Friday, September 27, 2013

G:TB is for the Children

Gheorghe: The Blog, like the Wu-Tang Clan, is for the kids. Now, it might seem strange that a blog that spends an inordinate amount of it's time discussing sports, drinking and jackassery while frequently displaying pictures of women of less than the highest moral standard is all about the childrens, but that's just because you don't "get us". Much like Trick Daddy, we luhv the kids. So much so that many of us have them. And some of us even actively participate in the lives of these children.

There's a problem with these kids though. They rarely, if ever, have the same interests as adults. So, as an adult, you have to make a sacrifice. Or, you can brainwash your kids into liking the same things you like. That's the approach I'm taking. My 1.5 year old daughter can already do the Gator Chomp. And she's already listening to hip hop. I've picked out songs that have some distinctive sounds she can repeat, and then I play them in my car all the time. Songs like this:

And this:

She's learning well. And I've found another way to actually have her "learn" while still force feeding my love of hip hop to her. Courtesy of none other than Bun B. It's Bun B's Rap Coloring and Activity Book. I picked up my copy last week. If your kids still like to color, or do word searches, or play connect the dots, among other childhood activities, I strongly encourage you to get them their own copy. You won't regret it.


  1. Put my pimpin in your life watch your daddy get rich.

  2. nice to see that g:tb can be of service to our readership. and our staff.

  3. I guess I missed that post. I was too busy being an AWESOME DAD, I guess.

  4. And you didn't get me a copy, for the record. I had to buy my own. Dick.

  5. i was too busy playing with the copy i bought. my bad.

  6. what else would we do? not like we have actual issues to discuss once we've decided on a date for the neighborhood block party.

  7. Based on the tag line, is Kanye West the least "Gheorghe" person in existence?

  8. "Because my life is dope and I do dope shit."

  9. I'd look up this book at the library (or Amazon): 'Hip & Hop, Don't Stop' by Jef Czekaj. We stumbled it this kids book at the library and instantly thought of Zman. There have to be a few lyrics or phasing from hip hop in this book. You might find it funny, amusing or not if you are into hip hop.

  10. Geoff isn't far off, if he is at all.

  11. John Ashcroft is the anti-Gheorghe.

  12. Along the lines of taking yourself too seriously, how about those Yankees? Last night was a bit much for me. Rivera is the greatest reliever of all time, no doubt. But Jesus fellas, take it down a notch. He's a baseball player not a war hero.

  13. Incorrect. I believe Rivera actually participated in the War of 1812.

  14. i dunno, mark. i thought the rivera thing last night was pretty great. but i'm a sappy sumbitch, so take that for what it's worth.

    i mostly excited because that fruitbat-looking motherfucker isn't looming at the end of games any longer.

  15. It was nice to honor him, it was a little over the top for my taste though. Nuts it's the Yankees so I shouldn't be surprised.

  16. But is autocorrected to Nuts? YOLO, iPhone.

  17. bj upton has a .557 ops in 435 plate appearances (.449 against lefties). he's in the first year of a 5/$75.5m deal. naturally, he's going to have a monster postseason.

  18. Finally got around to doing the athlete yearbook photo quiz on sporcle. 49/50, bitches. Only that doofus Papelbon tripped me up. I kept thinking that I knew that goofy fucking face of his. Have to admit though, I needed to look at the years/hometowns to get a few. Definitely wouldn't have gotten Walter Payton if I wasn't currently reading his biography.

    Also, Prince Fielder is In there wearing an Eau Gallie High School baseball uniform. My high school's biggest rival. Fuck Eau Gallie.

  19. you got chad johnson? good on you. i also missed willie mays, josh hamilton, and melo. that latter pissed me off.

  20. I had to pause for a minute on Chad Johnson but didnt think it was too challenging. Both Willie Mays and Jackie Robinson were more about the year, hometown and sport. My best guesses, same applies to Nolan Ryan.

  21. Dope Kanye West/Beatles mashup album by the Tutankhamun Brothers.

  22. It's actually the "last," not the "latter." Unless you're talking about the one you used to crawl up high and see the computer screen.

  23. everyone loves the guy who corrects grammar on comment threads. looks good on you, though.

  24. I just realized I didn't put up the link for the Kanye/Beatles album. Free.

  25. The bartender tonight looked like a taller angrier version of rob.

  26. handsome and angry is a winning combination

  27. He wasn't handsome, he looked like you rob.

  28. Dave Chappelle was right, nobody likes being taken to the ghetto even people from the ghetto. amanda vanderpool fashion
