Tuesday, July 16, 2013

While we wait on SummerDave...

...I stumbled upon a pretty interesting link on Tumblr (for once not nude chicks or dressed up pets). And given that SummerDave's next post is likely about music or perhaps the unveiling of a new song, this link seemed to fit as filler.

A Brazilian design student has created a product called Sound Track, "a mash-up that aims to teach kids how music works while it simultaneously teaches them motor skills." Now, I do not have children nor am I musically-inclined, but this seems pretty genius to me. Is this something you G:TB parents would get your kids?


  1. that thing is genius. my kids are too old, i had my son ian playing with this electronic version of that yesterday:


  2. whoa. that thing is cool.

  3. I got my kid two turntables and a microphone. And an 808.

  4. and some kickass sneakers, right z?

  5. Is "driving the kids to camp" a euphemism?

  6. Nothing sounds quite like an 808.

  7. Super disco disco breakin.

    My kid's shoe game is tight. So far he's been a straight adidas man -- Gazelles, Sambas, Adispeed -- but I got him a pair of 8's that he hasn't quite grown into yet.

  8. I wish.

    I was in Atlanta for work, staying in a hotel attached to a mall in Buckhead. It was stupid hot so I went to the mall to kill some time and find a gift for my son. There was no real Atlanta schlock but they had some good sneaker stores. In one I had an extended conversation with a kid that worked there named Prince. He was from NY originally and was very impressed by the fact that I had pair of original 1's. He said "Oh shit, that's some OG shit right there." I said "More like OMG shit, Old Man Game shit." This met with great approval and administration of dap and led to a discussion of the merits of the childrens' sized old school Nikes for sale. If my kid was old enough to wear shoes that tie he'd be rocking 3's and BoJaxes right now.

  9. driving the kids to camp is not a euphemism. there was a lot of fucking traffic on the way to camp. that is also not a euphemism.

    soundcloud is not operating very well today, delaying my post.

  10. summer dave should never be this angry.

  11. If you want to kill a little time today. And if course you do if you're reading this, then check out the Grantland piece on the Drew League. Keith Closs makes a cameo.

  12. White people should not use the word dap. No offense, Zman.
