Friday, May 03, 2013

Friday Filler, from Our Namesake's Homeland

God bless ya, Romania. This is quite the ingenious way to get injured players off the pitch. Hell, based on this guy's excitement and the excited response of the crowd, I get a feeling these guys take a dive just to get a free wheelbarrow ride to the sideline.

Would Gheorghe fit in this device?


  1. in romania, wheel barrows you

  2. so we may need to adopt golden state, huh?

  3. Slayed ... RIP Jeff Hanneman.

  4. So next week is the concert in our house. Wife wants to set up a lemonade stand for our son. How much is too much per cup? $1?

    Will try and live tweet as much as possible.

  5. should set up a beer stand

  6. today in groin-grabbing dipshittery from your congress:

    Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) said in 2010 that he opposed action on climate change because “the Earth will end only when God declares it to be over.” He is the chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy.

  7. the earth isn't over until the god-lady sings?

  8. i've had a plumber, hvac guy, and electrician at my house today. i feel like all of them are judging me. and i'm not getting high marks.

  9. That's a pricey day, Rob. Those guys are also notorious for not talking in 'layperson' when they describe the problem, so I would not take it to heart.

  10. Going to San Antionio Sunday til Tuesday. Other than enjoying Cinco de Mayo, any recommended things to do / places to drink?

  11. I won't make a low marks/height joke.

  12. only an asshole would do that, z. or clarence.

  13. River Walk has lots of bars and restaurants. Many of them are good. But I haven't been to San Antonio in nearly ten years so that's all I've got.

  14. Hi, Gheorghies!!

    Worst fortnight of G:TB in recent memory. It's time to have a serious talk. Well, not right now.

  15. clarence, summer dave is going to come on strong, soon . . . real soon.

  16. We've had much worse fortnights. It's almost like being drunk at 2am leads to uber exaggerations.

  17. And the rampant use of Germlish.

  18. I've been sick twice and on vacation. So that's my excuse for, well, my normal lack of productivity.

  19. Kentucky Derby party at my parents house later. How much bourbon is too much bourbon when around your parents, wife and children?

  20. Day 7 of inactivity after throwing out my back last week. 2.5 days straight of rain here. Wife hates me. Mark's post may have been the kick in the ass I needed. Drinking IS the answer. No violins needed.

  21. Just found out Slater's getting married today. I'm gonna punch a UGA fan in his honor today.

  22. Rob's X mancrush Chris Cooley kickin'it at Apple Blossom today. Parading around as he does.
    I think I am going to introduce the kids to gambling with this eve's Derby.

  23. i think i'll introduce the kids to gambling with this eve's derby...

    and remind me to commit to ahl blawm (apple blossom) come jan/feb of 2014...we'll rent a house and have a gtb summit. will get the other fogtb'rs from incester to to convene in the homeland.

    not sure why but poured a mt gay and tonic...i don't think i've had one before. it ain't bad. it's no moscow mule, or ron zacapa old fashioned, but it'll do.

  24. caps have a whiff of destiny about them

  25. Lost 1 and 2 today despite taking every game to multiple deuces. And I think I messed up my shoulder. Great start to the season.

  26. I don't know nuthin bout nuthin, but I'll take the 5 and 11 in an exacta. And throw my money away.

  27. spirit! thorns! wpsl's faaaantastic. alex morgan just scored for the visitors and the home crowd went nuts.

  28. technically, nwsl action, i guess

  29. My stepdaughter won $140 today in the Derby pool at my parents party. I didn't win shit but my Dad gave me a case of beer to take home with me.

    I'm not familiar with the Apple Blossom but if Danimal rents a house for the weekend then I'm in.

  30. joakim noah continues to make derrick rose look bad

  31. noah's a goofy, emotional bastard. i love that guy.

  32. I had multiple deuces today too, Zman.

  33. Flip Saunders is morphing into Jim Belushi.

  34. You don't have to love Joakim Noah. I do. But if you dislike him, I have a hard time imagining you enjoy basketball.

  35. saw two very attractive high school-age girls kissing at panera today. is that a thing now? 'cause if it is, i need to decide whether i'm mortified or otherwise inclined.

  36. Depends on whether you have daughters, I thInk.

  37. Are there any rules in the NBA or do the refs make it up as they go?

  38. I think you know the answer to that, Z. You too, Rob.

  39. That is a tough one Rob....from one that has 2 girls. My take is that the witnessing of such an event is awesome if your girls are between the ages of trying to get into the toilet and talking about holding hands with boys. Anything older than that is the mortified thing.

  40. The first time I read Rob's lesbo comment, I thought he typed pantera, not panera. Changes one's perspective on the issue.

    I doubt anybody here has a bone to pick with Noah. And his jump-shot makes me feel better about mine.

  41. Dear Diary,
    Day 8 of the back thing. Heat up top. Ice on bottom. Vodka in hand. Vicodin on deck. Is that bad?

  42. trombone shorty closing out jazzfest on

  43. Interesting that Trombone Shorty played both Jazzfest weekends. We saw him last Saturday.

  44. Noah has won over a lot of people since he arrived in the NBA. He was nearly universally hated by non Gator fans before that. I know TJ hated until he had him on his fantasy team a few years ago.

  45. i'm a bit surprised to say that maroon 5's set from jazzfest is quite good. and why haven't i been watching before now?

  46. nice little piece on gheorghe in today's wapo:

  47. Greetings from San Antonio. Thanks go to the Teedge for snagging some local recs from SeƱor Essman. Sitting at the outdoor bar at County Line BBQ having some brisket and a Lone Star, listening to some grainy feller with a steel guitar wail out some Texas blues. For Texas, this ain't bad.

  48. Switched to Shiner bock. Lone Star is swill, and I forgot that you finish with swill, you don't start with it.

  49. Nice ethnicity for you, Zman:

  50. As opposed to the Persians, who are famous friends of Israel. Banana calling the school bus yellow and all that.

  51. Am I missing something - does it really matter whether the vote for LeBron as MVP was unanimous?
