.


  26. PS. My previous comment is totally true, and in no way intended as a euphemism.

  27. Someone I know (it escapes me exactly who) mentioned that they don't care for peanut butter and chocolate a couple of weeks ago. I was appalled.

    Much like TJ's wife was last week when I revealed my disdain for S'mores.

  28. Does anybody's milk man deliver Cambodian breast milk? That'd be cool.

  29. "Did you see who the new Homeland Security chief is?"


  30. Warrrriors! Come out to pla-ee-ay!

  31. I found Rob's Christmas present.

  32. Anyone else think the FSU-Clem(p)son line seems a little off? FSU a 3 pt favorite on the road?

  33. The zipper is probably meant for triathlon. Amanda Vanderpool
