Thursday, April 11, 2013

I just quit my job now I can stay out all night long

And where my mind is tomorrow it don't matter until the dawn


  1. Sure. I just quit my job for a new job. Still making crackers just for a different factory. Now I at least get to pick the type of crackers we make and how we make them.

  2. i assume you'll take a hiatus to enable you to blog profusely for a week or so.

  3. So, not so much a "Take This Job and Shove It" scenario as it was a "Thanks for the Memories" moment.

  4. I will blog like a muhfuggah for a few days. "Take This Job and Shove It" was the impetus for the job search but I became a bit more maudlin (and politically savvy) when I resigned today and did so gently.

  5. The maudlin, gentle Z is not the one I want to see at the OBFT.

  6. Any dates for OBFT this year?

  7. not allowed to bring dates, dumbass

  8. Like I could get a date anyway.

  9. I bring Paci every year. You are welcome. Not really.

  10. Two weeks from now ill be in New Orleans. More than a little excited about this.

  11. Asps....very go first.

  12. Throw me the idol I throw you the whip.

  13. Too bad you don't speak Hovitos!

  14. horrible hip injury at adult league basketball last night. spent some of today curled on the floor in the english office, couldn't find a position to dispel the pain. request that zman come to central jersey for a few days and become my "personal hip rubbing person." hope this won't influence my generally spectacular cornhole play at obft.

  15. Dave, sorry about your injury. You need to take it easy between now and the fishing trip. At OBFT XX we are resurrecting everything that happened in years 1-19. Except for throwing the football at the car and maybe La Fogata. (Unless we forget-a.)

  16. wow. then i need to rest up. if i'm not there on time, i'll meet you guys at the radish. that's right: the radish.

  17. i take that back. there is no radish where i thought there was a radish. see you at the ridge. that's right: the ridge, dude.

  18. Mark, I recommend:
    1. Felix's Oyster Bar on Iberville,
    2. a concert at Tipitina's (the uptown location)
    3. The Napoleon House
    4. Igor's
    5. Amateur Boxing on Freret St. (it's a parking lot that's been fenced off). In between bouts they have hip-hop acts.

  19. IGORS!!!!!

    It's my favorite place. It's terrible.

  20. igor's! awesomely terrible, you mean. you haven't lived until you've double-fisted a screwdriver and a coffee while watching the sun come up from the bar at igor's.

  21. rickie fowler shot a 68. with a pair of doubles. that's solid shotmaking with a couple of pukes. or, as clarence calls it, saturday.

  22. I was going to give Rob crap about patting himself on the back and once again resting on that Igors laurel from four years ago . . . but it was a superlative effort. Well done, sport.

  23. yeah, i assume that trip will be in the first paragraph of my obituary.

  24. Happy to take as many New Orleans suggestions as you care to give. Haven't been in 8 years. Wife has never been. We're going to have more wish list places to hit than is possible in four days but it won't be for a lack of trying.

  25. do a voodoo tour through the cemeteries.

    do NOT drink street corner hurricanes -- they use bathtub rum in those things.

    do see as much music as you can.

    and eat some muff . . . uletta sandwich.

  26. New Orleans has this really cool street that has a lot of bars and people walking around and girls showing their cans.

  27. Hello Adam Scott with a 69 in round 1.

  28. Congrats on keeping that pedophilia charge outta sight from the folks doing your background search, Zman.

  29. Shlara loves a nice 69. She really loves her some Adam Scott, but I prefer to focus on the other part.

  30. Hi gheorghies! From augusta.

  31. Dan,
    See if you can talk your way into the CBS hospitality spot hidden in the trees on the right side of the first fairway. So choice.

  32. So, I know I treading on well-worn G:TB ground here, but isn't The Smiths' "Sweet and Tender Hooligan" pretty much the same song as Oingo Boingo's "Only a Lad"?

  33. I meant content-wise, not melodically, Z.

  34. Speaking of music, thirty years ago today, Murmur was released. Which is one hell of an album.

    Link below has a bunch of demo records of the songs.

  35. Those would be the magnolia suites marls. I have
    not been in them but am with a guy who was yesterday. I did however have access to Berckmans Place, a new hospitality area, which is unreal...5 great restaurants/pubs/shops/ and 3 replica greens you can putt on....if i had to guess it must be a 50 mil complex. Used once per year. It is where my buddy Swanny hangs out. Met him again yesterday and he is without question the most genuine brush with fame I have ever had.

  36. thematically, for sure, clarence.

  37. danimal, please tell us a david feherty story.
