Friday, April 19, 2013

The Moving Rocks (The World's Second Greatest Rock and Roll Band)

I have decided that my new fictitious band name will be The Moving Rocks (The World's Second Greatest Rock and Roll Band), because the origin of this name is so incredibly cute that groupies will be throwing themselves at me when they hear the story.

The Moving Rocks also adheres to Principal Skinner's rule of thumb for a band name: something that sounds "witty at first, but seems less funny each time you hear it." You might remember Apu's perfect suggestion for Homer's band: "The Be Sharps." REO Speedwagon was also a big fan of this heuristic (You Can Tune a Piano, But You Can't Tuna Fish). Same with The The.

The Moving Rocks newest song is definitely inspired by this theme, and not only have The Talking Heads had an influence on the lyrics, but also the recording method. I made this recording after reading David Byrnes' book How Music Works, and used the classic Talking Heads method to create the track: I started by making beats and keyboard loops and interlocking them in various patterns until I got something I liked. Then I started writing lyrics and adding guitars over the beats and loops. It's the reverse of how I usually record, and it was a lot of fun.

Many Lives

You are living one of many lives, yes, you are giving flowers to your wife . . .
You are sipping glasses of champagne, you are selling watches in the rain.

You are living one of many lives, you are giving flowers to your wife . . .
You are tricking in a squalid room, you are shifting shuttles on a loom.
And you are dancing in a discotheque, you are diving deep beneath a wreck.
You are living in another time, you are thinking of another rhyme.

And the dogs they know and the cats they know,
and the bats they know and the rats they know . . .
what you don't know.

That you are living one of many lives, you are shaving whiskers with a knife;
keeping under wraps in Vietnam, singing lyrics to a foreign song.
You are stranded on a tropic beach, words and phrases just beyond your reach,
you are standing in ancient sea, your reflection staring back at me.

All the while you are sinking down, digging deeper into sacred ground,
ants are marching through your ragged bones, beetles feeding on your rotten clothes.

Yes, you are living one of many lives and the dogs they know . . .

Now you're winking at a pretty girl, on a cruiser circling the world.
You are drinking coffee with the pope, you are jabbing in the rope-a-dope.
Cargo sails from a  foreign port, a man in Denmark scratches at his wart.
Mirror mirror hanging on the wall, how come I've got no invite to the ball?

And the dogs know and the cats know and the bats know and the rats know
and the wind knows and the tides know and the moon knows and the flies know . . .
What you don't know.


  1. The shit in Boston is getting scary. Stay low, Squeaky. In all seriousness, well wishes for safety for you and yours.

  2. Watching with horror and sadness as events unfold. Be safe everyone.

  3. i'd like to apologize for the exclamation point in my "hi gheorghies" last night -- the news wasn't on in the park pub! horrible stuff. if you need something on a lighter note, read that sorority letter.

  4. We're out in the burbs now but we used to live about a mile from the Watertown area. And still know quite a few people that live there.

  5. I think Paci is trying to fly out from Logan today to go to India. Not sure that's gonna happen.

  6. I'm on the Amtrak heading north. The conductor announced at Union Station that the train ends in NYC. Lots of Boston families on my car--everyone surprisingly calm.

  7. so the younger bombing suspect went to patrick ewing's high school. random.

  8. Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Record Store Day for 2013. So go out to your local record store and get exclusive releases for tomorrow only. It's not all vinyl, there are cd and dvds released just for the day as well.

    List of releases and locations:

    Support your local record store and independent labels.

  9. newbury comics gonna be open tomorrow?

  10. In Framingham and the burbs, yes. Downtown, probably not.

  11. Whoa. Plane crash in Williamsburg near the airport. Reportedly 12 dead. What a terrible, terrible week.

  12. In hopes of distracting you all, I drunkenly recommend the Moscow Mule. Vodka, ginger, ginger beer and lime. Muy delicioso.

