Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gheorghe or Not Gheorghe: A Debate

Please enjoy Nate Robinson's airport freestylings at this link. When you come back, we'll play point/counterpoint:

Point: Nate Robinson is a silly dude, which is pleasing to our sense of whimsy.

Counterpoint: Nate Robinson is goofing off in an airport, a place most people want to get the fuck out of as quickly and distraction-free as possible.



  1. wife and i went for a run this morning through my mom's golf course community. the pleasant smell of marijuana hung in the humid air as the greenskeepers buzzed about preparing the course. pun definitely intended. i imagine this is an occupational perk for danimal.

  2. Florida!

  3. I generally have VERY little patience with people who slowdown the airport experience, and I have no problem with this.

    That said, I don't think it's particularly Gheorghe either. Like Monty Brewster, I vote "none of the above".

  4. Ronda Beckman is a real looker

  5. This post is terribly formatted. Was this blog post done via iPhone, robert

  6. I say Nate is Not Gheorghe. Having him on one's favorite team is like dating a crazy chick. They'll do a couple things that will impress you up front, but you start to get tired of the schtick after a while and just want somebody who is normal.

    It was like my old fling with Ronda Beckman. It was hot and exciting, but sometimes it's not Titty Time.

  7. formatting looks okay on my ipad, teejasaurus. feel free to adjust as you see fit.

  8. So much going on so early at GTB.

    Despite the fact that we are both 5'9" and 180 lbs, I do not support Nate Robinson clowning on people at the airport because the airport pisses me off, especially now that I have to fly out of Newark (which is always a shitshow of epic proportions). How would he like it if I got in his face and started quoting KSR v. Teleflex while he was rushing to his gate?

    By contrast, I support titty time, with the caveat that there is no good time for some particular titties. Much like obscenity, I know titty time when I see it. I suspect that Ronda Beckman's titties are quite untimely.

    Further, Teedge's persistent formatting-based whinging is not very Gheorghe. Do you think Number 77 gives two shits about HTML?

    Finally, rob's anecdote raised the image of rob dressed as a garden gnome, planted somewhere next to a bunker guarding the green on a par 3.

  9. I love you Teedge. Are you putting a GTB FFL together?

  10. hadn't planned on 'bout i put together a GTB Premier League fantasy thingie?

  11. rob - though my share of mornings / days are spent near a g.c., in fact this comes to you greenside from dwellings situated in a little slice of heaven out in Bend, OR, i can't say i've whiffed much or any ganja out there. it's probably a "myrtle thing." the guys there are probably paid in weed, or rather part weed part diff dwarf.

  12. Totally in for FFL. Or FEPL. Whatever it takes.

  13. Yeah, most caddies don't smoke weed. It's a myth. Same as reggae bands, hippies, Philosophy professors, and people with prescriptions for medical marijuana.

  14. Nate alternates between Gheorghe and not Gheorghe. TR is definitely scarred from Nate's time with the Knicks. He's improved dramatically since then though. He's basically figured out his basketball destiny. Über confident third guard who can carry his team for stretches when he has it going. He also comes off as a pretty upbeat, fun guy if you ever watch his web series 'State of Nate'.

  15. I drive to midtown Manhattan for work when I neeed to get in early or when I know I'll be in late. There's a garage on East 47th, b/w 2nd and 3rd Aves, that has a cheap rate. I've parked there about six times. Half of the times, I've passed a gaggle of union-looking construction guys chugging a J in an alcove off of 3rd Ave. This is usually at 6:15 AM. Not too reassuring when you wonder if/when they'll be handling heavy equipment.

  16. The phrase "vaginal waste" was just uttered on the Today Show. No more oatmeal for this guy.

  17. Gheorghesliga EPL Fantasy League invite email has been sent.

  18. Dont you remember shirley's story about construction worker joints? They're always high. The freedom tower is built on white owl fillings and empty phillies boxes.

  19. Info for all GTB'ers to join if they wish:

    You have created the Private Group called Gheorghesliga and entered the team called West Ham on Five in that group. To allow other people to join this group send them the Group ID# (53645) and the Password (iqn5s5j). Remember, it is the Group ID#, not the group name, that other people must use to join your group.

  20. Florida plays at Alabama, at FSU, at Tennessee and home against LSU next year. Meanwhile, Georgia plays at Arkansas & gets Auburn at home. That seems fair.

  21. SEC crossover scheduling has major national championship implications. Florida gets the short end of the stick most of the time because of the unnecessary LSU tie-in. Last year, even though they weren't that good, Florida was actually the best team in the conference based on results against the other good teams.

  22. If it makes you feel better Mark, Georgia will lose at Clemson in 10 days and screw their 2013 season, and then wonder why they didn't start with a creampuff opponent.

  23. Ga's schedule this year has to be one of top 3 least as we sit here today.

  24. UGA hasn't played Bama in six years. This will be Florida's third time since 2010 with another matchup in Gainesville in 2015 also likely. And Florida gets LSU every year to Georgia's Auburn. Georgia also had a ridiculously easy SEC slate last year. I won't feel bad that they have Clemson out if conference. Especially when they get Georgia Tech to end the year and Florida gets FSU.

    God I hate Georgia.

  25. newell's very old boys are locked and loaded for the gheorghesliga. apparently my strategy involved taking lots of non-english and/or fulham players. may very well be a pants side.

  26. So far it's a 4 team race for the title, which makes it more competitive than La Liga...

  27. Big day on the tweeters - Brother of KQ now follows the Teej on the tweet machine. Next step: the Gheorghe interview.

  28. followed by...profit. or at least the name of a good ped supplier.
