Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yap That Mashup

I hadn't checked my Soundcloud account in a long time and when I did I found some interesting stuff in my dropbox, including a bunch of hiphop/punk mashups. These are from Max Tannone, they guy who brought us Mos Dub. Regular readers and Teedge should be excited by the M.O.P./Operation Ivy joint ...


  1. Just listened to this straight through. That was some good stuff.

  2. And happy belated birthday, TR.

  3. I miss working in an office when I realize I could've been listening to this all day while pretending to work.

  4. the eminem/clash mashup is, as the kids say, bangin'.

  5. I've said it before, but it is worth saying again....Jeffrey Loria should be in jail. The fleece job he has done in the city of Miami is something to behold.

  6. I'm flipping between three CBB games right now with more on the way later. And then Florida takes on Wisconsin tomorrow night. Best time of the sports year.

  7. Marls is right. What Loria has been doing for years (and did again today) is bad enough. How he ever got the city of Miami to pay for a new stadium is beyond me. And reprehensible.

  8. Graft Mark. Pure unadulterated graft. The scumbag pols in Miami lined their pockets and saddled the Miami taxpayers with the bill. $680 million in taxpayer dollars with zero real benefit to the city.

  9. I got an email from the Bowery telling me that Rolling Stones, Soundgarden, and Sigur Ros tickets are available. I opened it and they also have tickets for upcoming Smashing Pumpkins, Morrissey, and Cake shows.

    What year is it?
