Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Vampires Strike Back

Vampire Weekend's new album Modern Vampires of the City (as opposed to Archaic Vampires of the Sticks I guess) comes out on May 6. Videos for the first two singles betray a hatred for Saabs and a fascination with midtown. Perhaps more importantly, VW's sound has evolved from what everyone else says sounds like Paul Simon's Graceland (and what I think sounds like early Police) into something much less distinctive. The lyrics are still sharp, so sharp that they actually included all of them in the video for "Step" lest we miss references to Angkor Wat, Croesus, Modest Mouse, and Run-DMC (i.e., Tougher Than Leather). I liked their first two albums enough to roll the dice on the third but I'm worried that they've given up on what made them interesting.


  1. Midtown Rocks! Thats why TR and I come here everyday.

  2. it will be interesting to see what plays out at kentucky over the next 240-365 days. four of their guys were viewed as 1 & done's. they aren't going anywhere now. have they gone to any classes? at all? what about the guys being recruited, certainly projected 1 & doner's as well, no? do they stay committed now that they'll actually have to compete for playing time? it's just very interesting to me. go about your business.

  3. I remember a time long ago when brilliant sports minds wrote that Calipari's approach had completely change the CBB model.

  4. Dan, you are a fucking mexican idiot.

  5. calipari's postgame comments were really interesting. he's created a culture of player entitlement and is trying to figure out how to get the horse back in the barn.

  6. I love how after the whole Mexican Idiot comment Calipari gave the "I can understand how the remark could have been misinterpreted" fake apology.

    The guy is cleaner than some, but dirtier than many. How long until Kentucky has a final Four Vacated?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I also love random CapitAlization

  9. i've been out of of touch entirely - had not heard of "mexican idiot" until marls called me one. at first, i was hurt. very hurt. i said to myself, "why does marls call me such things? what did i do?!" but now i am fine.

  10. At first I said, "Como esta?" and then I realized, ese, you are an eeediot.

  11. "I would like to apologize to Dan(imal) Garcia for my ill-advised attempt at humor and insensitivity for the remark," Calipari said. "In retrospect, I can understand how the remark could have been misinterpreted. I have apologized to him personally and in writing. In no way was my intent to be derogatory in a racial context, and I am sorry for any pain my remarks have caused.

  12. imagining a hugging out session now

  13. Between you and Marls?

    Winchestrian idiot.

  14. Kentucky's bringing in a monster recruiting class. If even a few guys off this years team stay and they keep their commits then they'll be bringing multiple first round picks off the bench next year. We should all enjoy the Wildcats' misery while we can. It won't last.

  15. Yes, Marls. You too Clarence. A 3-way hugout. Come on in here!

  16. Kentucky just received a commitment from the #3 player in the country. So they now have commits from the players ranked 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 18. And the guys ranked 5 & 6 are twin brothers who play PG and SG.

  17. another item of interest..."SPLASH", the abortion of a program that ESPN's parent ABC created. katherine webb is on the show. yeah, that katherine webb. i didn't watch but saw a few highlights. the ABC wasn't shy in promoting k-webb's hotness, which seems at least a little hypocritical. or is it just me? just saying. i'm old, old-fashioned, and crotchety. if this were an nbc or other cable channel's half canned idea, i'd applaud them. i wonder if abc/espn will now maybe thank brent publicly. they'll do that, right? f'n coc!suckers.

  18. nfl passed the rule prohibiting runners from lowering their heads. the rugbyization of pro football continues. and you guys thought i was 'avin' a laugh with my rugby post.

  19. Maryland thought they had a shot at #5 and #6 on that list. Hahahaha, not with Calipari on the other end of the recruitment.

  20. Sucks for dude #6. Behind his twin brother. Get some therapy, dude.

  21. And I would like it if Rob always typed in that leprechaun fashion.

  22. english, actually, clarence. it's from ricky gervais' painfully awkward (redundant, i know) 'extras'.

  23. #6 is likely to play in the NBA. I think he'll be ok. And 5 & 6 were recruited by Turgeon since junior high when he was at Texas A&M and they lived in Houston. Didn't matter. The kid who committed today is from Texas too. So, to sum up. Kentucky grabbed the top 3 players in Texas. Ridiculous.

    And Dan, ABC showed the Musberger clip of him fawning over Webb. Seems kind of shitty of them.

  24. Rob, I type in English. You typed in lucky charms.

  25. Obviously everybody is talking about Kentucky today and (in one form or another) also asking "What went wrong?" While saying this team was full of first round picks. This is dead wrong. The front court had first round talent. Their back court was awful. They started two guys who transferred from NC State. And not because they were too good for NC State.

    Okay. I'm done ranting. For now.

  26. magically fookin' delicious, clarence, you wanker.

  27. the irish typically substitute "plonker" for "wanker"..."wanker" is more of a UK term. now ya know.

  28. Northern Ireland is in the UK, plonker. (Much to many people's chagrin.) Now ya know.

  29. How about some kudos for my prediction that JMU would play the game before Boise State-La Salle?

  30. Like the granolaish candy bar? I don't think they sell those anymore.

  31. Am going to guess that this is the first jmu game jim nantz has called.

  32. Pretty entertaining first half. LIU with the late mojo....I look for the blackbirds to take control and win this by 6+. I do hope I am wrong.

  33. they do get goins back in the second half

  34. Fully aware Rob. I read the intraweb. Like I said, I hope I am wrong.

  35. Goins....0-2 at free throw line.

  36. Great word. Nice use of it. Approved.

  37. Goins is best player when he plays to his potential.

  38. danimal write good english. jmu degree serve him well.

  39. I love Nantz' enunciation of DOUF

  40. I love when I am wrong. Bring on the Hoosiers bitches.

  41. Congrats danimal. And yay more money in CAA coffers for the Tribe to spend on books.

  42. good stuff, danimal. go get the hoosiers.

  43. Oh Danimal--you mean you haven't seen FOX's "Stars In Danger: The High Dive" edition? There are actually two networks stupid enough to have high-dive shows. And I'm stupid enough to DVR them.

    And I like both the early Vampire Weekend songs and the ones featured here. Even if it sound like the recorded these tunes in a tunnel.

  44. Rob/Teejus....what is the financial impact for Caa/JMU?

  45. Men's volleyball at Quincy University.

  46. somewhere around $1.5m per win, paid out over 6 years. 60% of the total is paid out equally to all conference members. the remaining 40% is paid out according to 'excellence points' based on results.

    good article on it here:

  47. Lines from Dolemite, a few tips from Goines.

  48. the heat trailed by 27 in the 3rd quarter. and won. it's like they're a panther, and their opponents are rabbits that they play with until they decide they want to kill them.

  49. You're a bear with these fucking claws man and you can't figure out how to kill he fucking bunny.

  50. That Heat game was awesome.

  51. You haven't lived until you've seen Jalen Rose throw it to "The X-Games is France."
