Saturday, October 19, 2013

Spontaneous Motivation Begets Spontaneous Motivation

In an effort to become more phat and less fat of late, I have tried to improve my decision-making.  No more four-scotch nights while watching Homeland with the wife. No more train beers. Less red meat, fried food and pizza. It's been tough, but it's for a good purpose.

Last night, as I often do on the weekend, I set the alarm for an early rise on Saturday morning to hit the gym. This morning, as I almost never do, I actually got up and made it to the gym when I planned to.  "TR's Awesome Mix" was playing on my iPhone while I wailed on my pecs and quads. And early on in my workout, while the sun was still down, an old favorite came on that I hadn't heard in years - Mooney Suzuki's "I Woke Up This Morning."  Some of you may know this band.  They were the NYC band left out of the rock revival movement from the early aughts that made the Vines, the Hives, the White Stripes, Sahara Hotnights and others famous for a minute or more.  Great three-chord rock band that was a blast live, but somehow missed the boat.  If you look carefully, you see them for a minute in Jack Black's School of Rock.

It was one of those songs that felt too fitting to not be a simple twist of fate. At least that's how I chose to process it, even there is a 5% chance I will hear it any time I work out, assuming I go through 20 of the 400 tunes on my Awesome Mix every time I work out.  So my spontaneous motivation to hit the gym resulted in spontaneous motivation to share this tune with the tens of you reading this.

So here it is, a little dose of kick-ass for your morning.  No video with this link, so focus on the audio. And turn that shit UP.


  1. Good. She may think differently but she can't put together sentences yet so her opinion doesn't really count.

  2. As I've stated before, I don't bet Florida games. But you should. Missouri is getting three at home...

  3. I'm concerned about Corso--he's been slurring more words the last few Saturdays. I think the extra hour of College GameDay is too stressful for him...

  4. I did Mark. For GTB picks I have Texas tech...much st....and I guess we aren't doing post today.

  5. They have the power and passion of another high energy band-the MC5. Love it. amanda vanderpool fashion
