Monday, March 25, 2013

And Your Impala Can Sing, Alternatively Titled One of These Days I'm Going to Cut Your Impala Into Little Pieces

I recently posited the point that Tame Impala sounds like the Beatles circa Revolver and Rubber Soul. Mark and rob did not hear the similarity so here is some musical comparison filler. In particular I think their lead singer sounds like John Lennon and upon reflection it looks like the better comparison is Revolver and the White Album (although Think for Yourself and Wait could probably be shoehorned in somehow).

1. Be Above It vs. And Your Bird Can Sing

2. Feels Like We Only Go Backwards vs. Sexy Sadie

3. Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control vs. Tomorrow Never Knows

4. Sun's Coming Up vs. For No One

6. Endors toi vs. Fool on the Hill

5. Elephant vs. Helter Skeleter

This one's a bit of a stretch as far as the Beatles go, it's definitely a Pink Floyd song.

And that seems like a great way to end, given our readership.


  1. I may be the only person here who cares abou fringe erotica, but "Whip My Hairy Feet, Volume 4" is tremendous.

  2. and our most complex comedy rhombus is thus completed. well played.

  3. as a point of clarification, it's not that i didn't hear a similarity, it's that i never really thought about one. because i'm simple and lazy. but this is an excellent post.

  4. Be Above It also reminds me of a Pet Sounds song but I can't remember which one. Endors too could be a Who song but I can't remember which one either.

  5. Very informative post.

    Mark - can I get a preview of Florida-Florida Gulf Coast? On a scale of 1 to 6.9, how concerned are you?

  6. looking forward to that game. one of my gator buddies sent me a txt inquiring into the difficulty of getting Final 4 tix. (just call me "damone") he's confident. the rest of gator nation, mark?

  7. Charles Jefferson... for Earth, Wind and Fire and little bro.

  8. Florida Gulf Coast is one of the schools that can give Florida a thorough drubbing the percentage of alumni in the gentlemen's entertainment industry category.

    From bouncer to stripper and everywhere in between....Florida Gulf Coast

  9. I'm very worried about FGCU. They're playing with house money and will certainly not lack motivation going up against a school in their state that didn't recruit them. Of course, this Florida team makes me nervous. Good team full of good guys but I think they lack a killer instinct. As evidenced by their record in close games this year.

    And I concur with Rob. It's not that I disagreed with Z's comparison, just hadn't thought of it.

  10. The internet is surprisingly low on internet-style tournament content. Top 10 lists, snark, comments about commercials, contrarianism ...Grantland had a good one. That's about it so far.

  11. Too bad you don't have a blog with which to provide such content.

  12. FGCU plays with a ton of swagger when they get a lead. Comer will attempt any pass and he gets very creative in transition (this observation made after watching exactly 1.75 games they have played). I think Florida's defense is a different animal than they have seen so far.

    2nd round had a lot of entertaining games. Makes me wish I had watched more games/new more about this season.

  13. Hey I'm just trying to enjoy my retirement - taking conference calls, writing the dream.

    Also I know nothing about college basketball.

  14. holy shit am i a procrastinating machine today. if procrastination could be monetized, i'd be fucking scrooge mcduck.

    that came out wrong.

  15. For all of you SCOTUS watchers & NFL fans out there, take a look at my friend's op-ed in today's McPaper:

  16. rickie fowler just puked all over himself with a triple on the par 5 16th....he was 2 shots back, now he's 4. tiger shall coast to victory with a 3-shot lead over justin rose, who only has 1 hole left (that's what she said). by day's end he will recapture the world's #1 ranking. tiger tiger woods y'all.

  17. mis-wrote that. he was 6 shots back after that hole, not 4, if anyone cares.

  18. TR cares. And he's the only one.

  19. Something named "Bedroom Metrics" is now following me on twitter. Is this Greg's new consulting firm?

  20. Bedroom Metrics is the new system of choice. 12.7 cm sounds way better than the inch equivalent.

  21. it's the party apparatus checking to see whether you've 'evolved' on gay marriage.
