Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Mad Woman Takes Herself Seriously, Acts Like Weiner, Sues Mad Men

Gita Hall May is not familiar with Ghita or the G:TB mission statement. Proof? She sued Lions Gate Entertainment because the opening credits to "Mad Men" feature an picture of her from a Revlon ad used in the 1950s. The image appears at about the 23 second mark.

Here's the complaint. After noting that Mad Men has made "billions" (emphasis in original) Ms. Hall alleges that the opening credits "were and are integral to the success of Mad Men ...." At that point I stopped reading.


  1. At least twice a week people stop me on the street and ask for my autograph thinking I'm Jon Hamm. We're practically twins. Maybe I should sue him for using my likeness to make money.

  2. ate the shit out of some food truck pho for lunch. gastrointestinal issues should roughly coincide with the pending inclement weather. a snowstorm shitstorm, if you will.

  3. the term "snowquester" is the worst

  4. Pho is the best. Was completely unaware of its existence prior to dating the woman who I now call my wife. She's not all bad.

  5. G:TB just passed 1,000,000 page views in its illustrious history.

  6. it really is phenomenal, mark. hit the spot on a chilly dc day.

  7. fuck yeah, teej. the platinum dog poo is on its way to your house.

  8. actually, rob, it's pho-nomenal

  9. It is phoking coming down here in Chi-town. No idea how my flight got thru. Drinks w/ FOGTB DB and dinner await.

    Good to know I'll miss the whole Man U-Real Madrid match. No big name players and nothing at stake there.

  10. Pho real dough. (read that in a Jamie Foxx/Wanda voice)

  11. jim mcilvaine favorited a tweet of mine today. i'm kind of a big deal.

  12. marshall lost to southern mississippi by 56 on the road earlier this season. beat them by 4 at home today. sports are cool.

  13. you guys aren't nearly as impressed by 1,000,000 page views as you should be. bunch of jaded motherphokers.

  14. feel like we should do some sort of post, or ceremony, or ceremony post, to commemorate the occassion

  15. from the 'this is not a joke' file: i have a management training session tomorrow. one of the questions i'm required to have answered in advance of the session is: 'what household appliance best describes you as a leader'?

    trying to choose between 'vibrator' and 'panini press'.

  16. Is it any household appliance, or just one that you actually own?

  17. i believe it's open to interpretation. now considering: breadmaker. 'cause i make the bread.

  18. Why should I care about anything Seth Greenberg has to say?

  19. Funny. I'm not surprised that you have a vibrator but the panini press raised an eyebrow.
