Sunday, April 14, 2013

This Song Might Be Slightly Better Than Dana Perino's Rap

Lately, I have been negligent in the writing department here at G:TB. To be honest, I've been struggling to keep ahead of the curve over at Sentence of Dave, and this is partially because my life has reached some absurdly American post-modern and perfectly normal level of busyness which everyone my age and economic status seems to endure. Enough with the bitching -- I'm glad that my family has the wherewithal and the energy to participate in so many fruitful activities . . . and the alternative is much worse.

But the OTHER reason I haven't been writing much is because I have been busy recording a bunch of loosely connected songs . . . loosely connected songs that sort of fit together . . . loosely connected songs that sort of fit together and might be sonically and thematically connected to a limited extent. A long time ago we called this an album. If it was a Yes album, then it had really cool cover art, but the music never lived up to the packaging.

While the bad news is my album will have no fancy cover art, the good news is that I will release it exclusively at G:TB (probably over the next sixteen years . . . I'd like to outdo Chinese Democracy). I will eschew the big labels.

I also have the grand desire to try to put a legitimate band together -- and if I keep injuring myself playing adult league sports, then I might have the spare time to make my dream come true. I am trying to write songs that can be played by a band, and I'd love to perform them with a real drummer and a real singer. Until then, these tracks are nothing but Dave . . . but I have replaced the monologues with guitar solos, and I am trying to keep the songs to a reasonable length. I was inspired by David Byrnes' book How Music Works, and instead of trying to throw the kitchen sink into every song, I'm just trying to record music that is entertaining to listen to. I hope there will be more songs to come soon.

Also, I am trying to think of a new fictitious band name for my music, since I love creating fictitious band names. I am sick of Greasetruck but I haven't been able to think of anything better. The Oozing Pustules and The Moving Rocks are the only contenders. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Cutter (The Sublimation Song)

She's a cutter -- she cuts herself,
instead of taking it out on someone else.
She's so quiet, with her headphones on,
nobody would notice if she were gone.

You punch the wall instead of your wife,
kick the dog, it's better than thirty to life.
Drink some beers and mow the lawn,
wonder how things might have gone.

He's a runner, he runs away,
instead of facing his problems each day.
And he's a loser, he's on his knees,
searching the floor for his keys.

They walk on by, she won't even meet his eye.
It's too bad, they could have got along --
happy ending for the song.

Guitar Solo!  NOT a monologue . . .

Now she's a loner, she lives all alone.
Calls up her mom on the phone.
And she's a worker, she likes to work,
get her hands dirty and covered in earth.

They walk on by, she looks him right in the eye.
Doesn't matter what she does, doesn't matter who she loves.
She'll be alright, she'll get along --
good enough for the song.

She was a cutter, he was a runner,
now she's a loner and he's a loser,
she was a cutter, she was a cutter . . .

Secret Lyrics!


  1. Eat a b.o.d. Clarence and Rob.

    Caa champs....ncaa qualifiers.

  2. to see who may be the most attractive young lady on t.v. check out the golf channel's "morning wood", er eh, "morning drive". holly saunders is the name. she is also on the cover of golf digest this month and in the magazine is a rather racy spread, for golf digest. the 2nd time in history a female has been on the cover or so i heard.

  3. Love the secret lyrics. Gerald Wilkins.

  4. still early but i don't see tigger coming back. wild off tee. i think he has a bum knee again. seems to be limping on occasion.
    bernhaaaaard laaaaanger on the other hand - weiner schnitzel.

  5. i model my game after gerald wilkins.

  6. i just reposted the song with new vocals. i tried to sing like "cheap trick" the first time, but it was annoying me. this time around i just sound like myself.

  7. which is also pretty annoying.

  8. wheels falling off, leaking oil all over augusta

  9. Adam Scott could use my help putting today. I was draining everything on the course today

  10. Great for him. Awesome putt...did you notice the focus on the high five? He didnt want a woods/williams repeat.

  11. Cabrera is a lion. Going to be tough to beat him now.

  12. Was with u on the bore fest but heating up now! Shame I don't want Scott to win because of his caddie. Plus father son thing is pretty cool.

  13. Shlara, put your handle on Adam Scott's putts.

  14. And that footage of him hugging his dad made me cry

  15. Good on him.

    What did the super slow mo of him flexing do for ya?

  16. that was cool. and good to see such quality in the playoff.

  17. Sweet Buster Poindexter reference...
