Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Caption This

It appears some fine Colorado State students wanted to recreate the surprising box office success of "Project X" (not the Broderick/monkeys movie) over the weekend, and indeed they did throw a "legendary" block party. Unfortunately, it turned into a fucking riot and shit got out of hand quickly. You can read about it here...and please, make sure to at least skim the article all the way to the bottom, as the subject of today's "Caption This" is the highlight of the entire piece:

See you all in the comments.


  1. Follow me! Follow me to freedom!

  2. Teej, this post set off a real flurry.

  3. You're god damn right I'm Baron Davis!

  4. YES! Thank you,TR. I couldn't place who he looked like, but knew it was a familiar face.

  5. travel update: snowing in minneapolis, so i'm getting the fuck out of here. also, dropped a ketchup-laden french fry on one of my favorite shirts. dagger. managed to drown my sorrows in several glasses of surly furious.

  6. 49% of americans over the age of 13 ate in a mcdonald's last month. this is why we can't have nice things.

  7. "this party is a riot! hahaha!"

    went to the famous nyc soccer bar "nevada smith's" today. not a big fan. lots of tv's, including one ridiculous sized screen, but decor of a cheesy club.

  8. Fun to watch the Knicks choke this series away.

  9. I root for the Mets, Islanders, Knicks & Giants. Shoot me in the nutsack now.
