Thursday, July 04, 2013

America, Fuck Yeah

'There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.' - Bill Clinton



  1. nothing wrong with this hangover that can't be fixed by more alcohol

  2. Started my day with bacon. Gonna hit the gym and then concentrate on beers and grilled meats.

  3. best decision ever: skipped the chatham parade and watched lisicki/radwanska.

  4. Ditto on the bacon. Will end with it too with this little number....quarter 2 large sweet onions....mix a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar, molasses and balsamic....wrap slice of bacon around each in large ziplock...dump in the goodness....sit for 1-2 hrs....grill that shit up. used to make this all the time. It never disappoints. Go ahead, use it. I don't mind.

  5. Extremely productive a.m....chickens marinating....watching tour and drinking a Dale's, which I do like. If you folks ever see Intuition pick it up. It's a jax beer brewed by a rich kid here in town....Mark you might have down your way. 2-3 different flavors and I believe in the 7-8% neighborhood. Happy Birthday America! You're still my BFF.

  6. Scratch that...a dozen or so flavors but typically 1-2 avail in stores....all cans too....chech 'em out.

  7. I attended the Chatham (NJ) parade, which featured 69 loud fire trucks, copious amounts of sweating and several dozen old men in formal wear looking like they could keel over any second.

    Time for some CLCs at the local pool club.

  8. joey chestnut ate 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes today. that's grotesquely fratty.

  9. I've had a couple of the Intuition products. A friend of mine in Jax lives close to their establishment. Good stuff.

  10. I did not attend a parade in either Chatham as zson slept until 9:30 and it takes at least 2 hours for zfamily to get its act together. And I dislike parades.

  11. My mulch has something calle artillery fungus that shots black spores onto zcars. The spores are nearly impossible to remove. Why do I even have mulch in the first place?

  12. There was a golf cart parade here in our neighborhood. Carts decorated, blowing horns. I live in Florida.

  13. Mulch is overrated....go nc style and throw pinestraw all over the place.

  14. Mulch is bullshit. This pulled pork I just ate is definitely not bullshit.

  15. Twilight Zone marathon! With Shatner!

  16. i love skipping parades. i hate skipping and i hate parades, but i love skipping parades.

    i also love my wife, and so i bought her a 12 pack of wachusett blueberry ale. in CANS. we are buying a shitload of that stuff to take back to new jersey, it's the only blueberry beer that i consider drinkable, and cans make it convenient for the beach. she will be a star with the ladies at our next beach trip . . .

  17. I like nice cans.

    If belts were issued for grilling mine would be black as all get out.

  18. And sparklers being illegal. That is just downright silly. My neighbors and I have a shitton of fireworks we will be setting off at 0830. Again, Florida. I hope I have all my digits this time tomorrow.

  19. Remember to keep the kids away from igniting fireworks and let the adults who have been drinking all day handle things.

  20. My in laws are friends with another Italian family that runs a hugely successful pizzeria. Every year they have a 4th of July party which culminates in them drunkenly setting off a couple thousands dollars of fireworks that they traded pizza for. It's absolutely as dangerous and ridiculous as it sounds. So we're heading over there to take it all in.

  21. Zman- there's a banner as for rubber mulch running on the front page of GTB right now. Just thought you should know.

  22. roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire on the beach. suck it, commie bastards.

  23. I put pulled pork on an Italian sausage (in the bun) today. Did the sane with a Hebrew national and pulled pork. July 4th is awesome.

  24. Pulled pork is pretty awesome too. My kid is not yet down with fireworks.

  25. What would jeromey romey romey Rome say?

    TR is shitcanned. I just watched him fall off his bike, then fall at least three more times trying to get up. Suburbs!

  26. The sun sucks and hates all Hungarians.

  27. I wish you had video of shitcanned TR trying to ride his bike.

  28. old folks next door are busting out freedom rock at high volumes. right now, 'seven bridges road'. thankfully, i'm drunk enough to be able to sleep through it.

  29. I've eaten an obscene amount of pork today. Lets do it again tomorrow!

  30. Holy hangover. Splitting headache and a sprained wrist from falling into a pool and trying to catch myself.

    The bike fall was a bit of an aberration. I was indeed shitcanned, but my falls were b/c I thought I could ride as slow as Zman was walking. I should've just walked the bike home.

    Got into my house and couldn't figure out the remote or find any good food. So I ate tuna fish on toast in my dark living room. Good times.

  31. i chose not to take the day off today. i planned ahead figuring going to work w/hangover is way easier thatn being at home. i do love them though.

  32. let's give it up for Saint John Paul II! way to go guy!

  33. I too feel like ass. Luckily I have a long honey do list involving copious yard work and automotive maintenance.

    Djoker/DelPo is riveting so far.

  34. preparing for my maiden voyage to the dogfish head brewery. or, as beer snobs like to call it, mecca.

  35. This Djokovic-Del Potro match is insane.

  36. Rob is going to be haaaamerred. I'm a little jealous.

  37. I just chopped down a tree a la George Washington. Much like our mothers it was not a cherry but a dogwood. Then I chopped it into smaller logs. Then I dug out two dead bushes and another smaller tree. Then I sprayed the shit out of the poison ivy on my fence. I am the manliest man on GTB, if only for a brief shining moment.

  38. i just bought and consumed a grande mocha light frappucino from starbucks

  39. i just ate a braised pork belly banh mi sammich. also, dogfish head offers multiple 10+% abv selections. i quaffed several. for a brief shining moment, i was the funniest, most engaged dad ever. needless to say, my wife is driving home.

  40. also purchased dogfish head's dark honey rum. will be efforting a whole new kind of dark/stormy this evening.

  41. That was the prettiest return of the tournament.

  42. This match could involve fisticuffs.

  43. Murray's dating Felicity Shagwell, apparently. Ivan Lendl has morphed into Fred Gwynn.

  44. The crowd is booing Jerzy. Scottish flags. All we need is blue face paint and Murray will turn into William Wallace.

  45. freedom! from semifinal losses to inferior opponents.

  46. I think it's legit to close the roof at this point. But apparently Jerzy has the edge indoors. The crowd should carry Murray though.

  47. I thinks it's over for Jerzy, "restore the shore" notwithstanding.

  48. Tirico adds little value.

  49. z, i assume you'll be penning the djoker/william wallace final preview for us.

  50. I'll put something together. My music review will wait.

  51. Rob is so pushy. And short. Very short.

  52. He's still wasted in Raisin d'Etre.

  53. just moved on to the dfh dark n stormys. tasty. while at the brewpub, i sampled theobroma, burton baton, palo santo marron, 90 minute ipa, and a new special pour called purview. those folks know their way around a barrel.

  54. dwight howard is an immature dickhead. so are we, but we don't get national coverage.

  55. Dwight's version of the decision is way more entertaining than LeBron's.

  56. You're a dickhead, Rob. You are.

    Also, Vicky says hi. And she is passing out.
