Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vote Early, Often

As many of you know, I've spent a good deal of time over the past 18 months in Minneapolis. It's a terrific place, full of friendly people, fantastic food, a great arts scene, a vibrant outdoor culture, and even a strong hip-hop subculture. I'm even friends with the former mayor, who's a colleague of mine.

Speaking of Minneapolis and mayors, I think I know who I'd vote for if in the upcoming election were I a resident of that fine town. Jeffrey Alan Wagner has a strong message for his mild-mannered (and apparently sleepy) fellow citizens, one I think we can all get behind:

Wagner, described in various media outlets as both a member of the Republican and Democratic–Farmer–Labor parties, is one of 37 candidates vying for the $100,000/year job. Thus far, he's the only one who has appeared on camera rising out of one of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes.

(Going full Minneapolis, enjoy the bonus Dessa track below, from her 2013 release, 'Parts of Speech'.)


  1. Sun shower this morning. Florida's weird.

  2. I'm not sure which way his vow to stay out of noodie bars cuts, but hopefully if elected he'll use some of that $100,000 to buy roomier swim trunks.

  3. the choice of jammers is a curious one. minnesota water = cold. i think he has lit up a blunt or two in his time.

  4. This is the best political ad ever made, right?

  5. I like this one better:

  6. Also this one...which is not a parody...


    hollywood, sort of, comes to incester...this just wrapped up. a couple scenes were filmed in a buddy's bar/restaurant that actually just hosted our reunion this past wkd. all of it was filmed in town. notice at the 2:00 mark the JW on the wall...that's James Wood bitches.

  8. Redskins is done as a name within 5 years. The opposition has accumulated a critical mass of peer-pressured independent thought leaders who are willing to take a bold stand on a controversial issue as long as everyone else is doing it too.

  9. i'll take the under on that timeframe. what will the new name be? i vote for bullets.

  10. it's a testament to how inured we've become to gun violence that the navy yard tragedy didn't even cross my mind when posting that comment. indeed, z, too soon. my bad.

  11. As TJ pointed out on Twitter, Jerry's idea of 'Beltway Fat Cats' is the only logical choice.

  12. I think the collective short-attention-span will see the whole "Redskins need to change their name" thing die out in early spring. Some other issue will come along and be "more important".

    About 10 years ago, I heard that Lil' Danny trademarked a ton of alternatives to "Washington Redskins", like "Washington Warriors" and when they did the random "70th Anniversary" throwbacks, it was to test out how merchandise without the current logo would do with the fans.

  13. Can't find 'em in the database but even if I could they would have expired because he didn't use them in commerce after filing 10 years ago.

  14. Scratch that, found it in the dead marks database. So if anyone wants to start a football team called Washington Warriors ... it's available.

  15. The Post's Thomas Boswell on the name change:

    "There is a ferocious-looking mythological creature from the Middle Ages that is half-lion and half-eagle. The Griffin.

    After RGIII retires with seven Super Bowl rings, that might be an option. (Doesn't look like "seven" is the right number this morning, does it.)

    Actually, I've only spent 30 years trying to think of a better nickname, or even a very good one, to replace Redskins. I'm 0-for-30. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed."

  16. I know it's a pun and he's joking, a) it's not ferocious, and b) nothing with an Eagle in it would ever fly in Washington.

  17. I don't get the "seven" reference, but it's interesting that the company that holds the Redskins marks also has a "7" mark, I assumed in honor of Theismann.

  18. And speaking of the Griffin, Tribe football under the lights this weekend. Get some.

    For the elder fratres, old crony contingent of Weaver/Karn/Swaney (and me) assembling to tailgate and maybe even watch some football.

  19. I'll take the over on the nickname. I think Snyder is stubborn enough and the storm will die down after this year. I'm pretty ambivalent about changing it either way.

  20. As to the new name, the organization is going to want to maintain things like "Hail to the [new name]" and something resembling the logo--like maybe the old Redskins helmet with the "R" logo. I don't have a suggestion...but those are the incredibly short-sighted things they'll get bogged down in.

