Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fashion is...awesome. [Holiday Edition]

rob attended some sort of holiday party last night that saw an attendee donning this gem:

That's right folks, it's a "penis apron"**. And it seems really interested in our tiny dic(k)tator.

**Soon to become one of the greatest labels used in G:TB history.


  1. rob now informs me that thing was homemade.


  2. the apron was a gift in our white elephant exchange. we let our youngest daughter watch the exchange portion of the party. this has led to some interesting discussions.

  3. Or "why does it point at daddy"?

  4. We need to get RGIII one of those for the sideline.

    Skins looking razor sharp early.

  5. Pierre Garçon killed the momentum of that critical drive with bad sportsmanship. Stop being your douchey self and get the fuck back to the huddle, asshole.

  6. Didn't Rob say he was wearing a Santa suit to said party? Liar.

    And sweet fancy Moses is Adrian Peterson good. Wow. Rare for someone universally acknowledged to be the best at his position in the NFL to be underrated, but that's exactly what Peterson was coming into this year.

  7. I'm sick of the Skins receivers doing the little "spin the ball" thing after a catch. They all do it, and it was bound to get called. It's so juvenile and, sadly, they've probably used a decent amount of practice time to perfect it.

    Cleveland's offense is devastatingly putrid. If I had just woken up from a coma, I would have thought it was Weeden's first start ever. Like, he had never played a game of preseason, and perhaps college.

    Good effort by Kirk Cousins, but is anyone else troubled by how much Kirk looks like Zed from Pulp Fiction?

  8. rob dressed like an elf...close enough.

    nice hawg on the other fella

  9. Z....what did the Bills spend on Fitzy last year?

    I'd say there is a 1 in 4 chance that Cousins ends up in jax.

  10. chargers going all out to save norv's job. sheesh.

  11. Found some tasty blue cheese stuffed olives the other day. Putting to good use now.

  12. I think it's 7 years/$62 million with $24 million guaranteed. The Bills just might give up 300 rushing yards today keeping my 10k/4 year dream alive.

  13. really hope you saw the speech the president just made in newtown.

  14. Can I ask a question and (for once) I'm not trying to be an asshole: What is the practical reason that people believe they need access to assault weapons (i.e. AR-15s and such)? I've yet to hear one that made any sense...yet people who I consider intelligent and thoughtful steadfastly believe they need to be legal.

  15. I have always thought that the logic that the NRA and its followers have purported was that the ban on any guns whatsoever would be the first crack in the ice and would inevitably create a slippery slope that would ultimately lead to the illegalization of all firearms. As such, they sheepishly admit that the AK-47's and the like are unnecessary, ridiculous, and very dangerous, but if you believe in the Constitution and therefore freedom, you have to protect every part of it, not just the convenient ones you like. America!!!

    The gun lobby makes incredibly fallible arguments, but they tend not to stay in the room long enough to hear them debunked. Poking holes in the 2nd Amendment is easy for armchair politicians like us, but getting legislation around/through it has been harder than overturning the ruling on the football field with inconclusive evidence.

  16. The Clinton era assault weapons ban was small step in the right direction...and then we let it expire. I've never been of the mind that outlawing guns would end violent crimes...but let's at least make it more difficult.

  17. am not a gun guy, never have been. was speaking to some neighbors of mine the other who are from canada, heh. they don't get "the gun thing." you can't get one in canada, legally anyway. deaths in CAN per year are less than 100 (my neighbors' estimation)

    you've probably read it by now but it was the kid's mom that was the gun enthusiast - a survivalist who was prepping for financial meltdown.

  18. wiki says that canada sees about 600 murders per year, 1/3rd by handgun. i'll politely point this out to my neighbors in their xmas card.

  19. that guy is really proud of his home-made penis.

  20. Like you wouldn't be???

    I'm pretty proud of mine, and it was made in the back seat of a dented Plymouth in a Virginia Beach parking lot on a frosty Christmas Eve in 1969. If I had a homemade one, I'd put its picture on my business card.