    (Try one at The National, Marls)

  13. Fuck you TR. I endorsed the Moscow Mule like....2 years ago.

  14. No offense. And last week I while hobnobbing at "The National" I was introduced to a Ron Zacapa Old Fashion. Oh. Emmm. Geee. I will be contacting the chap for the recipe.

  15. Endorsing anything to come from the former USSR this week takes some serious balls.

  16. Old Fashioned is a good drink. The Newfangled from Please Don't Tell in NYC may even be better.

    And despite Danimal recommending the Moscow Mule some time ago I've still yet to try it. Probably need to get on that.

  17. They're extra special served in a copper mug. I will have one now.

  18. The bar in NY did serve it in a copper mug. I kinda felt like a Hobbit character drinking it.

    The mug definitely helps.

  19. And the Chechens are anti-Russia.

  20. No death penalty in MA so is it desirable to capture him alive?

  21. yes. we need to know why the fuck they did this.

  22. Does it really matter? Will it make sense? And he can be executed on a federal terrorism charge so either way he will to die of natural causes.

  23. yeah, it matters. and it matters that he gets a jury trial, and we show the fucknutters in and out of the country that the rule of law applies even to assholes.

  24. Suspect #2 looks a lot like Jean Ralphio from Parks & Rec.

  25. in case you ever think you want to have a one-night stand during a lockdown:

  26. Just saw that on twitter and read it. Pretty funny. Not as bad as I thought though. He got some next day action.

  27. Guess who sat right next to me in a TINY Italian restuarant in NYC?

    Judd Apatow & Leslie Mann

    And, yes--I chatted with them. We bonded over our love for 826LA & 826DC.

  28. There's a bar called Please Don't Tell? I like it. Right up there with He's Not Here (Chapel Hill) and DBA (NYC).

  29. Good morning. These boys were apparently framed, says the father.

    The boy absolutely needed to be caught alive because at 230 a.m. On fri I made a wager with my boss that that they'd be caught. He said they'd be dead before being arrested. We have a push. It was a substantial bet, and stupid. When that kid was in the boat and the blasts were going off I thought for sure I was toast. But also and truthfully I did want him to be caught for the reasons Rob conveyed. This is a big catch.

  30. And The Office is a bar name that I am fond of.

  31. Used to wear a cologne called Dzhokhar

  32. Have become adept at accurately describing the sort of poop that will be in the diaper before changing it. I cannot be beat.

  33. headed to my first bar mitzvah in an hour or so. anyone got a yarmulke i can borrow?

  34. another good name for a bar. well done.

  35. Clearly rob isn't from NJ. Call it a kippah and you'll sound like you know what's going on.

  36. Are you taking Boggle as a gift?

  37. So I was just checking my emails this morning. The final tally of fatalities in the Williamsburg plane crash was 2. It was the brother and sister in law of our neighbors down the street who have daughters in both my girls' classes at school. This circle of friends down here is taking an absolute beating.

  38. Oh, and the couple's dog was on the plane and died, too. In case it wasn't sad enough.

    Good times for a change
    Seems the luck I've had
    Would make a good man turn bad

    Well, I'm certainly grateful for my own family's health and safety. But this is driving me to take up drinking. Live well, comrades.

  39. On the plus side, I'm on my way to go tend bar for six hours at an event that should raise $80k for various local nonprofits, including the one where I work. Cheers.

  40. think i might have kippah head

  41. Please Don't Tell is an awesome bar. Greg took me there on my first trip. It's in the village and its hidden. You have to enter it through a phone booth located upstairs from the bar at a hot dog place called Crif Dogs. Small bar, dimly lit, good, fancy, strong drinks. I recommend.

