Thursday, July 11, 2013

This Won't Suck

On July 22nd Springsteen & I, a documentary created by and for Bruce Springsteen's loyal followers, will be simulcast to cinemas around the globe. In anticipation, Rolling Stone has five minutes of exclusive footage from the long-awaited documentary, produced by Ridley Scott, which puts into sharp focus the camaraderie and common ground that Springsteen disciples share.

Web link is here.

(h/t to


  1. Video shows up in Mozilla, but not Internet Explorer.

    The Help Desk needs to fix this.

  2. new post at 11:20 in the morning, huh? nice etiquette, dick.

  3. trumps an earlier post. doesn't use labels. video only works half the time.

    quite an effort

  4. Can I mock TR's effort too? The editors if this blog are both pushy and salty. I approve.

  5. Rob--I had poison ivy last summer--get yourself to a doc and get some steriods to deal with it.

  6. How are all you people getting poison ivy? Stay out of the fucking woods.

  7. i got mine foraging in the brush near the house for kindling to start a fire to make s'mores for the kids. lesson: sell the fucking kids.

  8. Spending the weekend at the Gaylord Palms resort in Orlando with my in laws, kids and wife. Looking forward to all the awful tattoos on the tourists at the pool. Might have to live tweet that shit. Because you'll never see more bad tattoos in one place than a resort pool in Orlando during the summer.

  9. This is true. zfamily was in Orlando for a week in the spring and there was an abundance of bad ink. And massive BMIs.

  10. I have been to that resort - it is nice as hell, but exactly full of the people Mark describes.

  11. Teedge and Mark are fans of Gaylord Palms.

  12. I love all the Gaylord (hotels)

  13. TR, that looks awesome. I'd heard a bit about this film some time ago but hadn't heard much since. Thanks.

    Maybe they'll show Marls and me in the 1st row of the stadium seats at the Meadowlands. Drinking like Irishmen, dancing like pasty white guys as well.

  14. We did this same trip last year. The Gaylord Palms is really nice. The tattoos we saw were horribly awesome. The wife and I are tattoo snobs so we were highly entertained all weekend. My favorite was a tramp stamp that read "Hot Girl" that was surrounded with flames.

    In case you were wondering, the woman was not hot.

  15. in travel delay hell today which is a pretty regular occurrence when flying u.s. scare in summertime. that's the bad news. the good news is...has anyone been in this udated terminal at! sitting at a bar which has an ipad docked at each seat. you order your beer/food on it...and pay via a little card swiper (not rob) docked there too. it's wicked neat! plus they have about 20 beers on tap! fuck yeah!!!!!!!!! whooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. W&M sent me an email invitation to attend a football game in West Virginia?

  17. w&m fans in that would be a sight.

  18. whitlock's column today is just...i mean...yeah. talk about finding a new angle.

    i can't link to it, because i don't want to read it on my company network, but google whitlock and anna benson and i'm sure you'll find it.

  19. Whitlock makes a valid point that has been made in this space before: why is it ok for Jay-Z to brag about being a crack dealer, but it isn't ok for other people to brag about [fill in the blank]?

  20. I would like to one day have a reunion of the people befriended in airport bars. And blogs.

  21. I just walked by a bar that didn't have ipads at every seat. Hahaha. What a joke. Doomed!

  22. am now in that bar without the eypads. embarrassing.

  23. people w/their pagers and motorola startacs. fucking joke. i feel like i'm in a saloon.

  24. i think it'd be cool to to have a reunion with all of the people you've befriended in airport bars. whaddaya think?

  25. what airport is rootsy in teejus? is this what you meant earlier with your tweet? how'm i doin?

  26. hangin with tito. you know who i'm talk'n 'bout.

  27. eypad. eyepad. ipad.
    actually i think it'd be cooler to have a reunion w/the people I have met in airport bars, not YOU. i wouldn't know any of the people you have met now would i? that wouldn't be a reunion. it would be a union.

  28. S animal I'm flying US Air to Orlando next week. Taking oldest to Harry Potter World. How's my case looking?

  29. S animal, Danimal - whatever it takes.

  30. so if i ever get out of laguardia my next destination will be an airport really far away from here, philly. i left lawng island today at 11 am fyi.

  31. mr kq - am not the expert yet...that tradition is about to begin so i can't provide expert advise at this stage. based on countless conversations with neighbors/friends/etc...spend time prior doing your homework - blogs/apps/whatever...FASTPASS - pay for it...whatever the cost. also if this is going to be a trip you make on a semi-regular basis, the advice will differ in terms of where to stay/how long etc...

