Thursday, August 22, 2013

Clarence is right, this is very Gheorghey

Dueling banjos, via Funny or Die:


  1. kind of funny, but needs more redneck interspecies sodomy.

  2. ryan wrote a post! this is what happens when i go on vacation . . . awesome.

    i need to get fox soccer so i can choose a team.

  3. Ryan is welcome to write about that other football as much as he'd like


  4. Fox Soccer is basically dead now. They're down to Montreal Impact vs. Sporting Tegucigalpa and Ferenc Puskas documentaries.

  5. MSG in NYC has been showing "Cosmos Classics" this summer. If you think Gus Jhonson is bad a calling soccer, you should hear the early 80's SportsChannel guys. Brutal.

  6. we will brook no amateur kadima in my house. pro or nothing.

  7. Funky cold kadima. Accept no substitutes.

  8. Kadima Hardison was an underrated actor. He may still be, because he's completely unrated at this point.

  9. I'd only trust a professionally trained voice man, like Kadeana Martin.

  10. Just learned that I have to spend most of next week in Denmark. Aside from an emphasis on breakfast pastries and strong dip I have no idea what to expect. Anyone have tips on stuff to do in Copenhagen?

  11. Pickled herring and Carlsberg!!

  12. little bit disappointed. expected clarence to go on about danish women.

  13. I don't know any. I did take a class called Scandinavian Society -- upper level Anthro with the late Prof. Zamora. Hooked up with a coed in that class. Nothing to write back to Aarhus (in the middle of Aarstreit) about.

  14. Z, here's something you can do while you're there: discover a great Danish rock and roll band. I can think of none ever. Norway has a-ha, the Dutch have Golden Earring, the Swedes have a ton, even little old Iceland has the Sugarcubes. What gives with the dearth of Danish bands??

  15. the raveonettes! lars ulrich!

  16. Excellent. Now I have a real mission beyond my nonsensical work related mandate. Due to the peculiarities of time zones and airline schedules, I will be in Copenhagen all day Tuesday with nothing to do. Now I have something to do -- find great Danish music.

  17. Iceland also has Bjork and Sigur Ros. So much from so little.

  18. Apparently you guys have forgotten that Lars made the douche list. Zman can aim a little higher.

  19. aware of lars' douchiness, but he is part of a great band.

  20. Ben Affleck as Batman. Hmmmmm

  21. I say find some Danish hip hop. That's a real challenge.

  22. If something like Die Antwoord exists I'm sure there's an MC Krone or a DJ Akvavit.

  23. Speaking of hip hop, Atmosphere, Grouch & Eligh have a show about 20 minutes up the road from me tonight. This never happens. Any show of note is always in Orlando, at the closest. Pretty pumped. Atmosphere's live shows are always good to very good.

  24. get to go back to china in 2 weeks. who's got a fun bell?! ding ding ding.

    the good news is i will be flying back to dc where i will decompress for about 36 hrs and then head west with my fam. someone might have the fortune of seeing/meeting danimal. hmmm? hmmm?....dannnnny?

  25. danimal meet up? I'm in

    email me the dates you're here

  26. if the danimal meet up occurs, that will mean I've met all members of the G:TB community except Clarence and Dennis...

  27. I see what you did there. Despite living in Florida I've met a surprising number of the G:TB fam. Not the only other Florida resident though.

  28. anyone have some filler to post? cause that would be super...

  29. My colleague just told me that she grew up in Lodi and it took every ounce of restraint I could muster to not say "Oh! Satin Dolls!!" in response.


  30. lodi dodi, she likes to party, she don't cause trouble, she don't bother nobody

  31. Oh, lord. Stuck in Lodi again.

    Speaking of John Fogerty, any of you clowns going to Interlocken? Have I already asked that? Everyone in my circle of idiots down here seems to be going. I'm a little shy on funds.

  32. The Teej wants a new post, the Teej gets a new post. Friday Filler is up.