  42. While i'm handing out recommendations...I ask any basketball fans to watch or tape tonight's Nike Hoop Summit. Despite the NBA Playoffs beginning today this is the basketball game I'm most interested in. It's a annual game that pits the top 12 US high school seniors vs. the top 12 similarly aged international prospects. Unlike most high school all star games, this is a real game with maximum effort and real competition. It's also the game where guys like Dirk Nowtizki, Tony Parker, Enes Kanter and Kyrie Irving among others have made their name. This year's game is especially interesting because this is the best class of US high school players in nearly a decade and there are another 4-5 first round talents on the international team as well.

    I watched Kyrie Irving play in this game three years ago and could tell he was going to be a star. He absolutely took over the game down the stretch. It was extremely impressive. This was a game that featured a fantastic one-on-one matchup of Jared Sullinger and Enes Kanter. So, yeah, you should watch the game. Tonight at 7 on ESPN2.

    Basketball nerd rant is officially over.

  43. we getting a playoff preview anytime soon?

  44. Yes. Will be working on it tomorrow. Quick NBA question while we're here. Without looking it up, who finished second in the NBA is Assists per game this season?

  45. mike conley

    that was the most emphatic red sox-related fist pump i've had in some time.

  46. wow, i wasn't close. you sure you're not asking about the guy who finished 3rd?

  47. earlier today, in fenway:

    BOSTON -- The Fenway Park video screen had just finished its tribute video for the Marathon bombing victims, the crowd had just finished singing the national anthem, and everyone involved with the pregame ceremonies on Saturday began to exit the field.

    Except David Ortiz.

    On the day he was making his triumphant return from the 15-day disabled list, Ortiz grabbed the microphone.

    "All right," he said. "All right, Boston."

    The crowd erupted, but Ortiz had more.

    "This jersey that we wear today," he said, "it doesn't say Red Sox. It says Boston. We want to thank you Mayor [Tom] Menino, Gov. [Deval] Patrick, the whole police department for the great job they did this past week.

    "This is our f------ city and nobody is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong."

    The fans laughed and roared as Ortiz walked toward the dugout and smacked the microphone into the hands of a club employee.

  48. No, was asking about Greivis. Rondo had a higher rate but didn't play enough games to be officially eligible. And I for one am shocked how well Grievis has managed to make himself a quality NBA player.

  49. Also, how many people are stoned at this 4-20 playoff game in Denver? I believe "everyone" would be an acceptable answer.

  50. had rondo on top, but the point remains - i, too, am surprised that greivis has contributed so much so early.

  51. That he wasn't surrounded by more talent at Maryland is grievous.

  52. Never a better boot than the Vasque Hiker II. Still have mine from 1979.

  53. I don't think I have anything since 1979. Except maybe my fashion sense and maturity level.

  54. One more point on Grievis, he was traded straight up for Quincy Pondexter. So Memphis wasn't exactly enamored with his future prospects either.

  55. According to, "FCC lets Ortiz slide."

  56. i have gotten multiple females to read aloud that angry sorority letter, and it's funny every time. best piece of writing in american literature.

  57. Dave, I'm so glad someone else appreciates the beauty of that letter. You should be filming your lady friends reading it aloud...pretty sure you'd have a viral video on your hands.

  58. steve blake, another terp who overperformed his pro expectations, doing work on defense against tony parker

  59. One more celeb encounter this weekend--Sofia Vergara was on the bike behind me at Soul Cycle class on Saturday. It is impossible to overlook her boobs.

  60. the weird thing about the letter is that everyone simultaneously loves and hates the author. she's shallow and insipid, but her profanity and syntax kick ass. did everyone else read this yet?

  61. also, squeaky, tokk you advice on "cutter." sounds better, thanks.

  62. I need to take up spinning.

  63. a big wkd for dui' michaels, reese witherspoon who threw out the old "do you know who i am" question to mr. police officer, and a dude from the band Three Doors Down who sadly killed someone in the process.

  64. jax beach runner & tri-guy apparently the one that captured pic of suspect #2....pretty cool...there's another link in the story that will take you to a phone interview with piers morgan.