  32. strangest thing....another delay.

  33. Rootsy is waiting on the Tarmac to deplane at Charlotte, hoping there's enough time to freshen my buzz at the airport. I used to think booze prices at the places were outrageous, but today I've decided that flying drunk is probably worth it.

  34. bad feeling i'll be spending night in philly. dave - what's your address? no one will see this. let's hang out.

  35. Pilot just said ground crew isn't 'bringing their A-game. I'm coming down hard now.

  36. did i say philly? i meant charlotte. philly was where i was originally supposed to go. so rootsy then has a 2 hour drive home, no? what's your address? i think i'm staying with you.

  37. Long day for Danimal. At least he had G:TB.

    I also second his Fastpass rec. A must.

  38. so long as you can find a place to watch sharknado tonight, danimal, you should be okay.

  39. I think buckles is going to that wva game fyi. We have a couple of mountaineer buddies that would protect you from being sodomized should you decide to make the trip. And i would recommend it if your schedule permits. Love me some motown.

  40. Rootsy...i will be comin in hot to charlotte in about 2 hours. If by chance you are still on tarmac then give me a jingle.

  41. Ever tell ya bout the time i spent 12 hours on tarmac at atl? True story. Usa today wrote about it. Good times. Became buddies w steve johnson...former te for cowboys on that trip. We met in the galley....we were both searching for a beer. We drank all of the beer.

  42. Looks like I'll make it out tonight, but I'm outbound to Maine. Wonder if they have candle pin bowling there.

  43. How much more strange trim do you think a pilot gets just cause he has a magnum pi moustache?

  44. Magnum stache = all the trim you can handle.

  45. While reading throught these comments I had to read something else just to make sure I was not having a stroke.

  46. This Sharknado thing is really going big. When I set the DVR I also picked up "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" starring Debbie Gibson and Lorenzo Lamas.

    It got a 2.6 on IMDB, which I didn't think was possible.

  47. Actually was inquiring if I'm doomed on US Air, which i think has been answered. But cheers for fast pass advice.

  48. Oh yeah...ur fucked. charlotte now til 1020. In another bar without ipads. U guys with super memories probably remember me saying a few months ago that ur high end hotels would soon be equipping their rooms/shitters with ipads.

  49. i can't remember yesterday, so i'll just take your word for it, danimal.

  50. Mark...apologies for the stroke.

  51. andrei kirilenko opted out of a $10m contract with minny to sign with prokhorov and the nets for $3m. sketchhhhhy.

  52. thing I've learned tonight is that global warming has caused sharks to jump out of the water to eat jumbo jets, octopi to take down an offshore oil rig, and a tornado full of sharks.

  53. ...and some aggressive growth on the top of Steve Sanders head.

  54. It was Marls stroking out, not Mark. From a distance those two typed names look the same.

    If you travel at all by air, you've had Danimal-like experiences. In 2008 I spent the night on the floor of the Newark airport. Woke up with a strange limp and 20 extra bucks in my pocket. Dealt with it.

  55. Andre Kirilenko is now the proud owner of several nickel mines.

  56. "Marks stroking out" generates unpleasant images.

  57. None as unpleasant as the deuce I just dropped in the guest bathroom b/c wife forbids me from TCOB in the master bath, even though I am the master of the house.

    I may be oversharing.

  58. When Miami riots, whose side do the Latinos take?

  59. you gotta get some hand, tr

  60. Can you TCBY in the master bath?

  61. I'm enjoying Steve Sanders as a badass.

    ---SPOILER ALERT ---

    And a hot chick blowing a shark off the roof from the inside of an SUV with a shotgun. And Steve Sanders protecting everyone from a shark attack using a bookcase in Tara Reid's living room.

    ---- END SPOILERS ---

  62. I finished the first episode of The Bridge. Solid start. I'm in for a few more episodes at least.

  63. About 90% of my twitter feed is Sharknado right now.

  64. @TheEconomist is an exception.

  65. Hi gheorghies. Marls. You should be in bed.

  66. Hi Gheorghies!

    KQ and I got to meet Zooey after the She & Him show at Wolf Trap tonight.

    And, before you ask, we don't have a photo...I'm sure you can just picture it in your mind.

  67. Rob is rubbing one out right now.

    Heading to bed Danimal. I'm running the race with one of our honored teammates who is a recent cancer survivor. This is likely giving me a false sense of security. She may kick my ass.

  68. Summer Dave is so much cooler than School Year Dave.

  69. shlara not getting a picture with zooey is soooo cliche. she's pretty hot, though, right?

