Monday, March 18, 2013

Music Mondays with Shlara: Pretty in P!NK

Before we hear from the Jersey crew who attended the Old 97s/DBT show, I wanted to provide a recap of the show KQ and I saw on Thursday.

The Cougars in the Outfield (me, KQ, Duffy &  Roomie) caught P!NK at the Verizon Center. We had awesome seats (111 row G) and she puts on an UNBELIEVABLE show.

I usually attend rock & roll shows—just a band, speakers & maybe some multi-colored spotlights. So I was not prepared for this entertainment spectacle. She started the show by being slingshotted (is that a word?) (Editor's Note: it's no less a word than dipshittery - we'll go with it.) from 8 feet below the stage to 20 feet above the stage and proceeded to sing “Raise your Glass” while attached to this bungee cord and three ripped dudes who were hanging from a metal-sculpture would perform these cheerleader stunts with her, WHILE THEY WERE ALL SUSPENDED TWO STORIES IN THE SKY.

At least half of the show, she was doing some sort of legit acrobatic activity…ALL WHILE SINGING, for real. It was like a Cirque-rock show.

The dancers and band genuinely looked like they were having fun. She stopped several times to chat with people in the front row and sign some autographs. Even mentioned that she used to come to DC in high school to attend raves.

There were some interludes like one of those rock-musicals, where the cast/dancers act out stories to the music. For the most part, it was fine because she has super-talented people working with her. But there was this one interesting character, the “game show” host for the Truth About Love Show, who reminded me of one of our favorite Gheorghies. Let’s just say that when Whitney retires as Abe Lincoln, he has a future on P!NK’s tour.

She ended the show with “So What” while attached to these wires linked to the 4 corners of the catwalk in the building—you know the one on the ceiling? These wires were hooked onto this Judy Jetson-like skirt/belt and then she literally FLEW around the entire arena—all the way up to the 400 level, past EVERY section. Peter Pan-like. Never seen anything like it.

The video doesn’t do it justice:

Added bonus—it was the BEST people-watching crowd I’ve ever seen too. Old people, kids, gay couples, suburban moms on a night out, every shape and size you could imagine. And they were ALL dancing their hearts out before the show even started. P!NK brings people together…we need to send her to Gaza.


  1. One additional Music Monday note--go see Sound City. Especially if you like rock&roll music.

  2. zsister-in-law kindly offered to babysit for us on Saturday so that zwoman and I can go out for dinner. Here is her list of requirements:

    - one bottle of blue gatorade
    - beer (dale's pale ale or similar)
    - dinner for saturday
    - bacon for sunday (preferable but not required)
    - clean sheets

  3. Good to know I have a fall-back plan!

  4. Food Network tonight at 10. Tortuga's on Triple D.

  5. wow, great minds. i just posted the same thing on the tweet machine.

  6. The clean sheats might be most important given the band of brothers you had crash on Sat night.