  21. Oh good, Rick Reilly has weighed in on the Skins name discussion on

  22. Wow. Rob's guy Jim Irsay not messing around.

  23. I go to the gym and Trent Richardson gets traded to the Colts? Wow. Cleveland cut bait on him pretty quickly, huh?

  24. Bet you also didn't know how big a deal it is to be Ag Commissioner? Know why? Thugs and criminals, that's why?

  25. This has the be one of the more jersey-crushing trades in recent history. Considering the other players on Cleveland's roster and in their recent history, there's gotta be a lot of Richardson jerseys out there and their owners were probably pretty damn confident in their relevancy. Now it's almost unwearable. The guy did nothing for the team. That's gotta hurt.

  26. Interesting to see how many writers are coming out after this trade and basically saying they think Richardson sucks, citing his YPC and yards after contact stats, which are fairly pedestrian. These people realized he played in Cleveland with virtually no other offensive weapons of not and Brandon Weeden as his QB, right?

    Has Richarson been as good early on as I expected? No. I don't think it means he's a bust though. Getting him for a pick in the late teens to early twenties seems like good value to me.

  27. Should've bought a Joe Haden jersey.

  28. When in doubt always go with Vinny Testaverde. A classic jersey no matter the team.

  29. The real losers in the Richardson trade are people with Ahmad Bradshaw on their fantasy teams.

  30. the real losers in this trade are the people who had to go to back to school night tonight. like me. nobody wins on back to school night.

  31. You should check out Ice T's Art of Rap documentary on Palladia if only for the freestyle skits.

  32. Hi Gheorghies!
    Working FT and school PT isn't good for my sleeping schedule...

  33. Taking the under on the name change - way under. It took a long time to fill the public outcry basket but it has tipped. I would like the name changed and I have to be honest, if that means changing the fight song, even better. Never liked it, although I do not like many of the pro football fight songs, aside from the old Houston Oilers song.

    I hope Dale Peterson won, and he brought his gun and horse to the Ag Comish White House.

  34. Answered my own question.

  35. Agree with Mayhugh, although I do enjoy HTTR. Even though it was lifted from "Yes, Jesus Loves Me." As we have discussed in this space before, the name is just not defensible -- and the more Daniel Snyder digs in his heels (with lifts), the more I oppose him.

    If the name change happens, can I still wear my Riggo and Darrell Green jerseys?

  36. Yes, they become ultimate throwback jerseys, like rob's Gheorghe Bullets jersey.

  37. sadly, all i have is a gheorghe wizards jersey. it's the only jersey i own.

  38. Shoplifting? Again? Dale, what happened?

  39. Dale has been arrested at least twice for allegedly shoplifting such high-end items as beer and cashews.

    I'm fine with getting shouted down, but I want something like the Washington Legends. Has a cool ABA throwback vibe. Plus, you could keep the fight song - Legends could almost seamlessly be inserted into the fight song if you insist on keeping it.

  40. i'll come back to the fold if they go with sea dogs. or if snyder gets run over by a stampede.

  41. Lost in this conversation is what will become of the Funky Bunch?

  42. And what's the deal with the Hogettes? I heard that there's the "original" Hogettes who get super-pissed and act like total assholes to anybody who tries to copy them. Though I don't know why anybody would try to copy them.

  43. Greg, the Funky Bunch perished in the streets of Boston many years ago when Marky Mark went solo and ran them over with his tour bus.

  44. The Washington Honkeys would be fantastic.

  45. Wasps would be hugely popular down there. I can imagine all you Fairax County dooshwhistles rocking "Wasp" hats with embroidered belts, Ray Bans on Croakie straps, DMB concert T's over a longsleeve T, and gray New Balance trail runners.

  46. Every damn song I hear by Dessa is so different. I'm stoked for this album.Amanda Vanderpool
