Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Viva Columbus

While we await the Doofus Overlord's opus on his trip deep into NASCAR country, a brief bit of outrage for you in advance of this evening's US/Mexico hexagonal qualifier.

U.S. defender Matt Besler was given a yellow card in Friday night's loss to Costa Rica, meaning that he's suspended for tonight's match. Skip ahead to the 5:38 mark in the video below to see what Besler did to earn the caution:

Joel Campbell, karma is a bitch. Watch your back.

Tonight's match kicks off at 8:00 from Columbus Crew Stadium. It's televised on ESPN. No excuse for a patriotic bunch like you not to watch it. With a win and a nearly-certain Honduras win or tie against Panama, the U.S. books its ticket to the World Cup.


  1. That's ridiculous. He should have punched him in the throat as he was flailing about.

  2. dunno. some sort of harry potter thing, i assume.

  3. I hoped it was a really big Pimm's cup.

  4. Even more outrageous was how the dude refused to be helped up. That is appalling.

  5. Or how there is no way to review & undo the suspension due to yellow cards. No way at all. Just won't allow it. Beeotches.

  6. The policy should be that injuries are reviewable and if there is credible evidence that suggests you were faking, the penalty is that you get that part of your body injured for real.

  7. If that were the case, the entire starting 5 for Duke would be more crippled than FDR.

  8. The NASCAR post is coming tomorrow morning. Sorry, rob, I am sure I'm a tremendous disappointment.

  9. Free music:


    Mayer Hawthorne's coming to Charlottesville Sept. 18. Git some.

  10. yo. chillin at a hotel bar near dulles...don't want to give out the name. groupies and shit ya know.
    am in the midst of another one of those 24+ hour days. sleeping would be difficult with just the jet lag. but then add in a couple of teaspoons of anticipation and...oh boy!

  11. am looking forward to getting the Obamao recap tomorrow. see what i did there? just came from china....see it?

  12. doing my patriotic duty and watching soccer. i figure obama's gonna use his vulcan mind shit on assad and make it all better.

  13. danimal, tell your boy j.p. if he's gonna post crazy anti-obama shit on facebook, at least find authors that can write in english.

  14. rob...i could not agree more. i JUST asked him privately to keep me off of that shit.

  15. and it looks like we're headed to brazil. giddyup.

  16. that's why i haven't unfriended him. he posts some supercool shit. and he lives in brazil.

  17. for every negative with myron, there are 100 positives. i heart him.

  18. This "rhino"beer is strong to very strong as in nice.

    What does the teejus charge for laundry services?

  19. drinking the face plant, danimal? that's a loudoun county brewpop. look at you, drinking local.

  20. pat forde is reporting that kevin ware will resume basketball activities in 4 weeks. that's really great news.

  21. That NASCAR post is fascinating.

  22. it's posted, you ungrateful assholes.

  23. American football? Where like 97+% of the players are from the United States? amanda vanderpool fashion
