Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas, Gheorghies

And happy holidays, in case you ain't down with the fat man (Santa, not me). I hope you aren't sick of pugs, because today's xmas greeting comes from our pug, asleep on a robed unicorn. Yep, this happened:


  1. Lovely sentiment. Disturbing photo.

    Happy Birthday, Jesus Christ and Jimmy Buffett.

  2. @baconbaking and @lesbopeep have never enjoyed the original Star Wars. Fixing that now. Not sure they're into this...

  3. you look like a were-unicorn.

  4. The Adventures of Milo and Otis II: Otis and Leatherface's My Little Unicorn Chainsaw Massacre (and Electric Boogaloo)

  5. you guys are having an 'eyes wide shut' party, too, teej? cool.

  6. never saw that flick, but sure, we are

    also, can someone airlift me more bubbly? i'm running low

  7. I have 9 pounds of pork in my colon.

  8. z, we had to NOT make the prosciutto-wrapped pears today due to an overabundance of other foods

  9. Z, did those 9 pounds enter the colon orally or is there more to the story?

  10. Richard Gere can tell the tale...

  11. My future father-in-law, the Admiral who's the pinnacle of conservatism and temperance, was laughing hysterically that our church is on Blow Street and repeatedly asked me to ask Siri if there is a Suck Street anywhere. Up right now is down.

    Oh, and if anyone can find an actual Suck Street, I owe you a sixer.

  12. did you tell him that the car has gone from suck to blow?

  13. there's a town in arkansas called toad suck. best i can do.

  14. There's a skit on Fishscale about this. The pork got in my colon through normal digestive means.

  15. Just ate 5 lobsters at my in-laws. About to break into a bottle of Woodford Reserve Master's Collection. Holidays, good.

  16. feel like puking from too much food. gonna drink through it.

  17. These Rockets shorts...I must have them.

  18. 5 lobsters!!! Excellent, Mark. Slightly jealous.

    Stuffed myself with crab dip (fresh crab, yum), rib roast, sausage and sauerkraut, mashtaters, and several bottles of good red wine.

  19. There is so damn much bad karaoke going on at my in-laws house right now. A Christmas tradition that keeps getting worse each year. Not a lot of singing talent in these families.

  20. The key to my lobster consumption is that I don't go anywhere near the pasta that's served. Just tons of cheese, a little prosciutto as apps and then straight lobster. So worth dealing with this karaoke abomination.

  21. Just checking in to today's post and have a few comments:
    1. The photo is a little scary
    2. AHL to Rob's comment about the TJ's having an Eyes Wide Shut party for Xmas
    3. My dad complained about the bright colors of the NBA jerseys and shoes all day today.
    4. I ate too much today and now feel sick

  22. Ellie Goulding on Later witih Jools Holland. She isn't giving me a reason to ever see her live. Band of Horses impressed.

  23. A belated Happy Birfday to Shane Macgowan. I'm a stupid git for forgetting. Hoping you lads spent the evening half as pissed as he surely did.

  24. anyone else planning to do dr kq's post-holiday-oh-my-god-did-i-eat-too-much 21-day cleansing ritual? other than the enemas, it's pretty painless.

  25. i'm on the board of directors of our county youth soccer organization. was just looking at some documents in preparation for our next board meeting, which is a pretty important one. it's scheduled for january 7. fortunately, nothing important is going on that evening.

  26. That's what you get for having hobbies. Are you trying to improve your resume or something?

  27. the kids, mayhugh. i do it for the kids.

    and the unbelievable amount of power.

    also, i get cool adidas swag.

  28. The only thing zson owns that doesn't need batteries ate his diapers.

  29. Ate shoUld be are. But it's funnier uncorrected.

  30. It sure is. I was trying to figure out what it was that ate his diapers.

  31. i've braved worse conditions in search of booze, but not many.

  32. Can someone more color-conscious tell me what color W. Kentucky's jersies are? Looks like Red, White, and Taupe to me.

  33. one of my kids just made a mom joke. to the other one. i laughed.

  34. I live in Arkansas, not Toad Suck tho. Also, I listened to Fairytale in NY yesterday. Also, that picture is fucked up. I like this blog and will be back. I'm drunk too.

  35. Hello future employers, this is what happens to the technologically unsavvy. How do I change my name to something cool and mysterious (and untraceable).

  36. Is there a better xmas gift than a bottle of bourbon?

  37. Fair enough. It's great to get what you ask for (like a pair of Nike zoom breathe 2K12s) but nothing beats a surprise bottle of brown liquor.

  38. I got a big bottle of Fireball as a last-minute throw-in gift. Not bad. Recently had Fireball and cider. Surprisingly tasty.