  70. Rob--she's darling.
    And she's TINY

  71. I remember the false sense of security period.

  72. I too have a crush on her, though I don't wear it on my diminutive sleeve like some others around here.

    She was great in Good Girl (great under-the-radar flick) and Almost Famous.

  73. So there's this:

  74. good thing we had two posts yesterday

  75. someone want to drive down to DC, storm my building, and kill me?


  76. I'm sitting by a lake in Maine, reading a book called 'Wicked River: The Mississippi When It Last Ran Wild'. Back in those days people in the river drank with every meal and settled disputes with duels, even be tween good friends.

  77. i just got thrown in twitter jail

    so, i guess, samesies?

  78. you guys are missing danimal airport comments today aren't ya?

  79. Charlie Murphy's story about Rick James is reminiscent of rootsy's river book.

  80. Did the Teej reach his tweet limit? Might be time to head down to the Dub.

  81. the highlight of yesterday was when i mistakenly tried to board the wrong flight. the gate agent was super cool about it...after the beep beep beep of the scanner she told me to beat it. then she picked up her mic to tell all in a bitchy yet playful tone that they shouldn't be a retard like me and to check their boarding passes. felt good.

  82. I would like a Sharknado review as well. Did anyone scream "I've had it with these MF'ING sharks in this MF'ING tornado"? Because I think that might be a prerequisite for me watching it.

  83. they did not, but there were several jaws homages - air canister in the shark's mouth, 'we're gonna need a bigger helicopter', etc.

    and the teej is, indeed, in twitter jail. being guarded by the hamburglar.

  84. Sitting in my office with my shirt off. That is all.

  85. Clarence = Costanza post-deuce

  86. Just arrived at Gaylord Palms. And it's raining. Orlando is such a hellhole.

  87. You should go to Monkey Joe's.

  88. And then the Tilted Kilt (or whatever they call that bar with the trampier-than-Hooters theme).

  89. Once again, I'd like to remind everyone that my Uncle created the Hamburglar. Coolest. Uncle. Ever.

    Actually he's kind of a dick.

  90. really? i don't ever recall you saying that. i always wondered who created him.

  91. For those of you who followed the Lions Tour:

    Fantastic read. Top man.

  92. Fri July 26 is the Flynn memorial golf tourney in Urbana, MD. $200 is steep but for a good cause. Anyone interested in golfing with me, let me know.

    Anyone interested in drinking in DC area the nights of Thurs July 25 or Fri July 26, let me know.

  93. It's true, Danimal.

    I've been to a tilted kilt but in Atlanta. Not bad. Gaylord Palms is pretty self contained. Lots of drink food options on site. Because this place is huge. Ha-yooge.

  94. I've been to Tilted Kilts in Chicago (to meet FOG:TB DB) and Pittsburgh (at clients' request, honest). They are kinda funny and kinda sad. The slutty waitresses are encouraged (forced?) to sit down w/ you and shot the breeze, like they're pretending they want to do it. Which is interesting, b/c I never go to the kinds of places where that kind of stuff happens.

  95. Tame Impala should change its name to Lame Impala. Shit is just as weak on its third listen as it was on its first listen. Does not meet my Friday Train Beer rockability criterion.

    Yer damn right I just used the singular version of that word.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. If you don't like Elephant and Led Zeppelin by Tame Impala then something is wrong with you.

  98. getting ready to go fishing with some high school buddies. in the best tradition of obft, i plan to drink and watch them fish.

  99. wow. i did not mean to misspell "gheorghies" last night, but it was an appropriate reflection of my state.

    summer dave = hungover dave.

  100. totally lied. just caught a 14-pound catfish. proportionally, it was huge.

  101. Ate a bunch of pork belly and goat cheese (separately) tonight amongst other things. Washed it down with some Arrogant Bastard. Not a bad start to my three day weekend.

    And I'm sure this is going to shock everyone but I side with Zman on the Tame Impala dispute with TR.

  102. For those interested, Tango & Cash on Encore Action in about 8 minutes. I'm assuming Greg is already pot-committed.

  103. So you aren't watching Pitch Perfect on HBO Zone?

  104. If I agree to remodel the bathroom, is it unreasonable to insist on installing a urinal? In particular one of tose old-timey urinals that go all the way to the floor.

  105. Not at all. Kemba can use it too. And maybe he won't poop in it!

  106. An excellent point considering that he almost shat the bath mat yesterday.

    Hi Gheorghies!

  107. gheorghies, you magnificent bastards, hello.

  108. 14 pounds? wow! that's a river monster.
